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Posts posted by AbusePuppy

  1. Forge World already has a reputation for "borken" models. If they went too far with the formations in DoM, people would have screamed bloody murder.


    Yeah, because they really showed a lot of restraint with all of the other Eldar stuff in that book, like the Corsair psychic powers, the Skathach Wraithknight, Pale Courts Battlehost, etc, etc. >.>



    I like 30K because of the no formation rules, and the Rites of War basically are formations, so /shrug.


    For some reason, I was thinking you had to take an HQ for your warlord, and that detachment became your Primary detachment. I must be getting senile in my old age.


    There is a LOT of broken stuff in 30K, as Pax says- the difference is that the 30K community is much smaller, doesn't hold tournaments, and shares less information, so the "broken" builds are not widely known or played the way they are in 40K.


    (Warlords did have to be HQs back in 6th edition; they changed the rules in 7E. You are correct about the primary detachment part, though, as whatever detachment your warlord is in by definition is your primary detachment.)

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  2. hmm.  Looks like they will be precursors to Celestians?  If celestians were this cool, people would probably take them.


    The only things that Sisters of Silence and Sisters of Battle have in common are their names (because GW isn't very original and couldn't think of a second thing to call a unit of girls) and the fact that they work for the Imperium. They are not recruited from the same stock of personnel, do not serve the same functions, do not work for the same parts of the heirarchy, don't hold the same beliefs, and are separated by something like four millenia of history.

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  3. The, uh, "Sundered King" alone is CRAZY good- haven't even gotten to the other stuff. Enemies have -1 to hit him at all times, and he has a 4+ to ignore any hit (ranged or melee) that strikes him and his stats don't scale down at all as he loses wounds? That's pretty huge. Similarly, the "Duke of Horror" can autokill any model with five or less wounds pretty easily, and it shouldn't be hard to grind someone down to that point with his other attacks. Also, that guy has two different ways of healing wounds off of the same attack? Seems like poor editing/writing.

  4. The Imperial Bunker and Bastion are both very useful as firing platforms for a fragile unit as well as a way to shunt a unit forward via Escape Hatch. They and the Aegis Line are also excellent for bringing a Comms Relay, as already noted, and though the Quad Gun isn't nearly as ubiquitous as it once was it still is a solid AA choice for armies lacking that sort of thing (which are most of them.) The Void Shield Generator is an extremely strong defensive tool, albeit a bit weaker once the changes from the draft FAQ are implemented. Vengeance Batteries are about the cheapest battle cannon you can get and are AV13 scoring units for a pretty trivial price. The Firestorm Redoubt, though expensive, is probably the strongest air defense you can get in most cases, with the potential for four Lascannon and four Autocannon shots per turn at BS3 twin-linked (not to mention a hidey-hole.) And the Plasma Obliterator, though probably not "worth it" overall, can be pretty devastating when manned by the right characters.

  5. An update for those interested: we have posted the mission packet (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-EEdMfI3ZHYaW5ncklVS0lfQk0/view?usp=sharing) along with the three unique missions that we will be using for the tournament. We have been working hard to add more terrain to our collection as well as repainting the existing terrain to a higher standard; we also have ordered new game mats for most of our tables and should be able to support 16+ players quite comfortably now.


    If you're looking for a good tournament for a good cause, we encourage folks to come on down (or up) to Corvallis and give it a shot- you're guaranteed to walk away with at least a set of unique objectives/bases and some other goodies from our grab bags, and we've got even more giveaways to raffle off from our sponsors this time, including minis from Spellcrow and Kromlech, bases from Vreda Forge, painting credit from Barbarian Studies, and much more.

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  6. I'm hoping Planetary Onslaught will have some neat scenario/campaign rules for using as well as updated fortifications. I'm expecting that they will simply have a "fortification detachment" now, since almost none of the 7E detachments have had a fortification slot available in them (other than Combined Arms and a small scattering of others.)

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  7. Lemon Wuss rules until book 7 Inferno comes out. Gah, those rules are bad!


    That Legion Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank gives me the tingles like the Sicarian tank did when it first came out. Could it be that the Custodes will be an actual, flushed out, formation/detachment/allied force that you will be able to use in 30K??? This White Dwarf gives them a Troops choice, Elites choice, and we know they are getting a Contemptor Dreadnought, and the tank would be Heavy Support (though if that is a 120mm oval base it's sitting on, it might be a Lord of War choice instead as it'll be Fellblade size). Throw in an HQ choice- like some dude in charge of the Custodes at Prospero like they did with Magos Reductor Calleb Decima at Isstavan III (Book I), a way to transport them (Spartan Land Raiders maybe? Or some new variant) and suddenly, we have an army of Custodians.


    You may be able to field an army of just Custodes, but the word so far has been that the Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and other miscellaneous forces will be collected under the names "Talons of the Emperor" (or something to that effect) and forming a single combined army.

  8. 1.  I am unsure what the actual issue is in the case of Eldar.  Battle Focus (page 148) says simply that you "must take both actions before you move onto the next unit-otherwise the chance to make the second action is forfeit".  So in the case of Battle Focus you could not shoot.  Therefore you could not use Battle Focus if you wished to Consecrate.  Battle Focus requires you to do both, explicitly.


    What about units inside transports consecreating/desecrating?


    Edit: And use of Death from the Skies?

  9. If we're fielding questions:


    -Desecrating (or re-consecrating) the Shrine is done in place of shooting. Can this be done by units which can perform run+shoot actions (such as Eldar with Battle Focus or Tau in a Hunter Cadre)? Can a unit that is inside a transport give up their shooting, presuming the vehicle has fire points or is open-topped? The text seems to allow it, but it's a bit counter-intuitive.


    -Does the -1 penalty to defender units for being within 12" of the shrine apply on a per-model or per-unit basis? In other words, does the whole unit have to be in range or just part of it?


    -Can the defender sacrifice a unit that has a point cost but did not actually pay points for to The One? Something such as a unit brought into play with a conjuration power, spawned from a Tervigon, or disembarked Tau drones?


    -The Linebreaker objective in The Shrine Point is different from the rulebook version- it does not specify that the unit needs to be a scoring unit. Is this an oversight?


    -In Blitzkrieg, the rules for deploying objective markers specify that they cannot be placed within 8" of each other- this presumably overrides the normal rules forbidding placement of objectives within 12" of each other? Does it also allow objectives to be placed within 6" of a board edge (which is normally forbidden), or is that still prohibited?


    -The Blitzkrieg tertiary objective is to contest your "own" objectives. Does this mean to simply have a scoring unit on them, or must the enemy be attempting to hold them and you stopping them? Is this affected by the presence of Objective Secured in any way?


    -Super Eclipse also uses special objective-placement rules. Can these objectives be within 6" of a board edge?


    -In Secure the Escape Tarmac, the players alternate deploying units (or declaring them to be in reserve.) If I have a unit and an independent character I wish to attach to them, is that counted as a single "choice" for deploying, or would I first place one of the unit/character and then for a later "choice" deploy the second one in coherency with them? What about units embarked in a transport? Are Infiltrators handled the same way as reserves where you declare a unit to be infiltrating as one of your "choices"?


    -In many of the missions, the text notes that you roll off and "the winner deploys first." Is this accurate as printed, or is it intended that the winner of the roll-off can choose to be second if they so wish?


    -Do fortifications count as a battlefield role for purposes of Escape the Tarmac?


    -The Evacuation mission does not list when fortifications are to be deployed, though the other missions specifically change things to have them put down before objectives instead of the usual time.


    -Which FAQs and/or supplements will be in effect for the tournament? Specifically, the inclusion (or non-inclusion) of the GW draft FAQs and the Death from the Skies supplement, both of which are considered fairly contentious. There are also things like the Imperial Space Marine and other "minor" supplemental materials are also worth considering.

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  10. I can swallow those rules, but not that cost. 125 for the first three? 165, maybe. Also trouble swallowing that they would change the guardian spear. Storm shields that are only 4++?


    Yeah, that is almost certainly a mistake. HH charges more for the initial squad, not less, so if they're 55 apiece than you're probably looking at at least 165 and quite possibly 190-215 for the initial set of three guys.



    Rerollable is better than a 3++.


    It did it was a contingent reroll, though, so it might only be reroll 1s, or reroll in close combat, or something like that. They've been pretty cautious about allowing Storm Shields into the HH game thus far.

  11. The thing is, you don't NEED to deny both armor and cover saves; it's great and usually weapons that do that cause units to just vanish in a poof of smoke, but it's not fundamentally required or anything. Eldar bikes are actually much more scared of simply being shot at than they are being shot by high-quality guns. Now, for some of their other units (like a Seer Council or Wraithknight) being able to deny saves can be a much bigger deal, but really DA's solution to those types of units is typically going to be melee units and/or working around them, not a single super-shooting unit like Centurions with a Hunter's Eye.


    Also, I will second the recommendation of Black Knights. They are a fantastic unit that add a lot to the army, even if you aren't playing a pure Ravenwing. The mix of good shooting, good melee, good speed, and excellent survivability is hard to beat.

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  12. Which metal Slann are they? I know there's been a couple different sculpts.


    I'm presuming the Stegadon is assembled? Is it the metal or plastic version?


    Could send me (or post) a picture of the Saurus Warriors? I'd definitely like some more of them, but if they're too far off my own scheme it could be a bit awkward.

  13. MT should fall under the IG bracket.  I'd go one step further and call it Forces of the Imperium, and have it be IG, MT, OA, Inq as options for that Ambassador.  For the Tyranid Ambassador, I'd say Bugs or GSC would be legit.


    Astartes would cover SM, DA, BA, SW, DW, GK.  Forces of Chaos would CSM, KDK, CD.  Forces of Mars would be IK and the rest of the AdMech.



    Of course, this includes supplements.


    I mean, if we're going this far, why not lump CSM and SoB in with all of the Astartes? Power armor is power armor.

  14. Based on the comparison between the first photos of a number of other Models and the actual thing, I'm pretty sure that has more to do with GW's photography and the 'Eavy Metal team's overdone highlighting than the actual Model.


    Yeah, I don't actually hate the model itself, it kinda reminds me of the good aspects of the Taurox, but the photos of it don't do it any favors.

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