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Posts posted by Duckman

  1. So, I have been binging shows lately...

    Westworld (Season 2) - 3/5 - It's not bad but it lacks the punch of the first season.  Season 1 managed to find a unique way to tell its story and include twists.  Season 2 had a theme that was present and introduced us to a complex subplot but it failed to have the spark as the first season, reusing some of the same tropes and trying to layer new twists on twists from the first season which made them seem old-hat.

    Warrior (Season 1) - 2/5 - This one is nudity and violence for sensationalism with what could be a serious and gripping storyline that is ignored for the sensationalism.  The fighting has some decent choreography but it is sparse with most of the violence simply being attacks on untrained victims.  Season 2 has been picked up so maybe they'll do something with the foundation they have built but this one is not high on my list.

    Mr. Robot (Season 1) - 4.5/5 - It's not perfect but I really enjoy the writing.  Rami manages to stay totally in character and still break the fourth wall routinely.  The twists are well done and the show manages to have a sense of humor and still cover a dark subject.

  2. 34 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Not a fan of sin tax. For one, it makes the government run on sin, which seems inherently flawed, as it gives the government financial motive to keep people sinning. The other issue is that in a democracy, sins are things the "majority" doesn't approve of, so special taxes for group without voting power is basically discrimination against minorities (not racial, minorities in general), so it's a strong bullying the weak sort of thing.

    Pax, the term Sin Tax applies to the category whether or not you think the issue being taxed is a sin or not.  Ask people today and they will tell you that drinking in moderation and smoking are not sins.  As for the majority, the majority has been discriminating against others since the first use of *fire*.  In this particular case, people have decided (correctly or not) that using disposable plastic bags is bad for the environment and so they are discouraging it.  The west coast is notorious for environmental law like this.  Try living in rural King county where you cannot cut trees on your own property because a million people in the metro area have a guilt complex about the environment and don't know a damned thing about environmental stewardship.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    As for costs, the main thing here is that bags used to come with the product, now we buy them seperately. That's a cost increase, or rather a decrease in product/service purchased. Even if you were in the boat that declined their bags and brought your own, it's still a service that the store is no longer offering and you aren't getting anything to replace it. That's a loss for you, the consumer.

    Dunno, it's like if they charged you a rental fee for use of a bottle opener when you bought a beer. Even if it was only a nickel, it's a charge for something that used to be free.

    The concept of a sin tax has existed for decades.  It's not about skimping on a service or even charging you more money.  It's viewed as a way to discourage certain behaviors by making them costly.  See taxes on cigarettes and alcohol as an example.  If they were trying to make money they would make the price higher and they would charge for other things (like checking and bagging, here in PA we have a franchise with 1-2 checkers and 8 self-check aisles).

    • Like 2
  4. I can't believe I've lost you

    I can't believe you've gone

    I need you to know that

    you did nothing wrong

    the first time I saw you

    just hanging there

    the checkout lady said "do you want to buy one of these?"

  5. That depends on whether you are worried about the loss of jobs and tax revenues or the loss of really good restaurants.  I don't happen to be familiar with the Alder pod but I am familiar with the concept and know that food trucks can build a client base in a location and then die when they are forced to move because there is no way for them to notify their customers where they have moved to...  Not like they have a window where they can leave a flier while the landlord remodels for the new tenant.

  6. 1 hour ago, Romans832 said:

    Aladdin - 7/10 - Fun story line. The music wasn't much better than karaoke. Will Smith did well.

    Originally, it was the genius of Robin Williams and his improv that made that movie.  I have seen coming attractions where Will delivers the same line.  How much is straight from the original and how much is Will defining the role?  Does it hold up?

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  7. 4 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    Almost everything you can buy at Harbor Freight has the prop 65 warning.

    Presumably it is being picked up as secondhand discards from California based on the information on the tag.  I am curious what qualifies that bottle for the warning though since it is a BPA-free bottle...  Have not looked closely at prop 65 so I don't know what triggers it.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Yarbicus said:

    Bellevue.  It is a fantastic shop.  While GG has size and selection, Mox has comfort and accommodation.

    When did Mox Bellevue open, Yarb?  The one I am most familiar with is the one down in Ballard (that I never went to because it was 2.5 hours from my house on the east side).  I don't think I ever went into Mox on the east side...

  9. 7 hours ago, Yarbicus said:

    Not to change the subject but I am definitely going to change the subject. I am still not sure how I feel about Hulk Banner. Does he make sense as a reaction to the snap?

    Didn't his description say that it was really about Thor and what happened when he made Banner come back after spending so long as Hulk?

  10. 8 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Well, the heroes aren't wrong, Purple Guy's altruism was an attack on the human race. It was, past tense. Once it's been done, though, a real good guy should press on.


    1 hour ago, Munkie said:

    They saw absolute power, and they wanted it to accomplish purely selfish goals. They were just able to justify it by telling themselves that it's probably what everyone else wants too. But considering they made no effort to find out what anyone else wanted, and didn't consider any moral or ethical implications, it's hard to believe they cared too much about it.


    Cap lead survivors counseling, Tony had a long conversation with his father where the final exchange was about selfless sacrifice for the betterment of humanity. 

    I'm not disagreeing that both Thanos actions and those of the Avengers were shortsighted.  Thanos action was aimed at everything and not just the populations that were so numerous that they were destroying their environments (which is what he claimed to be aiming at).  I agree that he was supposed to be smarter than to think that this would be a good solution but I've also seen smart people get tunnel vision to the point that they could not see obvious implications to the solution they chose for the problem in front of them.  Not saying that they conveyed that in the film but it's not something that I have trouble imagining.  The Avengers turn around and they set a single goal of undoing what was done.  Again, shortsighted as it ignores all the situations that are not recoverable...  People coming back in midair where a plane used to be or in the wreckage of a plane somewhere else (never mind the whole "pick a gravity well as a frame of reference and why should Earth win" situation)...  People coming back in rooms that are no longer capable of sustaining life (flooded with water, open to vacuum of space, etc.)...  But the whole point of the conversations with Thor and the conversations between Natasha and Steve after grief counseling was that they could not move on because they failed their job as protectors.  It's an ensemble show so maybe not everyone has the same motive but in a three hour movie they wasted a good 30 minutes on that dialog and you are just dismissing it as I said before.

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  11. They didn't want to fix what happened to them directly.  In fact, that was the point of the Stark storyline (that it was not just about them but that it was about selfless consideration of 4 billion other people).  They wanted to undo what Thanos did.  No judgement of any other factors.

  12. Thanos explained very long ago why he was doing what he was and it was essentially something he viewed as altruistic.  He classified the humans as lower beasts because they were too stupid or selfish to manage themselves to handle how their resources were being consumed.  He accomplished what he wanted with the snap as well even if it he admitted that he didn't care about localized effects like planes crashing after pilots were snapped out of existence.

    The dialog between Steve and Natasha before Scott came back demonstrated that they interpreted Thanos' actions as an attack on the Human Race and they essentially ignored Thanos explanation (not that that should come as a surprise to anyone).  Their behavior is not inexplicable or even unusual.  There are countless examples of people coming together and ignoring their own differences to fight a common enemy.  China was fragmented when the Japanese invaded after the Marco Polo Bridge events and that's just a simple example that I can come up with off the top of my head.

    They even addressed, tangentially, the difference between revenge and positive action when Thor talks about striking down Thanos when he knew it would change nothing and that he was too late.

    As for the consequences of the snap back, nobody cared and with good reason.  4 billion people died.  You can save them or you can worry about fine details like trying to use the stones to determine who was already close to death and trying to exempt them.  The person saved from a mugging because their assailant was dusted is a token consideration compared to the 3,999,999,999 other people impacted.  Given that you are already in a battle to keep your sanity and not be overwhelmed by the stones as demonstrated in every other movie it is incredibly nitpicky to as why Banner didn't spend more time making the snap back perfect.  He also explained to Clint that he spent time trying to bring Nat back when he snapped and it didn't work so whether that was because of the soul stone itself or a more general statement he *did* try to change the parameters of the snap back and failed.


    If you want to open the can of worms which boils down to why don't superheroes always pick the option we want them to, there are numerous comics which address the fact that heroes are not perfect and are prone to mistakes (see countless examples even from posts in this thread like Wanda's past, the history of the Black Panther and fratricide, etc.).  Add on the fact that no two readers/viewers are going to agree on what is perfect and ask yourself about the Klansman in Georgia watching it and asking why Banner bothered to return any of the people from Wakanda (or maybe the easier example of not returning anyone who was Hydra).  It's a cheapshot example but the point is that, as was pointed out, the protagonists in the movie could not agree on a course of action without an external threat and so the simplest course of action that everyone is likely to agree about is to undo Thanos actions to the best of their ability and make no other changes.


    If you want to examine the movie at this level don't trivialize it by just dismissing what the characters did.  Examine what you would have done differently and why.  That's what any writer is going to hope for as a result of his work.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, VonVilkee said:

    Have you tried just room temp water? Controlled amounts small, like an inch or two from a straw. 

    Just tried this over the last couple evenings and the experience is cool. Surprisingly makes some notes stronger. You don't mix it in so much as just wait for it to push the oils (non water soluble bits) up and nose better. First taste after adding water is stronger then it gets weaker as you separate some of the tasting notes. This is totally an adventure thing as it may not be obvious how oily the whiskey you are using is and cask strengths typically take the proofing down better. 

    Try it with 1-2 drops from the tip of your finger...  Should do  the same thing without watering your drink down.


    • Like 4
  14. 9 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    In this case, the issue is that Stan Lee's Marvel is dated and was created at a time where female equality wasn't expected in the superhero lineups.

    This only matters if the MCU was staying true to Stan Lee's Marvel of the 1970s and earlier.  They have not and are not and so again, what's the big deal?  Marvel was not female until 82 and even then it was Rambeau, not Danvers, just as one example.

    Stop for just a second and have a bit of empathy...  Never mind all the other MCU films...  How many times did we see the bros sitting around the campfire just in Endgame?  Scenes where not even Black Widow was present and it was all boys posturing for the camera...  And one time it happens with women and you have to comment on it.  Maybe the issue is not the women...

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  15. I am sick of "girl power" being an issue.  I get women wanting to have more representation and I have no problem giving it to them.  I'm not sure why men even feel a need to notice or comment on it.  Are you really so insecure that you can't deal with a character who does not look like you?  If not then what other possible reason could you have for noticing or caring?  Personally, as someone who is surrounded by strong, capable women in my life (mostly by my own choice) I was happy to see that whole sequence and a nod to some great characters and some great actresses who have been key to the franchise.

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  16. The MCU is generally not about clear-cut good vs. evil and has not been for a long time.  That's kinda the point in a lot of their movies...  With Tony Stark being a drunken womanizer, Wanda working with a criminal and fighting the Avengers, Natasha regretting her past, Shield/Hydra etc. etc.

    That's what separates the MCU from DC...  DC *wants* to get past good vs. evil but they can't figure out what to do with Supes and Wonder Woman (while the MCU figured out that if everyone else is human with all those failings you can have Captain America be genuinely good and play them off one another).


    A lot of heroes in the MCU try to be "good" but have to overcome basic failings (e.g. T'challa trying to make up for his own bad judgement and that of his father or Doctor Strange giving up his narcissism to become a protector) but then there are examples in the fringes as well...  All of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Bucky, Wanda, Ant-man.


    If anything, these make a pretty strong statement that idealism backed by an end-justifies-the-means attitude is evil even if the idealistic goal might not seem to be and that's about as far as they try to go while still being escapist entertainment.

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  17. It's set days after Endgame.

    In theory they are addressing the time issue in the first 5 minutes of the movie.  Not sure if they will do it well or not.  Go watch the trailer again and note what Happy says.  Means more now.

    • Thanks 1

    3 hours ago, Yarbicus said:

    Question: During the funeral when they were panning through the various groups of mourners, who was the teenaged boy (maybe early 20's?) standing near the back by himself scowling?

    Remember the kid who helps him with tech against the Mandarin?

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  19. 13 minutes ago, andozane said:

    Second, I hate Iron Man's armor.  It has basically become pure magic that is capable of almost anything.  Wait, no, it is capable of anything.  His tech surpasses what we see other advanced races that are star faring have.  His armor is just a macguffin at this point that will do whatever it needs to do to fill a story plot.

    Generally I agree with your comments, ando, but I am trying to remember...  The armor didn't feel particularly egregious in this one which is one of the reasons I was not so critical of it...  We had the pym-suits with helmets that appear out of nowehere (arguably not even Stark-tech) and Spidey's suit which *is* Stark-tech...  But aside from being ready to accept the stones I didn't have a problem with it.  Am I forgetting something specific that bugged you?


    I get why they went to "The Thor abides" but I personally didn't like that particular storyline.  He felt... Weak and Whiny?

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  20. I have mixed emotions about the "closure" storylines...  It's nice to have gotten things wrapped up but losing Tony, Steve and Natasha just feels wrong.  The only one of those that felt "right" was the closure for Steve and Peggy.  (Anyone else get the feeling that Bucky was in on that the whole time from those final scenes?)

    Anyone know if Hemsworth is still under contract?  It's pretty clear that Johansson, Evans and Downey Jr. are done with the roles outside of flashbacks at this point but I don't know who else to expect back (aside from the Spiderman movie that we know is coming).

    We've got most of the Guardians (and Gamora is back in the timeline so that is possible).  We have Sam stepping into the Captain America role.  Wanda is back but she's alone now.  Clint has his family back so we assume that Ronin is done and maybe Hawkeye is back (maybe his daughter in the role)?

    Do we know anything about the other A-listers?  Do we expect another Captain Marvel or Black Panther film?  Anyone know?  Cumberbatch is signed to do another Doctor Strange according to IMDB but I have not heard anything about it...  There's also a Falcon & The Winter Soldier TV show coming (so Sam as Falcon, not Cap) but I don't have much info about it either...

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