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Posts posted by Exile

  1. So I suppose I should get to this log thing.  I picked up Icestorm back shortly after it came out, but took about a year to get it together.  Suddenly, tragically, and somewhat dramatically, WFB imploded.  After the summer off, the Precipitation Canine announced that he would be starting up an escalation league.  Well, there was the opportunity, to learn something new, to play more games with a few kindred souls, and to enjoy my hobby again!  This Blog will serve to track progress with this hobby project, in a twofold effort - to play more, and paint more!



    Collection (Status)


    Fusilier w/Combi (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Fusilier w/Combi (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Fusilier w/Combi (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Fusilier Hacker (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Fusilier w/HMG (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Auxilia w/Bot (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Auxilia w/Bot (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Peacemaker w/Bot (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Sierra Reaction Rembot (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Pathfinder FO Rembot (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Hexa w/Spitfire (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Bolt w/Combi/Light Shotgun (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Bolt w/Combi/Light Shotgun (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Bolt w/Combi/Light Shotgun (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)

    Bolt w/MSR (Painted and Based, needs touch-ups and recoat with varnish)

    Indigo Bipandra (Painted and based, Tabletop Standard)



    Akali Sikh (Painted and Washed)

    ORC Troop (basecoats)

    Nisse w/MSR (basecoats, needs a headfin)

    Father Knight (basecoats)

    Akali Sikh w/Spitfire (basecoats)

    Fusilier w/Missile Launcher (basecoat)

    Fusilier w/MSR (basecoat)

    Fusilier Angus (basecoats)

    Kirpal Singh (Basecoats)

    Bolt Cosplay/Gencon ed (basecoats)
    Aquila Guard w/HMG (Basecoats)


    Akali Sikh w/Combi (primed)

    Aquila Guard w/MULTI (primed)

    Swiss Guard w/ML (assembled)

    Bolt w/Spitfire (primed)

    Bounty Hunter w/BS (primed)

    Indigo Spec-Ops (primed)

    Joan of Arc LE (assembled)

    Guarda de Assaulto w/Bot (Primed)

    Bolt w/BS (primed)

    Cutter Tag (primed)

    Hexa w/MSR (assembled)

    Auxbot (primed)

    Palbot (primed)

    Palbot (primed)

    Nisse w/HMG (primed)

    Bolt w/ML (primed)

    Knight of Santiago w/Combi (Primed)

    Knight of Santiago w/Spitfire (Primed)


    Knight of Santiago w/Sword (unassembled)

    Knight of Santiago w/BS (unassembled)

    CSU (unassembled)

    Trauma-Doc (unassembled)



    I've been on an assembly kick lately, having a backlog of Nomads to assemble for the wife (future blog opp? maybe).  The painted and based section is the list I ran at Rampage.  My Bolt sniper has a couple wear spots, looks like the clear coat didn't take as well as I wanted.  As for models on deck, to finish rounding out my NCA, I need for the following:




    Fusilier Angus




    Swiss Guard ML

    Aquila MULTI

    Aquila HMG


    Trauma Doc (as much as it pains me)

    Hexa MSR



    Next Update:  Pics or it didn't happen.

    • Like 5
  2. Welcome to Ordo! I'm Exile, one of our Senators.


    Where in North Portland are you located? I live in Vancouver, just across the bridge to the north, and play primarily at Dice Age Games here in Vancouver. If you are talking 9th Age, I am definitely interested in trying that system out, and have several existing 'generic Fantasy' armies to use.

    • Like 1
  3. I agree with Jay,  We've already seen this with Mobile Brigada, Bolts, Alguaciles, Akalis and others.  I'd be willing to bet some of the USAridana stuff is off the same "torso frame" + arms + head scheme that you see in the models listed earlier.  Makes me hope for a bitchin ORC box.


    On another note, it is quite nice to have a Combi+Light Shotgun profile for the nisses now too.  If only I could bits order the regular head in addition to the hacker head.

  4. Funny how my brain works, I sit on my brushes for 3 months, and then 3 days before a tournament, this happens:





    This week consisted of re-discovering my jar of white pumice and applying it.  I then basecoating in brown violet, khaki, leadbelcher, brass, and red. Basecoated and drybrushed the bases.  Clean ups, and a wash on 4 of the models.  Tonight was LoF lines, cleanup of basecoat mess, and a bit of wash on others.  I should wash tonight, so it will be dry enough to hopefully clearcoat tomorrow (today, lol).


    More pictures to follow, perhaps from




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