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Posts posted by NakedPanda

  1. I am very deeply happy to hear that some of the nuance I crammed in to those designs is creeping out! Intentionally wanted to break away from the tactically underwhelming proliferation of 'boxes' (not that they are bad, just so many decision to be made with simpler shapes and standard [almost premeasuring] dimensions) out there, and make pieces that mean different things to different players.


    <chuffed to bits~

    • Like 3
  2. Hello!





    Armbots: Peacemaker 20$

    Japanese 28mm Terrain (Used for historical and Infinity tables) 100$ -a deal is in the works but not final-

    There is an Infinity model in one of the pics with the shrine (not included)

    The two bags are two more unassembled buildings of the same model as what they are adjacent to.

    Walls of varying heights and composition

    Door sections

    Shrine and garden

    Bamboo Thickets

    Torii Arches

    Stone Lanterns


    AoS, LotR, and WHFB

    Storm of Chaos Dwarf Doomseekers (x2) $30
    The White Dwarf
    Dwarf Engineer
    Dwarf Thunderer
    Dwarf Female with crossbow
    Dawrf Ranger

    Chaos Lord on foot and Chaos Hero 10$

    Pathfinder Core rulebook and chessex dice pack 25$



    Thanks for checking this out!

    H:Infinity Terrain, Japanese Town & Army, RPG, AoS/whfb W:$

    • Like 1
  3. -300 point ITS Special Operations tournament - 3 rounds, 110 minutes each - Sign in at 11:30. Lunch break after round 1. Awards at 7:00. – Scenarios, in order: Cold Sleep, Nimbus Zone, and Seize the Antennas - $10 Entry fee, 100% goes to prize support - ITS 2016 prize kit, including Krakot Renegade miniature for 1st place - BONUS prize raffle for fully painted armies

    • Like 4
  4. At Nate's ITS, I had the opportunity to have a close look at Top Down Terrain's new buildings. Both Brian Boese and Goerge Spencer had a set.


    1. The new terrain is tournament designed. The pieces nest together for packing purposes.


    2. Next, the buildings are not standard lengths. They are not four or eight inches. Playing on the table forces players to think about their movement instead of playing on remote control.


    3. The buildings have ladders designed on them to reach the roof tops.


    4. Like Black Sheep designs, the buildings are solid. They do not have easily broken bits or fragile sections that snap off. This also means the buildings have a simple design. There are no doors to open or balconies. Players will not be playing inside these buildings.


    5. The buildings, especially, SCTN 1 and SCTN 2 are tall. SCTN is nine inches high. It blocks line of sight for the game and the players. With the high tables at Guardian games, I come not see over the tables when sitting down. I really had to look around the building to see my Hellcat on the other side. In the end, my opponent, George moved the model for me out of ease. I like the height for two reasons. At nine inches, you cannot just shotgun the models below you, our for that matter, hacking zones have a smaller window. Secondly, the buildings feel like a real city. I work downtown. All the buildings are multi-story. Four of the SCTN 1 or 2 in a grid off the center of the table would a great set up for any table.


    6. The Jawa Sandcrawleresque shape will block site lines and create shadow zones.


    7. The buildings do not have a solid lip on top. There are open areas like where the ladders reach the top of building. This makes cover sporadic and not automatic.


    8. If you look at buildings 3 and 4, the are designed, much like the second generation Black Sheep terrain, to be inserted on the sides of other buildings to great other configurations and over hangs.


    9. I really like building 4 since models can hide under the over hang and cannot be targeted my models directly over the top of it.


    10. The price is a bargain. $12-13 for the small buildings is a pittance. The operations set and set or two of the shatter vigil scatter terrain and you have the perfect amount for any table for $200!

    I'll have you know that the doors are included and openable sir!


    Just that Boese forgot them hahaha

    • Like 1
  5. Hello! I am in redmond, and am making a trip down to Portland on the 26th if you want to meet me then~







    Japanese 28mm Terrain 100$


    There is an Infinity model in one of the pics with the shrine even


    The two bags are two more unassembled buildings of the same model as what they are adjacent to.


    Walls of varying heights and composition


    Door sections


    Shrine and garden


    Bamboo Thickets


    Torii Arches


    Stone Lanterns



    GW Terrain 90$ - SOLD


    Garden of Morr


    2 Fences and Barricades


    Performer Troupe


    Bring out your dead


    wrecked/abandoned cart






    3 Magnetized GW Forests



    Samurai Army 150$


    Huge metal army of


    Perry Miniatures 


    AEG Clan War



    Bits Hoard 30$ - SOLD


    This is a massive collection of Games Workshop bits. this lot has NOT been cherry picked, there are entire models and loads of excellent models pieces. 



    GW Cases 10$ each - SOLD


    modified to hold more models as shown in samurai army storage pic






    Kingdom Death, $


    Thanks for checking this out!


    H: Japanese Terrain, GW Terrain, Samurai Army, Bits Hoard, GW Cases W: KDM, $

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