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Posts posted by Nick!

  1. 17 hours ago, Ish said:

    @offroadfury I should have all ten tiles for Nicomedia done by the end of the weekend. They ain't gonna win any awards for painting (or even for decent print quality) but they will be done. 

    @Nick!Any particular aesthetics for the Kingdom of Verca Roime that you would like me to lean into (or steer away from)? Right now I'm kind of thinking just a sort of general Tolkien-esque Elf-iness. Lots of thin spires and pointy roofs, that sort of thing. But if you had something else in mind, I'd be happy to see what I can come up with. 

    If you could do wood-elf specific, that would be great.  Barring that, general Tolkien elf works as well.

  2. Looks like I am going to be able to join an oathmark League!  Going for Elves and Humans:

    Capitol: Elf City

    2: Grasslands, Silver Mines

    3: Kennel, Tower, Plains (for human cav, I'm calling them half-elves)

    4: Hill Cave, Moors, Dark Forest, Barrens.


    I'll get some backstory going when I have a minute.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. Looks really good @Justjokin!   I wouldn't worry too much about matching photos- every tank factory and unit seemed to have a different shade of green.  I can count 3 different greens in this one picture: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/270356783857560420/


    My own method is: army painter grey primer, Vallejo ww2 Russian infantry uniform spray, army painter soft tone and black tone(applied to different areas, with a brush), vallejo Iraqi sand drybrush.  Decals set with the microsol duo, which looks really nice.  I also slather vallejo textured mud base stuff over the wheels- I think most wargaming tanks look far too 'clean'.  Testors dullocat over the whole thing.  

    Funny thing, I forgot the primer coat on my BMP's.  It's fine, as the Vallejo spray also acts as a primer, but it gives them a slightly different color.

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  4. On 5/4/2021 at 10:20 AM, Ish said:

    Of course, the Yom Kippur War saw the Israelis facing off against the Syrians and Egyptians (along with "expeditionary forces" from damn near every other Arab state [and the Cubans, because reasons]) and not against the Soviets.  The Soviet crews might have been more accurate, given the better training and better maintenance standards... Or at least that was the theory. 

    The US army figured a solider needed to fire 2 (very expensive) missiles a week to maintain proficiency.  And that's why every army in the world developed SACLOS as soon as possible.

    Gosh, I've missed talking nerd stuff with fellow geeks.  Getting my second shot tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/3/2021 at 9:14 AM, ZEKE said:

    Good clean models!  Nice color shading & highlighting. Good job on blending the decals with the paint job. Liking the blue uniform for the tankers.

    Thanks for the compliments!

    Heh, the uniforms are actually very dark grey with a hint of blue. 

    In a fit of pedantry,  actually converted all of my BMP-1's to BMP-1P (thus the missile launcher).  stats would be the same in TY, but in a lot of other games the AT-3 on the base model is incredibly inaccurate.  The Israelis after the '73 war did a count of leftover wires from launched missiles versus the amount of their tanks that were damaged, and found that the AT-3 had about a .3% hit rate (3 hits out of 1000).


    And there's your cold war trivia of the week!

  6. 13 hours ago, ZEKE said:

    To help offset the points of the T80s you have to go cheaper and more specific on your support options. To build this list I would start with a more specific support strategy.  

    example:   cheapest arty option (carnations) + cheapest AA option (gaskins) + cheapest recon (brdm2) + maybe a cheap infantry option

    This would be my preferred minimum. Then, with the points left over, see what I can do with the T80 tanks. And hopefully with a few points leftover to improve the support options.

    Yes, this may/will change your play style. Maybe play it closer to a nato style ???

    Hmmmm.  So 11 points for carnations and observer, 1 point for gaskin, a platoon of BMP-1's is about 6 points.  Leaves room for about 9 T-80s.

    It may work, but it is still only 9 shots a turn with the same gun a T-72 or T-64 has.

    Also!  Do you folks like Soviet artillery?  The 5+ to range in is a pain, it it for anti- infantry work?  Milan spam?

    • Like 1
  7. Okay, with 6 posts in a week, this might be the most active Team Yankee forum on the net!  I'd thought I'd throw a question to the group:

    How do you feel about T-80's?  You get a Nato-ish tank, but are paying Nato prices, and still only 1 shot from the main gun.

    You can even pay MORE points, but you get an actually decent skill rating, and are hit on 4's!


    What say you?

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, ZEKE said:

    Looks like there is a scourge of warsaw going on. I just finished collecting 2x Polish tank formations (19x polish T72 & 19x polish T55am2) each formation with their own arty, recon, and AA.

    And with those 40 tanks, you might total 100 points!

  9. 16 hours ago, phyfor88 said:

    Those look great. My soviets have grown vastly due to lockdown, but not much paint has been applied. Happy that I got them assembled. My Americans and Brits have also creeped larger.


    Thanks!  I picked up some Americans, too, but holy poop are the turret baskets for the M1's hard to assemble.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. I played a small game solo to test out the rules.  I really like the activation system- it isn't nearly as constraining as the Dragon Rampant or Hail Caesar activation systems, while leaving some room for command and control differences.

    I think this game sits very nicely in a continuum between Kings of War and 9th age.  It is more interactive than KoW (and has individual casualty removal, if that's a thing for you), but isn't nearly so fiddly or mega-unit driven as 9A.  I look forward to playing some more, especially once the rules for undead are released this fall.


    • Like 1
  11. What would you use the scorpions as?  I guess you could stack two of them into a bone giant.  Scorp-ception!

    The loss of the wurm riders is harsh though.  I guess I could use them as Chariots.

    Also, I liked the skeleton cav.  Move 9 and nimble, plus surgeable, plus def 4+ and nerve -16 made for a good objective grabber.  That said, Revanant cav is objectively better.

    One big thing to note- lots of units are irregular, and don't unlock units now.  For instance, all Goblins in the Ogre List.  Nearly all shooters, as well.


    I am super stoked to start our escalation league this month!

  12. On 10/27/2019 at 9:36 PM, Gordianus said:

    You lucky dog! Did you get it direct from Mantic or did you get it locally? 

    I'm looking forward to getting my copy!

    Direct from mantic.  Got the spell cards and tokens too.


    I am quite glad I'm building a new nightstalkers army; Empire of Dust had a bunch of models removed.  In all fairness, it was crappy stuff only I was dumb enough to take, but still.

    • Like 1
  13. This thing is massive- about 400 pages.  The rules are pretty much the same, and the army lists have all the addons from the expansions in them.

    Warmachines got a lot more reliable- they all have 2 attacks now, but half the blast value.  Other shooters got downgraded- very few shooters have a 4+ shoot skill anymore, and most shooting units are irregular (so they don't unlock monsters and heroes).  Large Infantry and Large Cavalry give slightly fewer unlocks than regular-sized folks.

    Most characters seem to have a point or 2 less nerve now, and most lists have guys in them who double their attacks against individuals.

    Overall, I'm pretty excited!

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