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Posts posted by Duckman

  1. doesn't the 2bn mean 2 billion?

    Yeah, that was the point.  The source of the quote took the 65-75, multiplied by 2bn (2x10^9) and got 130-150bn.  When applied correctly to the decibel log scale it would be roughly 160-170dB (which really is 2x10^9 times louder than 65-75 dB unless I am misremembering sound amplitude, in which case it would be even less than that, another square root being involved).  WestRider was being mortified that he missed the bn in the response.

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  2. Generally speaking I prefer a developer who does not try to expand existing content.  There are exceptions.  I think Smash-Up can expand as much as they want as long as they don't succumb to power creep.  I think Alchemists is a game that cannot reasonably be expanded without making a whole new game so they should just make a whole new game.


    Expansions to allow more players (e.g. the expansion to Village) are more likely to work than expansions which include more or content which is often not well balanced.

  3. I know others were having problems with the app as well.  The secret I found was to get the cards on the same level surface (not across a joint on a table) and then hold the camera high and level over the cards.  Really enjoyed my one run at it so far.  Hoping to get another chance next weekend.

  4. Alchemists (be careful as there is also an Alchemist game, singular, which is not the same)


    As I understand it, this was on Kickstarter a while back but I can't find reference to it.  Guy from a gaming group I play with sometimes had a copy from Essen (not available here until later this month) and so we played it on Saturday.


    Feels like a combination of Clue and a Euro worker-placement game.


    Boardgamegeeks topic at http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/161970/alchemists


    Publisher site at http://czechgames.com/en/games/


    Players are budding young alchemists who are trying to make a reputation for themselves.  Publish or Perish is the mantra.  You have to go out and collect reagents (or hire someone to do it for you) and then combine them and see what you got (either getting a student to try them for you or by trying them yourself).  From the results you learn things about the reagents you combined.


    Publish a treatise on your findings or lie and publish something misleading to see if you can cause problems for your fellows.  Either way, you get a reputation boost...  At least until someone demonstrates that you are full of it.


    The game uses a computer (smart phone, web browser or tablet) to referee the reagent combinations.  By sharing a 4-character seed you can use multiple devices for the same game.  The simplest means of playing is using a smart phone with a camera as the app can actually recognize the reagent cards and so you essentially take a picture of the reagents you are combining and the app tells you what potion you made.  Without a camera you can enter things by hand, etc.  The app referees all the reagent combining steps (testing on a student or yourself or making a potion to sell to an adventurer) giving only the appropriate amount of information.


    The design is solid.  It lists as 2-4 players and I played it with 4 which is their recommendation.  Much to my surprise I spent more time interacting with the other gamers and playing the publish/refute game more than experimenting on things.  Includes two levels of difficulty and can be played at both levels at the same time to level the playing field between new and experienced players (or adults and children if needed?).  Suggested ages are 12 or 13+ with a playtime of 2 hours for experienced players (with 2 new players I think our game took closer to 4 including time to teach).

    • Like 1
  5. It seems to me a lot of people are really looking forward to being disappointed by this movie.


    If you tell yourself at every opportunity for the next year that you'll hate it, you probably will.


    Don't get me wrong...  I have really enjoyed Abrams work in the past, lens-flare not withstanding.  When they finally pried the StarWars IP from Lucas' cold, dead soul I heard a great noise, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy, never to be silenced.


    I would love to see this movie done well.  That trailer in particular pushes my buttons because it specifically highlights aspects of the story/film that were done so poorly (granted, by a different writer/director) in Episode I.

  6. One simple answer....  (And they totally punked it.)


    Midichlorians...  Nanobots that *eat* midichlorians are simple enough Waynetech.  What is Vader with no Midichlorians?  Oh, right...  EMP-bait.


    Remember, that ain't magic.  That's science because Lucas is a nitwit.

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  7. Even, so, this one left me feeling like it's going to be all flash, no substance. Or maybe I was predisposed to feel that way because of the last two Star Trek movies :P

    Remember Episode I where they showed us the cool Sith with the double-bladed saber?  Remember how everyone though that this was going to be soooooo cool and we were finally going to get to see the emperor demonstrate what a good manipulator he was?


    Remember how we got a waste of 150 minutes with a really cool villain who was so under-developed that we didn't care when he died and instead a talking muppet got all the screentime for hissa self?


    Yeah, it's Abrams but this trailer leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I was burned so badly by Episode I.

  8. Interstellar doesn't get such high reviews from me.  5/10 maybe.


    Beautiful cinematography but the story had too many holes for me to enjoy it as anything more than eye-candy.  Kinda like dating a really hot chick that you can't stand to talk to for more than a minute at a time.  This will make a great demo piece for TV sales where the audio is turned off.   :rolleyes:




    This is *not* about the McGuffin at the end.  You either suspend disbelief when you get to the pseudo science or you don't.  Nuff said.


    The problem is the terribad writing in the middle.  I'm sitting in the theater when they announce the time dilation for the water planet.  Three things cross my mind immediately.  First - "Hrmm, that means that the pilot has been on the ground for just over an hour.  If fuel is such an issue, get on the damn radio.  It may take a year to get an answer back but you can be doing other things while you wait for the answer."  Second - "Weren't they supposed to spend time doing analysis before they sent a signal?  You're saying that your explorer triggered the signal within an hour of landing?"  Third - "Based on timing and the trailers this one cannot work out so you're being this stupid to raise tension?  That's terrible writing.  There are lots of ways to raise tension that don't require your physicists to be braindead."


    Then they land on the planet with waves hundreds of feet tall and wade in 1-2' of water.  Why are these waves not rollers breaking instead of beautiful sine waves?  Second, why is the water not rushing all over the place in the trough like it would be whether you were breaking or not?  Third, why is your physicist not, again, screaming bloody murder because of basic first-year wave dynamics?


    By the time I have gone through those problems, the McGuffin at the end was totally off-putting for me, never mind the behavior of Damon's character.



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  9. Still curious about the ruleset.  Was it written by Kevin Siembieda like all the other Palladium stuff?  Is he still illiterate and refusing an editor or proof-reader?  When I talked to Cadice one of the concerns he expressed was that the deal involved satisfying the owners of the Robotech IP and they had specific ideas which were not functional in game (like 75% of their details were about how things functioned in the anime and so they were going to be writing pages upon pages of rules for things that would not apply in a tabletop scale game)...  Did that stuff get cleaned up into a functional ruleset for tabletop play or is it an incoherent mess or what?

  10. Thanks, Frosty.  Never played anything like those and so even the comparisons in the reviews didn't help me understand what the actual gameplay would be.


    Any estimates how long a scenario is?  Sounds like people are getting many hours of play out of it...  Is that multiple play-throughs or is this just one of those old titles where they actually bothered to spend time on content?

  11. Ok, I missed this one.  Who is doing it?  Publisher, etc.  I was talking with John Cadice at PAX 2 years ago and we were talking Robotech and Robotech minis.  The minis he had with him were prototypes that he was working on getting printed and I just recently followed up to see what had happened to that line.  I expected it to be coming through Sodapop....


    Fill me in on the poop, especially on how the rules look as I had some concerns based on what he and I talked about back then.

  12. Ok, I am not a console gamer so this is not something I ever followed before.


    I'm looking at the steam page for it and they're linking to the RPG/JRPG tags as well.  What is gameplay like here?  How does the strategy aspect enter gameplay?  I don't have any reservations about the RPG/JRPG tags or anything, this just impacts how deep a discount I am likely to look for when picking it up.

  13. I've never understood this tactic. Do trailers make you more likely to see a film? They certainly don't do it for me. If anything, they often mislead me into not seeing good movies in the theaters because their trailers lack the elements of the movie I actually want to see.

    Trailers often talk me out of a movie as well, either because they convince me that it is something else or because they show me the whole movie...  Plot, story, special effects and all the good one-liners already spoiled....

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