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Posts posted by Sylvos

  1. I'm also in agreement with dkieft, in that odd-looking formations meant to manipulate game mechanics are a very obnoxious form of tactics. The aesthetics of the game are important to me, which is why I play a game with painstakingly painted minis and carefully crafted terrain!


    I remember what a huge turn off it was when my opponent started creating wacky looking formations in 40k to make 2 units provide cover for each other simultaneously, or to control pile in so that combats would last an extra round, allowing him to avoid counter fire from my Tau.


    Yes, its clever, like Ender's Game. And no, this isn't a fight for the survival of human kind(*), so it isn't worth flying around butt first shooting between our knees ☺





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  2. yea i dont think we need a poll nor an argument over this lol.  i really dont care but there's definitely a trend at least on these boards anyways.  i honestly dont know anyone who ONLY played fantasy that likes the sigmarines. that was my point... im sure there are i just havent noticed a person stating they like them that i knew only played fantasy.  people that enjoy 40k/both GW flagships are generally the ones that like them.  and i think that was probably GWs intention :P


    I like the Sigmarites.

    They are neat.

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  3. The Ordo Fanaticus Senate will be holding a Senate Meeting on August 15, 2015 at 1:00 PM at the Ordo clubhouse (W.O.W) located at 717 Main Street in Portland.

    The Agenda will comprise of mainly OFCC breakdown as well as up and coming Ordo run escalation leagues and events. We will also be discussing several items brought up during the Captain's meeting held during the Sunday lunch hour during OFCC.

    We invite anyone who is interested to attend the meeting. 

    For the good of the order.
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  4. Swedish Composition is geared for 2400 points with some room to go down to 2200 and up to 2600 but ideally 2400 is the goal.  By doing 2000 points you are not taking enough units or characters to fully engage the swedish comp model.  Add 500 more points to the mix and I am sure your list rating will change substantially.

  5. Also - I should like to point out a few things on the scoring so that others don't feel like their team didn't perform well.


    Every team did very well during the event, and I do mean EVERY team. 


    For many of you this was your first time dealing with a Swedish comp type event and also first time facing some End Times units/lists.


    No one team did terrible in any category.  I was very pleased to see balance and an excellent display of sportsmanship through the entire event.


    I have had some questions about painting and I'm happy to answer those now:

    1.  The Painting was the entire hobby not just your skill with a brush.  This organization is full of people who are fantastic painters but perhaps not the best at conversions or very creative when it comes to basing and vice versa.  If you received a 15 as the base point level that means your army was painted well.  If you got a 20-24 that means your army was painted extremely well.  Anything above a 25 meant that your army was painted incredibly well and I do mean incredibly, you had completely original bases/display/movement trays and your conversions were rife throughout the army. So please keep that in mind.  


    2.  I did all the paint judging, so there was only 1 person grading everything.  I took on this responsibility to ensure that there was consistent grading through out the entire process.  


    3.  Only 1 person scored a 30 and that was because the entire army was one masterful conversion/painting/basing project.  I mean literally it was rad.  


    4.  We have an amazing amount of artists in our community.  We had so many armies that received a base score of 19 (15 for base + 4 for painting), that in itself is incredible.  


    So pat yourselves on the back for a job well done in the hobby. Should I run this event again I will be changing the category to Hobbyist instead of Painting.



    So in closing, when you break out numbers to represent performance for a weekend there is a large disconnect between how you feel you did and how you did on paper.  You shouldn't allow a numerical value to make you think you did poorly during an event, let your experiences and memory dictate how much fun you had and what your enjoyment was.  That said - people always want to have a "winner" in a category hence the stack ranking of everyone's information.  


    Thank you all for being not only exceptional opponents but also great sports and it was a pleasure running your event.


    John Kersey

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  6. Keep in mind that you dont have "base to base" anymore.


    A successful charge means you were 1/2" away from the nearest model.


    Also keep in mind you have a 3" consolidation move but your attacks have a range of anywhere from 1/2" inch to 4" dependent upon the model.  So you can pile in but if you are out of range that sucks for you when your opponent then consolidates and begins to remove models with his entire unit of infantry with a 2" reach or ... you charged and he has 2 units within 3" now that also activate after you have gone.

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  7. THey dont all charge.


    One charges


    The other mosey to 3.01 inches away, behind their doomed charger friend.


    Charger activates, damages, horde activates, kills charger, the activation rules then allow the other 9 to go in turn because they're now within three inches due to the horde's pile in movement.


    Of course the horde can choose not to pile in. But then only the one in range gets to attack.


    I was literally typing the exact same thing when your post showed up.


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