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Posts posted by Sylvos

  1. The folks in the league at game night sure seem to be having fun with it. The biggest problem with AoS though is not enjoyment, but lack of structure. It simply takes too much work to make it work for an event like the OFCC. WFB already had a structure that just needed to be molded a bit. AoS has nothing. I don't really see the OFCC elevating AoS to a multi-day event like 40K or WFB.

    It can be done Bro G. You just have to see the entire event as one huge narrative rather than a series of matches.


    Trust me, it can be done.

    • Like 1
  2. Scenario Four: The Winds of Death

    As the last tendrils of the Baleful Realmgate’s green eldritch energy dissipates from the edges of your armor, the bone-chilling grip of Shylish; the Realm of Death seizes your body and instantly saps the warmth from your flesh.   The grey realm is suspended in a time of eternal twilight, where the ever present gloom and shadow melt seamlessly into the horizon.  A dark and roiling mist creeps along the cracked surface of the Realm of Death. The grey, sickly mist clings to the earth like a blanket and occasionally seeps into a large fissure or crack that emanates a sickly, green glow. 

    As the last member of the army arrives through the portal, the emerald light that illuminated the area goes dark, plunging the entire area into darkness until eyes are able to adjust.  Nothing seems to move in the Realm of Death.  Silence hangs in the air like a wet fog, clinging and oppressive. It isn’t until you turn and bark orders to your battalion is the silence shattered and the army leaps into motion.  A chilling wind blows through the army, pushing the fog back along to the forest edge.  To the far east a shattered monument rises high into the twilight sky.  The shattered monument bears the markings and matches the description of the building under which the portalglyph resides.

    To the far north, the twilight sky is suddenly rent and bleeds red, unholy light.  The sound of a thousand voices screaming in agony fills the air and the red light pulses from the tear.  As quickly as the tear appeared; it closes and the cacophony of screams is abruptly silenced.  The fog roils again revealing a massive detachment of the Blood God’s warriors standing upon the cracked earth of Shylish.  At the head of the host looms a massive red skinned fiend; it’s wings spread wide as it’s cloven hooves crush the earth beneath and cause the ground to smolder.  The massive axe in the fiend’s grip burns with an unholy red radiance casting a hellish hue upon the legions beneath it.  As flames erupt from all around the hell-titan, a roar of challenge is torn from the beasts throat as it’s glowing eyes settle upon your army. 

    As one, the horde lurches forward into a full run.  The echo of hundreds of voices shatters the silence and fills the air with promises of blood and murder.  As the horde approaches, a series of emerald green portals open before you and hundreds of skeletal warriors pour out.  Huge, winged skeletal gargoyles emerge from the portal, each wielding a massive axe that glows with a purple, fel light.  The two armies crash into one another within seconds and the battle is joined.  The red-skinned demon titan sweeps down into the thick of the battle smashing aside dozens of skeletal warriors.  A corona of flame flashes around the demon as it fully commits itself to the slaughter.  The huge gargoyles move forward to engage the demon and the heavily armored units of the chaos army. 

    As the two armies engage, you note that there is a path clear to the portalglyph tower.  You look back to the Baleful Realmsgate and then to the tower.  Right as you move your army towards the tower, yet another army arrives on the other side of the battlefield.  The news of the portalglyph’s discovery must have travelled far and wide. Your bark your orders for your units to race to the tower.  The race is on…


    The Armies

    Each player will field between four and eight warscrolls. 

    Scenario Objectives

    1. Get to the Portalglyph and successfully activate it on the following turn. – 5 points

    2. Destroy the enemy General – 2 points.

    3. Successfully unbind the Portalglyph spell when cast by the opposing player. – 3 points

    4. Each surviving unit at the end of the game – 1 point.


      Sudden Death will not be used this scenario.


      The Battlefield:


      The game field will be played upon a 6’x4’ surface.  There will be various terrain features each being determined to be “Deadly” as per the Mysterious Terrain rules in the basic rules.  There will be a single objective place in the center of the opposite short table edge.  This objective marker will represent the Portalglyph. 

      Players deploy along the short table edge opposite of the objective.  Each player will be given a corner  and a 18” (long table edge) x 1’ (short table edge) deployment zone.  They may not set up closer than 12” from enemy territory or units and no closer than 54” from objective. 


      Units may not Deepstrike in this scenario closer than 48” from the objective.


      Game Length

      This scenario will last 6 Battle Rounds or until the first player gets a hold of the Portal Glyph and successfully activates it, teleporting their army off the battlefield and ending the game.


      Scenario Special Rules


      The Portalglyph

      Wizards – a Wizard in possession of the Portalglyph know the spell Open Portalglyph in addition to any other spells they know.  The Open Portalglyph has a casting value of 8. If successfully cast, the entire player’s army is teleported back to their Realm and the game is over.


      Caress of Shylish

      Wizards – upon the field of battle know Caress of Shylish.  Caress of Shylish has a casting value of 7.  If successfully cast, select a target unit within 18” of the caster.  The unit will suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds and be weakened so badly they will be unable to act in their next activation (they can not do anything for a turn). 


      Death is All Around

      You are trying to navigate your way through a raging battle between the forces of the Blood God and the denizens of the Lord of Death.  On occasion you may find yourself battling your way through both forces to get to your objective. 


      During the player turn, during the Hero phase roll a D6 for every unit and consult the table below:


      1 – The unit is swept up in the tide of battle between the two opposing armies.  The unit may do nothing this player turn (the unit may act if it is attacked or is swept into battle due to the 3” consolidation rule but otherwise is unable to act).


      2-5 - The unit manages to successfully navigate the battlefield and avoids getting tangled in any skirmishes.


      6 – The unit crosses over a glowing crevasse of eldritch energy emanating from Nagash’s realm.  The unit is followed by a newly summoned Wraith.  The Wraith will follow the unit the rest of the game.  If the unit rolls a “1” during the “Death if All Around” in a subsequent phase the player may sacrifice the Wraith to ignore the effect.  Otherwise the Wraith functions as a marker and has no further game effect.  Undead units (Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings warscrolls) please consult “Nagash is Absolute!” as well.


      Nagash is Absolute!

      All Vampire Counts or Tomb King warscrolls gain +1 to hit and +1 to wound for 1 turn.  The unit also gains 1d6+4 wounds (or 1d3 models if a multi-wound models, or if a single model it gains 1d3 wounds) from the deathly vigor(?) bestowed upon them by their Lord.


      The Power of Death Compels You!

      All summoning spells of undead units gain +1 to cast on the Realm of Death.


      Victory Conditions


      The player with the greater number of Objective points at the end of the game wins.


      League Scenario Reportings:


      Victory Points:

      Win -   3 points

      Tie -    2 points

      Loss - 1 point


      Victory Points + Objective Points = Final Scenario Score


    • Like 1
  3. Scenario Three: The Rotwater Blight


    The emerald waters of the Brightwater falls crash down from thousands of feet above. The deafening roar of the triple falls echo through out the valley as thousands of rainbows wink in and out of existence as the fall's mist dissipates in the summer wind of the Realm of Life. The beauty of the valley is almost overpowering, flora and fauna are abundant everywhere. Snapdragons and Daffodils the size of an ogre spring from the ground forming gigantic fields of flowers and dragonflies the size of horses skim over the crystal clear waters of the lake. Life is abundant in the realm of Allarielle, the Incarnate of Life. To the far east, one of the great forests of the Brightwater Peninsula rises majestically, the ancient treelords can be seen patrolling the forest edges. To the west the green plains and rolling hills burst with color as thousands of flowers fill the landscape.


    To the south however is where the paradise is marred by rot and decay. The one beautiful Brightwater Delta is now blackened and befouled by the struggles against the Grandfather of Disease, Nurgle. The Rotlords forces have turned the Brightwater Delta into the Rotwater Blight. Once beautiful patches of land are now blackened sludge and bubbling mounds of corruption. The very air is thick with miasma and sickness, as the denizens of the Rotwater Blight howl and giggle with glee as they watch the crystal waters turn black once it rushes into their roost.


    The Brightwater Delta has a seed that Lady Allarielle's exarch has gifted to your general. This seed will allow a great oak to grow and spread roots deep within other realms and one day serve as conduit between realms. For now however, it is in danger of being claimed by the enemy. You must claim the seedling that has finally burst from the soil and rush back to your realm as quickly as possible.


    The Armies


    Each player may field 4-8 warscrolls (or 30 points for OrdoComp)


    Scenario Objectives


    1. Obtain the Ream Oak Seedling and escape the battlefield - 5 points.

    2. Defeat the Enemy General- 3 points.

    3. Every unit of the enemy's forces destroyed - 1 point.

    4. Every unit of yours alive at the end of the battle. - 1 point.


    Sudden Death will not be used in this scenario.


    The Battlefield


    The gaming field will be played on a 4' x '4 surface. There will be a single objective marker placed in the center of the battlefield to represent the Ream Oak Seedling.




    Players will deploy their forces along the board edge opposite one another no closer than 6" from the board edge.


    Game Length


    The game will last for 6 Battle Rounds or until one player is able to reach the board edge with the Realm Oak Seedling which then immediately ends the game.


    Scenario Special Rules


    Barkskin -

    Wizards - in the treacherous waters of the Rotwater Blight know the spell Barkskin in addition to other spells they know. Barkskin has a casting value of 8. If successfully cast, select a target unit with 18" of the caster. The target unit gains +2 to their armor save (maximum of 2+) but suffers -2 to their movement as the Barkskin has hardened their flesh.


    Pits of Doom

    The waters of the Rotwater Blight are treacherous. Every time a unit moves, runs or charges; roll a D6 and consult the following table:


    1 - There is a wet sucking sound as the model steps into a blackened pit of sludge and disappears beneath the blight's surface. The model is removed from play and is considered killed.


    2 - 5 - Nothing Happens


    6 - One of the warriors in your unit trips, they fall face first into the Rotwater Blight's befouled waters and causes disruption in the unit. The unit suffers -1 to their movement statistic this turn.


    Fountains of Life

    The gifts of the Everqueen still are strong in this region despite the corruption. At the beginning of each Battle Round, roll a D6 for each unit and consult the following table.

    1: Rot, Glorious Rot - Consult the Geyser of Corruption table.

    2-4: Nothing happens

    5: Renewed vigor - the unit heals 1d3 wounds.*

    6: Regrowth and Renewal - the unit heals 1d6+2 wounds and is empowered by the gift of life. The unit has +1 to movement this turn.*

    *Models with the Keyword: Daemon suffer 1 Mortal wound.

    *Models with the Keyword: Nurgle suffer 1d6 Mortal wounds.


    Geyser of Corruption

    Not everything is kept pure by the Everqueen, Nurgle has a way of getting his "gifts" bestowed upon everyone. Consult the following table:

    1: Glory of Nurgle - Target unit suffers 2d6 Mortal Wounds from Nurgle's Rot.*

    2-5: Rotting Nuisance - Target unit suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds.*

    6: Blessed are the Sick - Target unit suffers 1d6 Mortal Wounds and select another unit within 6" and that unit suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds from the sickness.*

    *Models with the Keyword: Nurgle heal 2d6 wounds and may add 1d6 additional models to the unit.


    Realm Oak Seedling

    The seedling is a massive seedling and as a result requires a huge amount of effort to move. As a result the seedling may only be moved a maximum of 8" per turn and the unit escorting the seedling may not Run. The seedling may be claimed by a unit making contact with it, however another unit may steal the seedling by one of two methods:

    1. Destroying the unit by spells, shooting or close combat and being within 3" of the seedling marker at the end of the turn (and not in combat).

    2. Making a desperate grab for the seedling. Both players must be in close combat and one player be in control of the seedling. Each player rolls a D6 and the player who rolls higher manages to steal or keep the seedling. This action is performed during the Consolidation movement sub-phase.


    Wounds suffered from scenario special rules count towards battleshock.


    Victory Conditions


    The player with the most objective points wins the scenario.


    Victory Points:


    Win - 3 points

    Tie - 2 points

    Loss - 1 point


    Victory Points + Scenario Objective Points = Final Scenario Score.

  4. Sylvos, I'm trying to grasp your comp system.  I am going to be test playing it down here and just want to make sure I am using it correctly.  If I am taking a seraphon army with a total of 42 war scroll points I can have up 42 points fielded on the table and then can keep up to 21 war scroll points for summoning.  Is this correct?



    If you have fielded 42 points of Warscrolls you may summon up to 21 points of additional warscrolls (that are in your Warscroll Compendium i.e. Army list).  I'll be releasing a 1.2 version hopefully next week.


    I think I need to clean up some language and definitions not to mention evaluate how models with a single characteristic that does D3 against specific keywords are handled.

  5. What profound nonsense.


    You don't "outmaneuver your opponent" in Chutes n' Ladders. It is a game where outcomes are 100% determined by dice rolls, with zero decision-making involved whatsoever.


    Warhammer, Kings of War, Age of Sigmar, etc. are all *STRATEGY* games. They involve making decisions on a game board in order to outmaneuver, and thus defeat, your opponent. Wargames are perhaps not *pure* strategy games, as some element of chance is involved, but nevertheless what decides the vast majority of outcomes are player decisions (including how much chance, and thus risk, a player chooses to expose him or herself to...all factors that are known and can be accounted for in advance).



    How then is the relative complexity, depth, and breadth of decisions available for players to make in each game not a relevant factor in choosing the game this community sticks with going forward? Especially considering that we are talking about our relation to the MASTERS event, which is meant to be a test of a player's knowledge and mastery of the game system.





    Kings of War is a great game. It's a lot more complex than you would think, and the movement phase is actually much tighter and more restrictive than WHFB's ever was. This means you really need to properly plan and execute your moves in order to avoid a catastrophic mistake sewering your chance at victory. As a replacement for WHFB goes it doesn't hit all the same buttons...I think it is quite "bland" in that all the choices feel very generic, and there's not as much differentiating the factions.


    However it's a much better option than either Age of Sigar (which is a mess), or 9th Age (which is also bland and boring, and worst of all very played-out).


    Whatever makes you feel like your game of toy soldiers isn't just that.

    • Like 1
  6. Tactical Depth is an oxymoron in a game where you push around little toys and roll dice.  It is a self important term used to make what we are playing seem more of an "adult" game rather than what it really is which is a bunch of dudes playing with dolls.  Yes, you have to think and try to outmaneuver an opponent but at the same token you do that in chutes n' ladders.  


    The games listed; Age of Sigmar, Kings of War, 9th Age, etc.. all are wargames and all are going to have "tactics".  They are also all products that for some reason people get emotionally vested in and will beat their chest that their toy system is better than yours and you are a big dumb stupid head for playing something that they aren't.  


    Let's take this approach:  Let's get a consensus of what game is going to be used for masters and what systems have enough interest to warrant people investing time and money into developing organized play so that we may continue to have circuits like the Masters or OFCC.  


    I am seriously not interested in having yet another thread erupt about how system X isn't tactical but system Y is.  Aidan and by extension Matt are trying to get a gauge as to how the tournament scene landscape looks so that planning may begin as soon as possible.

    • Like 3
  7. Alright- I think I'm starting to get it- it's really not that difficult, I think my dyslexia was just bouncing the language around and making it seem far more complicated.




    The Glottkin,

    6 points for being both a hero and monster (heavy warscroll)

    +2 for being able to cast 2 spells

    +6 because he has damage profile of 3/d3/d6 and he has 18 wounds (IE18/3=6)


    Meaning they count as a 14 point warscroll


    One 4 man unit of Ironguts

    4 points for having a minimum unit size of 3 and each model having more than 2 wounds (normal warscroll)

    +0 points for adding fewer than 5 additional wounds in the form of 1 more model (minimum unit size 3)

    +5 points for having a damage profile of 3/d3/d6 and having a total of 16 wounds in the unit (16/3=5.33)


    4 Ironguts cost 9 points.


    You are pretty much correct only Glottkin would be 18 

    6 points for being hero and monster

    3 points for being able to cast 2 spells and having keyword Wizard (wizard adds 1 point - I may modify this in the future)

    6 points for damage profile 3/d3/d6 and has 18 wounds

    3 for the fact that he causes Mortal Wounds and that is 1 per 5 wounds.


    So he like Nagash max out the limit on a Warscroll to 18.


    Ironguts are pretty much spot on!

  8. Still working my way through it as well,but getting more of a handle it as I just realized I was doing Hero`s wrong,heh.


    Clarification needed on Wizards,Im assuming that their spell effects don't add comp points?..as in if they have a spell that does d3 damage or Mortal wounds? or should that add points?.They all have Arcane bolt but I imagine that's already figured in to the base?.


    Version 1.2 will hopefully address that, I'm still working on how to add a modifier when a unit does D3 wounds but only to a unit with a specific keyword.  I may have to change or clarify some of those.

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  9. Scenario Two:  Dreams of Rust


    The sound of crunching boots echo across the battle plain as heels send clouds of choking rust particles into the air.  The sound of a thousand furnaces can be heard as their bellows pound deep within the mountains of Chamon, the Plane of Metal.  A river of molten copper blazes to the east, it's metallic surface glimmering in the rays of the midday sun.  Sweat rolls down your neck and disappears beneath your armor as you survey the field before you.  The scroll gripped tightly in your hands gives orders to secure the pools of gold that are bubbling up from beneath the surface so that reinforcements may collect it and make use of it in another realm.  One of the auxiliary units approach the nearest pool of gold only to have a slight tremor beneath the surface cause a geyser of gold to erupt from the pool.  The screams of your men are cut abruptly short when the molten gold sears the lungs and transforms them into macabre golden statues frozen in the final moments of an agonizing death.  


    As a stream of curses escape your lips, your scouts return and point to the west.  Your foray into Chamon to claim the bounty from these pools was apparently a popular decision as the enemy's forces crown the hills to the west.  As you bark your orders to get into formation, the first drops of rain fall from the sky.  The rain begins to pit your armor and a grey-green steam begins to rise from your equipment as an acidic and caustic smell fills your nostrils.  After a moment you realize the clouds are loosing sheet upon sheet of acid rain upon your armies, the corrosion is noticeable and you bark orders to your soldiers to cover their weapons but it is too late, the damage has been done.  


    The sudden rainstorm has reduced the field of rust to a sludge filled red-brown mire that prohibits quick movement.  Before you can act you see the enemy sending his forces to secure the pools of gold.  Rage fills your vision as you begin to bark orders of your own...



    The Armies:

    Each player will field between 4 and 8 warscrolls.  


    Scenario Objectives:
    1.  Get a unit to a "Golden Pool" Objective marker and claim it. - 1-3 points per Objective.

    2   Slay the enemy General - 2 points.

    3.  Each surviving unit at the end of the game - 1 point per unit.

    4.  Have more models "Turned to Gold" (suffered Mortal Wounds from volatile objective markers) than your opponent. - 5 points.


    Sudden Death will not be used this scenario.



    The Battlefield:


    The game field will be played upon a 4' x 4' gaming surface.  There will be several hills in each 2x2' section and there will be 8 Objective markers (4 real 4 volatile) placed on the field before deployment.




    Players will line their forces along the board edge opposite one another no closer than 12" from the board edge. 


    Game Length - This scenario will last 6 Battle Rounds or until all four Objective markers have been uncovered and claimed.  Once all four markers have been discovered and claimed the game immediately ends and scenario points are tallied.

    Scenario Special Rules:


    Searing Doom - 

    Wizards - in the Fields of Rust know the Searing Doom spell in addition to other spells they know.  Searing Doom has a casting value of 5.  If successfully cast, select a target unit within 18" of the caster.  If the target unit consists of 1 model it suffers 1 mortal wound.   If the target unit consists of 2-9 models it suffers 1d3 mortal wounds.  If the target unit consists of 10 or more models it suffers d6 mortal wounds. 

    Models without an armor save are unaffected by this spell.


    Rain of Ruin

    The heavy acid rain has damaged the army's armor, all units suffer -1 to armor save (An armor save of 4 is now a 5 and if the armor save was 6 then the unit loses it's armor save).

    The heavy acid rain has damaged the army's weapons, all units now suffer -1 to wound, no to wound roll may be made worse than a 6.


    Ruinous Sludge!

    The heavy acid rain has turned the rust filled plain into a sludge, all units that have a movement statistic of 5 or greater have their movement reduced to for this battle (this includes fliers and other ethereal units).


    Pools of Gold!

    The 8 pools of gold upon the battlefield bubble and roil as they are heated by the volcanic channels beneath the surface.  The seismic activity in this region makes the pools very volatile.  Four of the pools will be Objective Markers worth 1 to 3 Scenario Points that will be discovered and determined once a unit makes contact with it.  Four of the pools will be volatile and may erupt causing death and panic, those pools will not be worth Scenario Points but instead will deal a number of Mortal Wounds equivalent to the number written on the marker (1d3, 1d6, 2d6, 3d6).


    Wounds suffered from the Pools of Gold still count towards Battle Shock.


    Victory Conditions:


    The player with the greater number of Objective points at the end of the game wins.


    A player that has no models left on the board loses the scenario but will retain their scenario points.


    League Scenario Reportings:


    Victory Points:

    Win -   3 points

    Tie -    2 points

    Loss - 1 point


    Victory Points + Objective Points = Final Scenario Score

    • Like 2
  10. I'll explain it for you Nathan.


    1. 3 units of Ogre Bulls (I'm assuming they are 3 Ogres to a unit) will be 3 Normal Warscrolls.  Each will be 4 points.  


    2. A "Hero" is a warscroll (that is not mounted) with they keyword "Hero" on it.  That is determined to be a Light Warscroll and the equivalent of 2 points.  if the Hero was mounted he would be a Normal Warscroll and if he was on a Monster a Heavy warscroll.


    3.  The unit of Goblins is determined to be a "Light Warscroll" because it meets the criteria for a Light Warscroll which is:  The model needs a 5 to hit, 4 to wound, has a 6+ armor save and 1 wound.  This is to represent the idea of the weak, little units like goblins, skaven, some undead, etc.. that are on their own would not match up equally against a normal warscroll of something like a Wood Elf Eternal Guard unit.  Therefore these units are more prone to take more of their number in order to compensate for their lack of martial might (i.e. they were old school horde armies in 8th).


    4. A unit of Bestigors is Normal Warscroll.  The unit minimum is 5 on the Warscroll.  Because it is a Normal Warscroll and I added 5 wounds to the scroll, you add 1 pt for every 5 wounds added to a Normal Warscroll.  Had the minimum been 10 rather than 5 it would have been 4 points.


    5. One warscroll is one unit.  If you brought a formation such as The Beastclaw Avalanche from the Ogre Kingdoms Warscroll Compendium - the base Formation warscroll would be equivalent to 2 points because you are unlocking an ability for taking those units and as a result gaining a benefit.  The other units on that Formation warscroll are: 1 Stonehorn, 2 units of Mournfang Cavalry, and 1 Thundertusk.  So the entire formation as far as OrdoComp is determined is 5 Warscrolls: The formation, stonehorn, mournfang, mournfang, and thundertusk. You would have to pay for each warscroll individually based upon the keywords and requirements of the composition system.


    The system is really just set up to have each warscroll have X value, and the sum of those values will equal your total OrdoComp score.  In an event I may ask you to bring a Warscroll Compendium of 70 points of warscrolls but each scenario may only let you use 20-25 or 40-45 dependent upon the mission.  The idea is to provide you with a sideboard that allows a bit more freedom when battling a friend during an event.


    I can sit down with you later if you still don't get the composition package.

  11. Hey everyone,


    In order to get more feedback and evaluative data for the OrdoComp system for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar games, I'm posting a few Warscroll Compendiums using theme to not only present examples of how it is used but to see how players build specific units in regards to future composition changes.


    I'll have several different armies listed, please post up some of your own using the OrdoComp system and track how they do in your games.  I intend on using this system as the composition system for our events for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar moving forward and want to playertest this as much as possible.


    Here are two Wood Elf Warscroll armies and two Beastmen armies using the Organizations listed in their Warscroll Compendiums:


    Wanderer Host


    Wanderer Host Warscroll - 2

    1 Glade Lord - 2

    1 Spellweaver - 5

    1 unit of 10 Glade Guard - 4

    1 unit of 10 Glade Guard - 4

    1 unit of 10 Eternal Guard - 4

    1 unit of 10 Wildwood Rangers - 8


    Total OrdoComp Composition Total: 29


    Guardians of the Deepwood


    Guardians of the Deepwood Warscroll - 2

    1 Treeman - 10

    1 Treeman - 10

    1 Treeman Ancient - 12

    1 unit of 15 dryads - 5

    1 unit of 15 dryads - 5

    1 Sylvaneth Wildwood - free

    1 Sylvaneth Wildwood - free


    Total OrdoComp Composition Total: 44


    Beastmen Formations


    Bullgor Stampede


    Bullgor Stampede Warscroll - 2

    1 Doombull (greataxe) - 4

    1 Ghorgon - 10

    1 unit of 3 Minotaurs - 4

    1 unit of 3 Minotaurs - 4

    1 unit of 3 Minotaurs (greataxe) - 8


    Total OrdoComp Composition Total: 32



    Furious Brayherd


    Furious Brayherd Warscroll - 2

    1 Beastlord - 2

    1 Great Bray-Shaman - 4

    1 unit of 10 Bestigors - 5

    1 unit of 20 Ungors (shortspears) - 3 

    1 unit of 20 Gors - 6

    1 unit of 20 Gors - 6

    1 unit of 20 Gors -  6


    1 Ghorgon - Summoned - 11

    Total OrdoComp Composition Total: 34/45



    There you have four lists using the guidelines posted for OrdoComp.  Make a few lists and post them up.  Also keep in mind that some of the events may have a range band for lists from 15-60 so keep that mind and get to posting!

    • Like 1
  12. So far the only thing Ive noticed that could be an issue is the extra damage tax.For instance a block of 30 Savage Orcs(used to be a pretty common size) would fit the bill for a light scroll with 20 additional wounds,thus a score of 4..all fine and dandy but when you add in the Big Stabbas they jump to a 14..that adds up to 3 models that each have 2 attacks and do 3 damage,its a potent addition to the unit but im not sure it should more than triple the comp score.


    And in other cases like my Stormcast Paladins were they have a random chance(1 in 6) of doing Mortal wounds and d3 extra damage its especially harsh.This takes a unit of 5 models from a comp score of 4 up to a 12,granted one model does an auto d3 Mortals in combat but the others only proc mortals on hits of 6s.



    Perhaps something along the lines of making the penalty be counted per point of models that can inflict the extra damage instead of counting the total wounds in the unit as a basis.


    Anyhow..More Testing!


    Up next OnG`s!



    Savage Orcs in no way fit the bill for a light warscroll.  They are a normal warscroll.  They need a 4 to hit, 4 to damage on practically everything except a fist which they will be using as a secondary attack.  If you take a big stabba you're adding the 3 damage weapon tax onto the entire unit - rightly so.


    I may just need to clean up the language on what constitutes a light warscroll qualification.  


    Also I'll evaluate if only 1 part of the unit has a high damage option if that should be counted or have a different factor.

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