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Posts posted by Fixxer

  1. I second Steve's assessment here. I had an excellent time playing 9th age this weekend. Brought me right back to WHFB 8th edition games that I was missing this big time. The changes were enough to keep me on my toes for sure. Other than that the game plays very much like the previous edition we all loved so much. 

    Thanks to Aaron, Jake, Derk, Kacy, and Bryan for excellent games. 

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  2. TOE and TOP are the magic items that grant the ward saves. They could have different names in 9th age... Generic Talismans of ward saves is all, the 5+ and  6+ versions. Points are so slim at 4500 that magic items needed to be reduced to whats truly important. a 4+isnt much better than a 5+ in my experience when you compare their relative point cost. 


  3. Played my first game against Sam's Dread Elves on Saturday. Twas a smashing loss to a very solid general and army list. Thanks for the game and the experience. 

    The warriors could not get a break on a few long charges, EVEN WITH RE-ROLLS (Lust), pretty annoying but that's what happens when you play against elves :tongue: and your dice haven't been warmed up in years. The counter charges were devastating and that was game, no question. 

    With that I made a few changes to my list... Of course I would. 

    This is what I'm thinking, the issue is getting enough scoring units while still having the ability to bring threats from every direction. Dropped Barbarians, 4 knights, and changed the characters up a bit. Need to go straight alpha strike with a follow up of warriors to hold positions or do what scoring units do. Considering lust allows warriors to reroll charges, I figure they arent a bad option for core scoring units that might be able to pull off a long charge every so often. Figure the DP and Lord supported by chariots, knights, and a giant should cause some early game disruption/ destruction. I figure this is their best option

    Demon Prince *General

    Lust, Apprentice Wizard, Shamanism, 2 spells. Waste hardened Skin. Lucky Shield, Lucky Charm. 2+5++

    Lord of Chaos

    Lust, Shield, Demonic Mount, ToE, +1S Sword. 1+5++


    Lust, Shield, ToP. 3+6++


    17 Wasteland Warriors. Lust, FC. 

    18 Wasteland Warriors, Lust, FC, Great Weapons


    6 Knights, Lust, FC, Magic Weapons. 

    Chariot, Lust

    Chariot, Lust

    War shrine, Lust

    5 War hounds

    5 War hounds





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  4. 1 minute ago, Yarbicus said:

    First DKieft and now you?!?! Hell in a handasket...

    Bring your Malifaux for a Saturday night rematch!

    YES!!!! That's what Im talking about! LOL. I got a Malifaux game scheduled with VonVikee too, possibly. I'll bring my 17' Faux grid too.

    Friday or Saturday night works for me, I'll be around. 

    @ LoF, I'll post my army up later this evening... BANNERS and ALL!  Looking forward to catching up. 

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  5. Damn, Archanists are goood. Really enjoyed this matchup against Mei Fang with Dreamer. He's just so incredibly versatile and being the first time playing against this master, I wanted to be as comfortable as I could with my own models. My opponent was really a solid player, knowledgeable about the game, and was very friendly to play considering how brutal the duels were. 

    'My opponent rushed me, disrupted my whole safety zone that I set up for a summoning engine with Dreamer and it rattled me. Lost sight of the schemes and found myself embroiled in battle attempting to vengefully kill models for no VP advantage, which ultimately lost me the game. My opponent even said to me, 'gotta get the schemes, focus on vp' which is honestly something that I say most of the time, but it didn't matter, we were locked in mortal kombat and I had lost sight.

    That is why this game is so awesome... the random variation in assignment and vp obtainability are NOT solely based on damage output. its an important dynamic, of course, totally necessary but more in regards to denial of vp. Being offensive about acquiring vp means you are using the spacing and terrain on the table coupled with cheaper, less effective damage/defense models. You need activation control and you need to activate your models in a particular order in reaction to the opponent, all things that don't require you to flip a card or rely on any kind of luck. This is the part of the game where you are, in the very present, playing your opponent. Bluffing them, cheating them, and using their emotions and tendencies against them to gain an advantage. I feel like the moments of luck in this game are less devastating and to string together many of them in a row would be rare considering the cap of 54 cards before you reshuffle. No constant rolling of a 1 or a 6 to drive you nuts for the possibility of an eternity. The skill aspect of this game, a lot like WHFB, is becoming clearly evident. Stoked! OFCC 2018.... for sure. 

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  6. Well... fortunately for you the 9th age has removed the GREATEST AND MOST ENTERTAINING MAGIC ITEM OF ALL TIME from their game. Very sad to see it go. So sad. Saddest. Ever. 

    Yes! Looking forward to catching up with you guys on Saturday and with all these other familiar folk at the OFCC. 

    I think I'll be playing good ol' pleasure warriors this time. 

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  7. Just bought my ticket to play some 9th age at the OFCC this year!! I have a couple fully painted armies, just need to touch up on the rules a bit. Dont see an issue there as it looks very much like a streamlined 8th edition. With no models needing any work really, I just need to study and possibly get a few practice games in. 

    Im in Vancouver, WA so if anyone wants to plan a game in the next few weeks, keep me posted.

    What's everyone playing? Im considering either Warriors or Skaven. 


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  8. I am unfortunately down south in Vancouver/PDX but I do travel up to the Seattle area for certain tournaments and events. There is certainly a strong community in both Seattle and PDX even though it isnt represented so much on ORDO. Check out Facebook. Breaching the Emerald City and Malifaux PDX. These are solid group pages that have all gatherings and tournaments posted. 



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  9. On 6/2/2017 at 11:15 AM, VonVilkee said:

    My perseverance has paid off! I have a malifaux game :yourock:. Sigurd got the crew selected and a set of summoning choices... we will be playing a Wyrd directly designed 3 player game. I'm super excited!

    Thats what Im talking about!! LOL! 

    Good Stuff. I got x3 games in over the weekend and it wasnt even a tournament. Getting a following brewing down here in PDX finally. 

    Lost a game to the Viktorias again, they're good. It wasnt AS bad as our game but, I was certainly taken back by an activation that left a bunch of my models dead because of +2 damage for all Sister models cast by the Malifaux Child.  VIk of Blood opened a can of straight whoop ass on me, she died shortly after, but damage was done at that point. I love their glass cannon style, super fun, super gotcha. 


    Only if i were in Bellingham.... 

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  10. New henchmen, Benny Walcomb, he's a bandit, nihilist who seems to work well with Parker and Hamelin considering his keywords. He summons rats... ;/

    Tara got another Void creature called Talos. Enforcer, 50mm base, rare 1 beater- min damage 3. Healing tricks. 

    The Midnight Stalker is another enforcer tha looks down right mean. Seems to be a copycat killer or in competition with Seamus as to who is the scariest in all of Malifaux. Hilarious fluff, I like this dude. Only 6 wounds but has amazing healing and defense tricks. He'll eat your hand but will be entertaining while doing it. 

    Prospector, a scheme runner minion that can produce soul stones. And finally the Freikcorps engineer, a support minion who gives out even more armor.


    so, outcasts did well with a henchmen, 3 rare 1 enforcers, and 2 minions. All seem to be very useful in certain schemes and play styles. 

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  11. Looks like they are wrapping up most of these models now. 

    Really pleased with the new additions in this wave. A few Henchmen scattered around but mainly minions for all factions to add variation to certain styles of play.

    Notably in the Neverborn I like the Azde, a giant vampire esqe spirit mosquito, that will fit perfectly in my Zoraida lists with the Will o the Wisps as a support piece. The interplay between those three different models is enough for me to purchase them without second thoughts. The can be used as a scheme marker at the end of the turn, you'll need to discard a card to keep them on the table, but this is worth it as they can become a mobile claim jump or leave your mark that will be tough to nail down with all the pushes or obeys from other models. Heals when it deals damage, has a nice (2) action that the Wisp can copy, he's incorporeal. I know the community wasnt all that stoked on this model, but I see it being a welcome addition. 

    I also really like Serena Bowman, a new Enforcer for the NB that was part of the Divergent Paths campaign and was won by the NB. She has a condition removal and a nice ranged attack that will be annoyingly effective in finishing off models late turn.She has disguised and cannot be the target of a charge action and has a cool trigger on her attack that is very fluffy and givers her "familiar face" (- flip to MI attack actions).  She also "always comes back" meaning she is placed in your deployment zone she is killed or sacrificed. Seems like a problem, but with only 5 turns in a game, its not that big of a deal. She also has an upgrade that will allow nightmares to be deployed closer to the enemy. Good for alpha strikes and annoying stitch together's being on you early.

    A lot of conversation about Serena Bowman, but that is true of all 3 of the Divergent Paths characters as their abilities were developed throughout a campaign. They have abilities that are from other factions due to this and have a lot of them too... 

    The Grootslang are a terrain laying minion that can teleport between their lair markers. Expensive scheme runners and board control pieces that should add a fun wrinkle to the faction. I see running them with my Lilith crew. Bring the Emissary and Waldgeists in addition and lay down a lot of extra terrain to clog things up and put the fight where I'd prefer. 

    Those are the three models I am looking at for sure. 



  12. This was an excellent tournament with some top notch players. Matt Witek won the tournament with Outcasts, I did not play him as I was busy losing some close games and did not ascend tables with any wins. 10 players showed up with a good spread of factions minus Gremlins who weren't represented. I played Dreamer all three games and faced Ironsides, Sandeep, and Nellie, all of which were my first time seeing those masters. I felt like I was able to keep it close enough by focusing on my schemes and what I could control in the game. But.... mistakes were made. My ignorance got me on some enemy models and I made a few hasty decisions that cost me... a few timely black jokers... 

    Game 1 Ironsides. She is scary in melee... no question. The strategy  was turf war and I just ran around the center the best I could. Chose claim jump and leave your mark so I was fine attempting to out activate while working the outside only to move 2 scoring models within 6" of the center for VP. Those models would die instantly the following turn though to Ironsides, joss, or the emissary.  Oxfordian Mages were used to great effect to push models vast distances to deny my schemes twice. 1 claim jump and 1 leave your mark were denied by those mages, yikes. Better positioning of scheme markers and a touch more aggression would've helped in this one. Big time. 6-4L

    Game 2 was against Sandeep, solid opponent who really knew his stuff. Looking back on this one it was all my own fault. I knew who he had frame for murder on and I killed him anyway, dumb. I had ways to mitigate that models effectiveness without killing it and could've put my main beater (Nekima) on the flank to oppose the Valedictorian who ran up on a waldgeist id put over there. If I'd have just surged to this flank with my entire force, minus summoned Alps to tie up the FFM target, I feel like Sandeep would've had more decisions to make. Instead... I gave him an early lead and control of the game that I was never getting back. 8-6L

     game 3 papa loco is 'loco'and put down 4 models and himself early turn 2 with some suicide bomber shenanigans. Feel like I could have mitigated his effectiveness by moving differently in T1, could have clogged an alley with a summoned Copellius and his 2" engagement range. Would've forced him to walk closer to his own guys. This was the difference in this matchup as it put me behind on the main objective. Needed all those minions for interacts and schemes. 6-4L 

    Eventhough I lost all my games I had a blast! This game is really rewarding whether you win or lose because you can always recognize where things went wrong. With models having as many abilities as they do, it's really open ended as to HOW you use them and where you went wrong. Cards aren't always going to be there and it's not like luck isn't a factor, BUT I feel like you can always control enough to be competitive even if the cards aren't falling right. So many VPs can be earned without even having to flip a card and that's the resource management and spacing part of the game I find so gratifying. 

    With all that I did come away winning the raffle for a translucent Kaeris box if anyone is interested. I will not play Archanist scum....lol. 

    Really looking forward to my next game, can't get enough. 

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  13. June 10th @ Terracrux- Spring Fling 50ss GG17 single faction, no paint required.

    Noon to 9ish. I will be leaving from Vancouver, WA that morning if anyone is looking for a car pool. I have 1 seat taken already. 

    Malifaux is awesome and you should be playing it... even for just a "side" game. Ya know? Its super easy to get into and doesnt cost an arm and a leg, only gotta paint like 10 dudes too. Card flipping is as fun as rolling dice, I wasnt expecting to like it as much, but its pretty sweet. Just thought I'd throw this out there. 


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  14. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/127657-wave-5-playtesting-read-me/

    Could'nt be more excited for wave 5 right now. Looks like the 3 characters from Divergent Paths were all fleshed out into models with some pretty fun abilities that were bestowed upon them during their adventures to Malifaux. These arent final, just giving people an opportunity to give feedback to the game developers for finishing touches. I think its a fresh take on gaming and community involvement. 


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