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Posts posted by generalripphook

  1. Two guys in close proximity walk into a krak missile...

    Or two guys in close proximity to a large amount of ammo, explosives, high capacity power packs walk into a krak missile...

    Ehh but still, I'd like to see them with a little more durability

  2. I also would like heavy weapons to become eternal warrior.....it doesn't make sense a model with two men can be killed with a single shot.....I mean seriously? Are the two guys lined up and let every shot go through the chest of both of them??

  3. Problem I've found over the years is that fantasy is more gentlemanly if you will. It has been my experience that on the whole fantasy players show more sportsmanship than the same cut of 40k players in an area. Dunno what it is but that has been my takeaway for awhile now, part of the reason I don't push to hard to integrate... Maybe it has something to do with the guns...

    I would say that it is in part with the min percentages for core choices and percentages for all parts of the FOC, which balances an army a bit.


    Similarly I think it's the fact that melee and magic are really the only sure ways to destroy a unit (and thus achieve victory points)

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