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Posts posted by Frowbakk

  1. If it's a regularly scheduled thing I may be able to make it down as well.  I've just figured out most of the conversions to bring my Ad Mech in line with the new rules. 


    Plus, if you host a terrain building day I can bring down some half-finished themed terrain pieces to donate after they're finished by volunteer labor.

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  2. Drop the Bosspoles on the Bully Boyz: They're Fearless.  Also drop the Boarding Planks because either your vehicle and re-rolling one dice on the charge will get you into close combat, or your ride is shot out from under you and you're footslogging and most likely running to catch up anyway.  Plus 15 points is far too expensive for their supposed benefit.  That'll free up another 60 points for you


    I played a (mostly) all-Meganob themed list at OFCC last year and TSHFT in January.  Ghaz was OK for the OFCC, but freeing up the points for Looted Wagons (and their 3 Rokkits each) was more important (even if they were carrying Grots.) Ghaz's invuln save and allowing his unit (and only his unit) of Meganobz to run and charge never saw enough use to justify the extra points, same thing with a Big Mek in Mega Armor with a Kustom Force Field... I was always in combat so quick it hardly ever bounced a bullet.


    In my list two BattleWagons carried one of the units of 5 Bully Boyz, while a Mega Warboss backed up with the Mad Dok and three other Meganobz filled the other.  The other two units of 5 Bully Boyz and two units of 3 Meganobz (the only units with Bosspoles, which never got used) all rode Trukks and did "Krooz Missle" duty.

  3. I've found that with Orks having specific dice pools set up for each unit helps a lot to speed up the game.  If shooting grab this pile, if fighting grab that pile, add this other pile if charging.


    However, I also tried to get as many Fearless units in so the seemingly endless Roll Ld, Roll Mob Rule, Roll Mob Rule Damage, Roll Mob Rule Armor Saves (and after all that time remove one or two models) iterations would be at a minimum.

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  4. Consider Torsion Cannon for the Breachers, perhaps?


    The Canticles re-rolls and Skitarii WS/BS shifting taken together led me to a funny idea:


    First turn Boost WS+3 and drop BS -2, then go for the shooting re-roll Canticle.  Only hitting on 5's and 6's but the shots from Rangers basic rifles, Transuranic Arquebusesezesezz (how does one stop spelling that word?) and Ironstrider Ballistarii all have Precision Shot on sixes, then re-roll and go for Precision Shots again.  Snipe out all the stuff which hurts your army the most (Power Fists, Special Weapons, Psykers, whatever) and go for a 2nd turn Beta strike.  Add in the warlord servoskull item that allows armor penetration re-rolls vs a visible vehicle and the Skitarii long guns just got a bit better at cracking open tanks.


    Kind of the same lateral thinking that led Sisters of Battle players long, long ago in an edition far, far away  to eschew Heavy Flamers and take units with two or four regular Flamers and go for the psuedo-Rending Act of Faith so that half of the wounds bypassed armor saves.


    (There.  Got the Star Wars AND Discworld references in the same post....)

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  5. With the latest round of rumors, the Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation is just 1 HQ and 2 Troops, and up to 6 more Troops, 4 Elite, 2 Heavy and... 1 Fortification.


    So the White Dwarf War Convocation Formation letting all units remove Gets Hot from their rules means the Plasma Obliterator just found a new home.


    I figure I can fit in everything and just squeeze in 60 points under 1850.  (Psychic Inquisitor with Servo Skull, I'm looking in your direction....)


    If only I had the time, money, etc to travel for 40K this summer.  However it looks like I'll have to stay uber local and miss OFCC this year, and possibly even the August TSHFT.

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  6. Unfortunately the Skitarii Battle Maniple is the 'buy one of each of our units" one, so I'm guessing the Battle congregation is the same.


    Otherwise minimum 2 Troops Skitarii and 1 HQ 2 Troops Cult Mechanicus plus one or more Knights for all  those bonuses?  Too good to be true.

  7. More are up in arms about Scouting / Scoring Fortifications, though.


    Shooty Drop Pods are more par for the course.  I didn't know about the Flesh Tearers formation until I read his list, though.


    I wonder what the Sternguard will get swapped out for since the combi-gravs were apparently lackluster.

  8. Remember, it's only +d3 attacks (if and only if outnumbered) in close combat.  Great for a small elite unit (MANz), not so much for the single model.


    The paragon Gauntlet should be fun, though.

  9. I'll be doing a "Half-Shattered" visor with a Servo skull behind it.


    Fortunately, I've got conversions to cover the Electropriests and tracked guys (just add torsos to my already magnetized Rapier conversions), and plenty of Techpriests for the rest


    Two Kastelan with the full shooty upgrade can reliably mow down a 5 Marine unit on the move or a full 10 marine unit using their 'Double Tap if Stationary' Protocol, so expect to see them as common allies.


    I can't wait to get the kit, chop it up for ease of re-posing, and start the conversion frenzy.


    With the new Knight Fist, throwing a dead Kastelan at an enemy unit would do as much damage as throwing a Land Raider, so go figure...

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  10. I picked one up and the gun is just a little too large to use for a Knight....  Unless I counterbalance it with a Chimera-track chainsword or resin power fist.


    Time to break out the reuseable Greeenstuff molds and make a 'slimline' version with only 3 vents at the front, I guess.

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