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Posts posted by AbusePuppy

  1.  Humm..wondering...


     Would it be allowed to "sideboard out" a warscroll then just retain those points in the reserve pool for summoning use?


      May seem goofy but with the Flesh Eaters,,they dont actually have to roll for summoning and can bring in a new unit(flesh eater unit of course) by just placing it near any board at least 9" from an enemy.My be useful for catering to what and how your opponent deploys.


    It seems like you should be able to. Reserve points seem to be treated like any other points expenditure, so it stands to reason that you would be able to would be able to sideboard them. Although if that's your plan, I would think that simply dedicating the points to reserve initially would be the preferred option.

  2. That would be classic 40k logic. Take an expensive unit, add a pair of expensive characters, and then put them in an expensive transport.


    I'm not gonna name any names, but MAN am I having some flashbacks right now.



    You should check out DeathWatch Terminators. Sounds like they might be able to do what you want.


    On a note more related to the OP, Chaplains in particular get a bad deal on Terminator Armour. They pay the same as Captains or Librarians, but the Captain gets a Power Weapon he didn't have, and the Librarian gets an Invul he didn't have. The Chaplain already has both.


    Yeah, GW doesn't seem to understand the concept of redundant gear. It's... weird.

    • Like 2
  3. Exactly so. What detachment a model is part of is irrelevant to its status on the ally chart- all that matters is what faction it is a part of, i.e. what codex the unit is drawn from.


    So cram those models into the Tyrannocytes regardless of which detachment you took them in, the bugs ain't care.

  4. Regarding ally levels, I was using the wrong terms. I just mean, are they part of the detachment or not? Matters since they've been FAQing drop pods to not allow allied battle brothers to start embarked in deep striking transports. 


    Tyranids have no Battle Brothers (even the Genestealer Cult are merely Allies of Convenience, unless I'm remembering wrong) so it's not actually relevant.

  5. Even with the FAQ, the one I still can't figure out is if the spore pods, not being dedicated transports or requiring a slot, are able to consider themselves part of any detachment, since they are not really part of any of the listed units. 


    Just because they don't use a slot doesn't mean they aren't part of a detachment. Dedicated transports and many other units can be part of a detachment but not use a slot.


    If you mean can they be included in any detachment you please, such as formations that don't list them as an option, then the answer (by way of implication from the Imperial Guard FAQ) is no. They can only be included as part of a Combined Arms or Leviathan detachment, unless I'm forgetting another non-formation detachment Tyranids have access to.



    Except if they aren't part of the detachment, then how do they work for ally levels?


    Ally levels are based on a model's listed faction, not the detachment it is part of. It is possible to have models with more than one faction in a detachment (such as some of the Forge World detachments from IA4 or a War Convocation), though this is more the exception than the rule.

  6. I would argue that Space Marines are almost certainly Ambidextrous. I mean, why wouldn't the big E put that in there when throwing in all the other traits and training.


    Why would the Emperor exclude a full half the population from candidacy when the very existence of the Imperium rested on maintaining a steady influx of recruits? Big Emps was kinda an idiot when you get right down to it.



    See, I think the issue is less surviving AP2 and more like virtually ignoring things that aren't.  Maybe a 4+ save after the 2+ save that can be reduced by AP4 or AP3.  So, a Termie fails a 2+ save from an ork, so gets to reroll on a 4+.  It fails a 2+ against a heavy bolter and just fails.  


    Something like that.  


    Or, like I suggested elsewhere, terminator armor gives the wearer an extra wound.  


    The last thing this game needs right now is more over-complicated rules on models that won't get used anyways.


    The issues with Terminator survivability are really more of issues with the types of firepower that GW puts in the game and on the pricing of Terminator models. If Grav weren't absolutely everywhere, if S6 shots in volume weren't cheaper than rent in Kentucky, and if Terminators weren't consistently priced at 3x the cost of a Space Marine with only 2x the durability (or less) it wouldn't be an issue.


    Giving them an extra wound could certainly work, but it would put them extremely close to Centurions in terms of mechanics and Space Marines are already a barely-differentiated mass of guys in big suits.

    • Like 1
  7. I think that movement (and assaults) in the game are fast enough that shooting doesn't need a general-purpose nerf of any kind. However, we have been looking at some houserules for our group, first and foremost being the South Coast GT FAQ rules. Some of it is inapplicable/unneeded since the release of the General's Handbook, but some of the others are still helpful- for example, measuring base-to-base for models, not allowing multiples of the same modifier to stack, and Deadly terrain not automatically killing Monsters and Heroes.


    We've also had a lot of contention over rolling off initiative each turn of the game, but we haven't abandoned it yet. Personally, though, I don't like it very much because of the possibility of "double turns" and whatnot, which I feel can often swing a game in ways that aren't very much fun.

    • Like 2
  8. Ever run one? I never have, just want to use some OLD models.


    I haven't, but a friend of mine has. The FAQ update improves it slightly (since you no longer have to roll to hit with its psychic power, a major obstacle at BS3) but it's still one of the worst units in the Tyranid codex. Weak defenses, a power that is almost strictly worse than Psychic Shriek AND Scream, low combat stats, and a hefty price tag make for a unit that is just lackluster in almost every possible arena.


    If you just want to use the Malefactor model, I've seen it used as both a Tervigon and a Tyrannofex, as Edosaurus mentions.

  9. Erm. The problem with land Raiders is not that the explode for S10 AP2 hits on their occupants, it's that there are fair too many categories of weapons (Melta, Haywire, Destroyer, etc) that can easily destroy them without much regard to their stats.

    • Like 1
  10. Being able to have Tyrant leave Tyrant guard is a nice buff. I never caught that change from the last book to be honest. They are a solid back field unit that you can have your flyrants hide in now. That's not to shabby.


    a 2 wound t6 3 attack base with rending, feed that's scores sound good to me.


    The Tyrant Guard are a decent unit, if a bit too expensive for what they do (though not by a lot.) Their problem is that they don't really bring anything useful to the "standard" Tyranid army these days- and, in fact, they are reliant on hanging out with a walking Tyrant, who is essentially a stone around the neck of any list these days.

  11. Dude. Any IC with Shrouded is potentially a big deal.


    The fact that he can be part of a Cast of Players is pretty nice. It means that, for a 10pt tax, you can give the whole unit Shrouded without any need for activating a psychic power or anything, which covers their biggest weakness.


    If the Troupe units weren't equipped so horribly, they would be worth using. Being able to Run+Charge is really big, but having only a small handful of special melee weapons makes them not worth it. Also, the fact that neither Eldrad nor the Jester can do the Run+Charge thing is... kinda harsh.



    There are two Kisses in that Troupe. One with a basic pistol, and one with a Disruptor.


    I see Caresses way more often than Kisses these days, tho. The fact that there are only two Caresses in both Units put together is what seems weird to me.


    Caress is generally accepted as the superior melee option, yeah. It's numbers against things are just really, really high (especially with benefit of Prescience or the like.)

    • Like 2
  12. How do they survive shooting to do anything? Warriors are hot garbage. What makes the flyrant useful is that it is survivable, mobile, and self reliant. The prime has to be in a unit which almost certainly will cost more than 75 pts and collectively they won't shoot as hard, be as maneuverable, and will be easier to kill.


    This isn't about how good powerful units are- this is about forcing an already-weak codex to take horrible, horrible units (TWO of them!) in order to punish them for how bad they are. It's just not fair to all the Eldar, Tau, Space Marine, and Daemon players if the Tyranids aren't playing down by 200+pts every game.

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  13. The "official" rules for conversions seem to be pretty strict- 90%(?) Wyrd models and no proxies (other than Emissaries/Avatars.) How closely do tournaments in the northwest actually adhere to these rules? I was looking at possibly doing a Dreamer crew that would need a lot of work done to make Lord Chompy, but Wyrd doesn't really seem to have any models that could be anything like an acceptable base for the project.

  14. I don't like the look of the flyer so far. It makes the Stormwolf look aerodynamic in comparison, and the dual front ramps are kinda goofy. Are we to assume that it has two completely separate troop compartments on the inside of it, or that the thing has actual hallways between the two halves? Do Deathwatch recruits sometimes get lost inside their flyers? "Yeah, just take a left at the junction, past the power couplers and the litany of the Emperor's Fury. Then hang right, keep on going to the end and you can't miss it."

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