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Posts posted by Talapas

  1. Definitions from the desk of Talapas:


    Bus: Unit designed to get Characters into combat. Classic bus is Bret Knight unit with lord, sorceress, and double hero.


    Screening unit: Unit designed to cover, draw fire, and redirect. Also used to protect main units from being flanked. Composition depends on army and purpose. Skink skirmishers are an example of a screening unit.


    Deathstar: A very large unit that is the ultimate in points denial and destruction. It may or may not include characters. Usually is 40+ of elite infantry troops, or 15+ or monstrous troops. Sometimes appears as a horde.

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  2. I also could argue that a Virus is not a life form at all. It does not reproduce itself and is nothing more than a rouge DNA or RNA strain surrounded by a protein and lipid casing that invades cells and forces the cells to reproduce the virus till the cells ruptures spreading the virus to other cells. Aside from it containing DNA or RNA (never both), proteins and lipids it doesn't have any other trait that life forms have.


    But this is way off topic. :sad:


    But not all diseases are viral in nature. And bacteria are indeed living organisms. Also I could argue that humanity is an organism that is unsustainable as we too are devouring our host, Earth, though at a slower rate than the typical bacteria cell.


    As for being off topic. I don't mind as I enjoy spreading the gospel of Nurgle whenever I can.

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