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Posts posted by DisruptiveConduct

  1. After looking at hive guard again, the ignores cover addition will be useful against eldar jetbike farseers and daemons with invisibility up.


    Biovores and spore mines are what I keep coming back to. 30 pts in the FA slot gives you a disruption unit that can deep strike into the enemys deployment zone. Having to spend an entire units shooting to avoid being assaulted and blown up is nice.


    Still weird though. Id rather pay 200+ for ymgarls cuz they are more fun.

  2. Long ranged low AP for big MCs, targetting synapse first (as suggested before), then any kind of small arms fire with an AP to kill the small nids.


    Aegis is always useful to force nonassault grenade units down to I1 when they have to charge over it.


    FMCs are all four wounds with no invuln. So force grounding tests then focus fire when one is down.

  3. the multiple barrage rules on page 34 of BRB state to determine the placement of the first marker and then roll scatter for the remaining shots. the biovores fire all at the same time as a brood.


    The Spore mine launchers special rule, Spore Burst, reads "If, when the final position of the FIRST blast marker in the barrage is determined, there are no models under it, place D3 spore mine models anywhere under the blast marker..."


    So we have BRB telling us to determine first placement then scatter remaining shots. we have codex saying determine first placement then place models if a miss but gives us no continuation for the reminaider of the shots.


    also, missed biovore spore mine placement happens in the shooting phase. they only way to explode them is by assaulting a unit and surviving overwatch. i'm thinking they can assault the turn they are placed via spore mine launcher?

  4. Ahh...i see. Venonthrompe spore cloud is decent then.


    Am I wrong in thinking that if one model in a unit has assault gernades, the entire unit counts as having them when assaulting? I am still looking through the BRB to confirm this.


    Something that no one has mentioned yet, but i love, is the new Tyrant Guard Shield Wall rule (Hive tyrant/swarmy autopass look out sir rolls). That is super nice considering you needed to roll 4+ in the last codex.


    We still have the same issue with Swarmy and Tyrant guard that we had before. If Swarmy had Warp Speed, he had fleet but his tyrant guard did not. Now the tyrant guard get access to fleet via adrenal glands, but Swarmy cant get Warp Speed or adrenal glands. Talk about late to the party.

  5. More of those lifting exo-suits!


    hahaha! that power-loader is kind of a super special unique conversion. i cant imagine trying to duplicate perfection. but something in that line.


    dreadnoughts kind of dont make sense for a genestealer cult. unless the soul embedded is some how corrupted by the genestealer taint. what else is on a 60mm that looks mean and could be commandeered?

  6. i loved the fact that i didn't have to run across 24" of board to do something (36"+ if hammer and anvil). Dev gants in a pod made ppl have a bad day, but it was a one shot thing. they were nuked approriately by my opponent on the next turn. Now i need to walk 30 gants across the board and maybe get there with less than what i would pod in.


    podding zoanthropes (doom or not) was the only way to be sure they could actually use their powers. otherwise they are a super easy first blood if deployed on the board.


    i will have fun with flying tyrants and a crone (currently being commissioned) but not as much fun. i really took dynamic deployment to heart last codex. now it's back to walking and worrying about synapse anchors (throwback to 4th edition codex with WoN).


    anyone have a good idea for genestealer cult counts-as carnifexes? it seems i'll need at least 6 of them....

  7. You dont. Tyrannofex has no access to cluster spines and tervigon has to pay 5 pts to swap out the stinger salvo. Guess cluster spines and firing a chest flamer was just too OP.


    This edition totally gutted my genestealer cult list I took to OFCC and the DMB brawl. No spore pods is my single biggest issue. I liked an army that didnt have to walk across the board.


    Think ppl would take issue with using the boring machines (old pods) as Mawlocs? They are on an oval base! Haha.

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