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Posts posted by Frowbakk

  1. Well, so far that fits with the plan to make the first Beta iteration totally suck (no Inferno Pistol Seraphim, etc.) based on existing models without bits-swaps only.

    The release rumors of new models, with slogans like: "Hey, instead of that crappy old lead model which doesn't do the job, howzabout some spiffy new plastic kit which only currently exists as a computer render to theoretically bridge that gap in performance of those old, stodgy lead models you really, Really, REALLY don't want compered to the new upcoming Plastic Hotness, yes?" in order to stoke the flames of desire for new plastic models.

    Then mid-year a Beta 2.0 update with the new models shown (but not yet available, but proxy with paper cut-outs, a la Cardboard Ork Dreadnaught from way back when) and what do you know, actually GOOD rules to use with the about-to-be-released Codex and Models...

    Then eventually released, but toned down a bit because of Primaris Players tears at no longer being the New Hotness.

    And let's not forget, 9th Edition released a week later which makes their new rules completely unplayable.



  2. Buy this OTHER Book for the second half of the rules to round out your army...

    Looted Wagons = Other armies Tanks (but with Orkified weapons)

    Looted Karts = Other armies Transports (but with Orkified weapons)


  3. Deathskull Meganobz... with 6++ and Objective Secured.

    What was that Mob Up rule again? Smoosh two units of Deffskull MANz into one big mob and buff 'em from there...  like the Death Guard Terminator thing I've run up against. Good thing I have more than 30 MANz already.

    Plus to ALWAYS be able to re-roll a Single to hit AND ALSO re-roll a to wound roll AND ALSO re-roll a variable Damage roll (Shooting: Kombi-Rokkit and Close Combat: Killsaws ... I'm looking in your direction).

    Easy to field too, just slap some blue paint that says 'Mine Now!' on previously-other-Klanz Mega Armor.


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  4. I'm not buying a >DARN< thing until I get the Ork Codex and have a chance to mull over what I have and what can fill in for the new stuff.

    I got burned with the Flash Gitz/Lootas kit last time (missed out on the Gorka/Morkanaut uselessness, fortunately) and am not going to make that mistake again.

    It's a point of pride that all my Ork vehicles look unique. My favorite is the Tau vehicle conversion that even Tau players can't recognize as once being a Tau vehicle.

    If I get any of the new Ork vehicles, it will be to swap out Armor plates and weapons here and there in order to keep my counts-as kitbashes still counting.


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  5. The large amount of regular Boyz required in an Ork army is why I started playing an all Mega Armored Nobz force (Grots don't count).

    Then, once I had that ready to go on the table, the Green Tide lists really came into contention. However, I just don't want to move that many models around and have a re-play of my experiences as an Ork player back in 3rd Edition of showing up for a game and spending the next two hours putting my models away.

    The one force I truly enjoyed playing was the Speed Freek list from Codex: Armageddon because I had all my Troops slots filled with Skorcha Buggies so I never even had to roll dice to hit.

    I'm hoping the new Ork Codex has more than One True Path to victory, because for me Horde Orks aren't what I'm willing to play on a regular basis.

  6. Sneaky Git Mission specific questions of sneaky-gitted-sneaky-ness of git-dom:

    Can an Objective (a Grot, Control Unit, or Energy Nexus in Missions 1, 3, and 5, respectively) be claimed PRIOR to turn 1 by way of before-the-first-turn Vanguard moves, Scout moves, Infiltrator deployment, redeployment via special ability, Genestealer Cult  ability, or other shenanigans? (Shenanigans like Act-of-Faith moves, etc, which happen at the START of turn are allowed, I assume?)

    In Mission 1: Grot Hunt, can you choose to abandon a Captured Grot (thereby making it a Free Grot) by moving the unit with control over the Captured Grot more than 3" away from the spot where the Grot was captured? Can the capturing unit turn over control of the Captured Grot to another unit? If a unit cannot voluntarily move away from the Captured Grot, what happens if the controlling unit is moved away from the Captured Grot involuntarily, such as by having to Fall Back or Retreat more than 3" away, an opponents psychic puppet ability, etc?

    In Mission 2: Land Claim, the correct reading of the Bonus Scoring  section is the most of YOUR OWN tokens YOU placed (and if removed, placed once again) when compared to the number of your OPPONENTs tokens placed (and placed again) during the game, correct?  Also, the correct reading is the most of your OPPONENTS tokens YOU destroyed during the game vs. the number of YOUR OWN tokens THEY destroyed, right?

    In Mission 3: Control Unit, IF (and only if) the Control Unit is able to be claimed PRIOR to turn 1 (if 1st question was answered 'no', then ignore this question. Otherwise...), could a unit with the ability to move before the game begins (such as vehicle with Vanguard which allows unit to move as-if it were the Movement Phase) move into contact with the Control Unit, move the Control Unit from the front of its model/base to the end closest to its' deployment zone and use any further move allowance/Advancing as-if it were the Movement Phase to move it up to the 9" allowed, and the drop it prior to the 1st turn movement phase? Could that unit, or another unit then move the Control unit up to the 9" allowed in the 1st turn Movement Phase in order to have effectively moved the Control Unit up to 18" away from the center of the board by the end of the 1st Turn Movement Phase?

    In Mission 4: Quest for Glory, If you have tabled your opponent do you get the 'Gave up no Glory in back to back turns'  Bonus point, or do you need to keep one of your opponents models or units alive for however many turns it takes until the conditions are specifically met?

    In Mission 5: Energy Siphon, How does a unit/model take control of an Energy Nexus, (since the Mission does not specify) by coming into contact, by being within 3", or by some other method? Can you please verify that once an Energy Nexus is Increased, it STAYS Increased for the rest of the game (scoring 2 points if Siphoned at the end of a player turn thereafter, unless it is Destroyed), and doesn't become un-Increased when points are scored from it?

  7. ...which is then secured to bedrock with explosive bolts, meaning the unit can't move more than 3" away from the captured Grot unless/until it escapes.

    Last bullet point: • Unless Sneaking or Fleeing, Grots do not move and cannot be moved by the capturing player (emphasis mine)

  8. Dark angels are sorienor's force to bring to the party:

    Battalion Detachment|
    HQ: Azrael  (180)
    HQ: Primaris Lt (78)
    HQ: Sammael on Sableclaw (216)

    Troops: 5 Intercessors (90)
    Troops: 5 Tactical, Missile Launcher (90)
    Troops: 5 Tactical, plasmagun, combi-plasma (93)

    Elite: 5 Deathwing Terminators, Assault cannon (212)

    Heavy: 5 Devastators, 3x Lascannon (140)

    Outrider Detachment
    HQ: Talonmaster, Havenfall Blade (188)

    Fast: 5 Assault Marines, 2x flamer (98)
    Fast: 5 Black Knights  (230)
    Fast: 5 Ravenwing Bikes, 2x plasmagun, chainswords (151)
    Fast: Ravenwing Darkshroud (138)

    Elite: Ravenwing Apothecary (92)

    1996 pts, 10 command points, 109PL

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  9. VonRuger decided to build and paint a new army for OFCC: Tyranids

    Kronos Hive Fleet


    Hive Tyrant 187pts w/heavy venom cannon, lashwhip, boneswords, toxin sacs, warlord ability soul hunger

    Neurothrope 70pts

    Tyranid Prime 106pts w/flesh hooks, lashwhip bonesword, rending claws


    Hormagaunts x 30 150pts

    Termagaunts x 20 160pts w/devourers 

    Termagaunts x 20 160pts w/devourers 

    Tyranid warriors x 5 125pts w/deathspitters, scything talons 


    Deathleaper 90pts

    Tyrant Guard x 3 117pts w/lashwhip boneswords, rending claws

    Zoanthropes x 5 200pts


    Trygon Prime 198pts w/biostatic rattle

    Trygon Prime 199pts w/toxinspike

    Tyrannofex  238pts w/rupture cannon

    2000 pts

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    • Thanks 1
  10. Up Next is Nathanvoodoo's all-Custodes army. Who wants to put their Knight up against a Telemon Heavy Dreadnought?

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [82 PL, 1688pts] ++
    + No Force Org Slot +
    Use Beta Rules
    + HQ +
    Shield-Captain [7 PL, 128pts]: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
    Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 164pts]: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
    + Troops +
    Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 171pts]
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
    Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 171pts]
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
    Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 171pts]
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
    . Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
    + Elites +
    Custodian Wardens [10 PL, 201pts]
    . Warden: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
    . Warden: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
    . Warden: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
    + Fast Attack +
    Vertus Praetors [15 PL, 297pts]
    . Vertus Praetor: Misericordia, Salvo Launcher
    . Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
    . Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
    + Heavy Support +
    Telemon Heavy Dreadnought (Beta) [17 PL, 385pts]: Illiastus Accelerator Culverin
    . Telemon Caestus: Twin Plasma Ejector
    ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Sisters of Silence) [15 PL, 305pts] ++
    + HQ +
    Inquisitor Eisenhorn [5 PL, 100pts]
    + Elites +
    Daemonhost [1 PL, 25pts]
    Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]: 4x Sister of Silence, Sister Superior
    Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]: 4x Sister of Silence, Sister Superior
    Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]: 4x Sister of Silence, Sister Superior
    ++ Total: [97 PL, 1993pts] ++


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  11. Here are Team Ad-Hoc's lists. Peruse to your hearts content... (hey, why is there blood all over everything... eeeeeyeeew.)

    Index: Adepta Sororitas [1999pts / 112 PL] Battle Forged (+3 CP) Brigade (+12 CP): 15 CP    Ad-Hoc Captain:Todd A. Smith
      49 HQ1: Canoness (45) Bolt Pistol (0), Blade of Admonition (4) [49pts / 4 PL] WARLORD TRAIT: +1 A
      45 HQ2: Canoness (45) Bolt Pistol (0) [45pts / 4 PL]
      56 HQ3: Canoness (45) Bolt Pistol (0), Chainsword (0) Combi-Flamer (11) [56pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR1: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR2: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR3: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR4: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR5: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      51 TR6: Battle Sisters Squad Squad x5 (45), Storm Bolter x3 (6),  [51pts / 4 PL]
      83 DT1: Sororitas Rhino (75), Storm Bolter (2) Storm Bolter (2) Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [83pts/ 5PL]

      83 DT2: Sororitas Rhino (75), Storm Bolter (2) Storm Bolter (2) Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [83pts/ 5PL]

    103 DT3: Sororitas Immolator (68), Immolation Cannon (35) [103pts / 5 PL]
    130 DT4: Sororitas Immolator (68), Twin Multi-Melta (52) Storm Bolter (2) Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [122pts / 5 PL]
      15 EL1: Dialogus (15) [15pts / 1 PL]
      15 EL2: Dialogus (15) [15pts / 1 PL]
      40 EL3: Imagifer (40) [40pts / 2 PL]
      40 EL4: Imagifer (40) [40pts / 2 PL]
      40 EL5: Imagifer (40) [40pts / 2 PL]
      85 HV1: Retributor Squad x5 (45), Heavy Bolter x4 (40) [85pts / 5 PL]
      85 HV2: Retributor Squad x5 (45), Heavy Bolter x4 (40) [85pts / 5 PL]
      85 HV3: Retributor Squad x5 (45), Heavy Bolter x4 (40) [85pts / 5 PL]
    118 FA1: Dominion Squad x5 (50), Meltagun x4 (68) [118pts / 5 PL]
    118 FA2: Dominion Squad x5 (50), Meltagun x4 (68) [118pts / 5 PL]
      97 FA3: Dominion Squad x5 (50), Flamer x4 (36) Combi-Flamer (11) [97pts / 5 PL]
      91 FA4: Seraphim Squad x5 (55), 2 Inferno Pistols x2 (36) [91pts / 4 PL] 
      91 FA5: Seraphim Squad x5 (55), 2 Inferno Pistols x2 (36) [91pts / 4 PL]
    112 DT5: Sororitas Repressor (91) Heavy Flamer (17), Storm Bolter x2 (4) [112pts / 5 PL]
    112 DT6: Sororitas Repressor (91) Heavy Flamer (17), Storm Bolter x2 (4) [112pts / 5 PL]

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