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Posts posted by mojoslayer

  1. Mojo, 


     I agree with Fixxer. Sans Lord, it is still a potent list. There is a good shooting phase. First, there is the Engineer. Second, the Irondrakes create virtually a second organ gun. Third, I think you have the idea set of three war machine. The list is not uber, it just is not soft.



    Right, I agree it is not soft, which is part of the guideline to not build a soft list, but like you said it is not uber which is also part of the goal, so hopefully it is right in the middle.  

    • Like 1
  2. Well I'm going back to the slayer list, but I have to respectfully disagree with many of you, three war machines is almost essential to dwarfs in a game this big.  Yes our dwarfs are hard in hand to hand but we can't choose the combat nearly as well as others and we don't have ANY spell casters, so while your level 4 is killing my big blocks I have nothing  but my war machines to try and match, notice I'm still under the max of 4 and each is varied so no duplicates.  


    Irondrakes are no where near being as good as an organ gun, BS 3 and an 18 inch range is kind of weak.  Yes, they are a solid unit, but they are a utility unit and an expensive one at that.  


    From the other ofcc lists I have seen, I don't see how this list is tougher than any of them.  In competitive dwarf lists at 2400 points I'm usually seeing two cannons and two organ guns and an ME, a lord on shields, so to me, this is tame.  In fact I rated the list using the swiss comp, which is rated for 2400 points, and it I think it scored above an 8 if I remember correctly.  

  3. I so like the idea of having dogs for slayers that is awesome!  However, the scouts are there to ensure I get my vanguards with the slayers.  Scouts deploy before vanguards, and so can clear the way making sure I can get in there.  In my test games, if I lose the vanguard move first role, my 70 points in runes is waisted and my slayers get pinned and I have to inch my way forward with my slow movement.  

  4. Here is a list I like better.  It makes my two core units Immune to psych and stubborn (more like slayers) and it gives my shooting the ability to deal with ethereal and those pesky 1+ armour save monsterous cav.  Plus it feels like this list has more utility and pushes more toward being even keeled where list 1 was very subpar, more of a 2 rating, where this would be closer to that magic 3 (I hope).  







    spell breaking






    spell breaking


    Dragon Slayer

    2 fire



    Dragon Slayer

    2 fire 



    Dragon Slayer

    2 Fire

    1 Initiative 


    Master Engineer



    Impact hits




    23 Longbeards



    Stubborn, MR 1


    23 Longbeards

    Great weapons






    20 Slayers




    20 Slayers


    Vanguard and MR 1


    20 Slayers






    5 Scouts


    I have two goblin Hewers, so I could paint both and use them as organ guns which I like


    1 Organ gun



    1 Organ gun 



  5. Okay, I give in to the pressure.  I will figure out how to paint these guys on time.


    1.  I  dropped the Truthsayer.  Not being able to take wild form seriously hurts his ability to be useful all the time, and with only three spells it is difficult to bait at 2800 points. 


    2.  I love the Carmine Dragon, it is far from broken but is very effective and was my best utility unit, but he is also the reason I don't see myself having time to finish this army as I will have to experiment a lot to paint this model right, and time is something I don't have right now.  Plus he is so bloody expensive, and cool, that I don't want to screw it up.


    So here is the updated list, although I think this list has a lot of weaknesses, and I really will be playing for the tie more times than not.   It does have some tricks, but it is more about not loosing than it is about winning, but hopefully with some practice I can get it functional. 


    I'm getting so frustrated with the crossbows that I'm considering trading them straight across for longbeards with great weapons.  Even when I have 23 of them firing, I can barely peel off one or two models.


    I gotta say, I would like this list more if special characters were allowed, the Slayer King would be an awesome addition, and he would without doubt be an auto include.  



    Daemon Slayer
    Rune of Arlic the Mad (no armour saves allowed)
    Rune of Furry (Extra attack)
    Rune of Parring (-1 to hit him)



    Runesmith (General) 
    Rune of Stone (total armour save is a 2+)
    Rune of Furnace (2+ ward vs flaming) 
    2x Runes of spell breaking (a single dispel scroll that destroys the target spell on a 4+)


    Rune of Stone 
    2x Runes of spell breaking 


    Dragon Slayer
    2 runes of fire (flaming attacks and a strength 4 flaming breath weapon)
    ASF rune


    Dragon Slayer
    2 runes of fire (same as above)
    Rune of parrying (-1 to hit him in hand to hand)


    Dragon Slayer
    2 runes of fire (same as above)
    Hits everything on a 2+




    23 Crossbows
    Great weapons
    Full Command


    23 Crossbows
    Great weapons
    Full Command




    20 Slayers


    20 Slayers
    Vanguard, MR 1


    20 Slayers
    Slowness, MR 1




    Goblin Hewer  (this thing sucks compared to the organ gun, but it is a fluffier choice and it is already nearly painted)


    5 Scouts with Musician

  6. There were two types of Engineers in the old book, one was an engineering champion who had only one wound so he would would add one wound to the profile, but a master engineer was a different story and were no longer attached to units of war machines when 8th came out.  So I agree with raindogs ruling, make him an Engineering champion in essence, and since he has two wounds he adds two to the total, this makes it very clean.  

  7. So which of these rules sets is should be used for the Goblin Hewer, both were compiled by the same person?




    (150 points for the Goblin Hewer)






    (130 points for the Goblin Hewer, which is its original price from the old storm of chaos book)


    Also, what is the ruling to deal with the wounds, in both books it deals with wounds the same way they did in 7th where the crew and machine are separate.  Here are the only options I can see to deal with it, and I'm hoping to get a ruling. 


    1. Malaki counts as part of the crew, meaning his two wounds add to the two wounds of the crew giving the model 4 wounds.


    2. Malaki counts as part of the crew and his wounds are ignored, and the hewer just has a flat three wounds.


    3. Malaki counts as an Engineer and is separate from the Hewer, but as long as he is 3 inches from the hewer he can give it his BS, the Hewer is then reduced to only two wounds.  


    4.  Malaki counts as an Engineer and is separate from the Hewer, but as long as he is 3 inches from the hewer he can give it his BS, and the Goblin Hewer counts as having the three wounds which is listed in it's profile giving it one extra crew.


    5.  Malaki counts as an Engineer and is separate from the Hewer, but as long as he is 3 inches from the hewer he can give it his BS, and the Goblin Hewer counts as having the three wounds which is listed in it's profile, but it still only has two crew meaning the first wound it takes is only a marker and never adds attacks in hand to hand.


    6. Use 7th ed rules for warmachines, randomizing hits against machine and crew and not change a thing.



  8. I would much rather have the slayer army, it was fun to play, I loved deathblow, I have all of the models.  Damn house.


    Totally agree Gyro's are under costed.  


    I have just not played enough of the new army book to get a solid idea of matchups yet.  I really like the irondrakes, but the only time I used them the BS 3 really took it's toll, but they were a good utility unit as they also hit decent in combat.  I know how OFCC seems to revolve around the combat phase so i tried to have a good solid core that will stand up against the hard hitting chaos warriors that I'm bound to face (got smashed by them last year).  I figured I better avoid a horde, as a horde of stubborn longbeards and hammerers would not gain me friends :) and the longbeards with great weapons die just as easily to shooting as the warriors with greatweapons, but there are less of them hopefully making them a little more manageable, however the extra pip of strength is nice once combat begins.


    Thanks for the feed back.  I might still might try to find a way to make the slayers get done, I really need 8 more hours in the day, if only there was a way to give up sleep.

  9. Lords:

    No Lords, I'm aiming for that 3 so I figured NO supper lords with strength 5/8, 5 wounds and 1+ armour save.



    Thane, (general) Magnificent armour, great weapon, Funrnace, shield

    Thane, BSB, Great Weapon, Gromril, 2 Iron


    Runesmith, Shield, Stone, Spell Breaking

    Runesmith, Shield, Stone, Spell Breating, Furnace


    Master Engineer, Rune of Impact, Rune of Stone, Brace of pistols



    26 Longbeards, FC, shield

    27 Longbeards, FC, Great weapons




    27 Hammerers, FC, 12 inch stubborn


    2 Gyrocopters


    Cannon, Forging, Burning



    14 Iorn drakes, Slowness x2, FC, Troll hammer


    Organ Gun, Penetrating


    Flame Cannon, Forging


    To me, this is a 3 type list. It has a little bit of everything, but does not excel at anything. It has a few tricks in it, but not all of the tricks, and hopefully my opponants will find it fun to play against.  

  10. So the Slayer army will be no more.  Wife and I decided to remodel the bathroom, and we are doing all the work ourselves.  Everything is going well so far, but it is taking more time than I anticipated and the stress of getting a new army painted is weighing on me.  I'm still going to try to paint a new army for OFCC, but one where if I don't get it done in time I can still use my old army to fill in the pieces, which is way less stressful.  


    I hate it when real life gets in the way of my good times, oh well.  I will post a new list for feed back later. 

  11. Here is my final list. I'm sad I could not fit the slayers in, but that list just got killed, could be a fluke, but I really think dwarfs might need that second war machine. Over all it is still a pretty hand to hand orientated list. (copy and pasted the wrong list the first time, sorry, it is now fixed)


    Runesmith (General)

    Rune of Stone


    Rune of Spell breaking

    Rune of the Furnace



    Rune of Stone


    Rune of Spell breaking




    Great Weapon


    Master Rune of Gromril

    2 Runes of Iron 


    Master Engineer

    Great Weapon

    Rune of Stone

    Rune of Impact


    19 Longbeards Full Command


    Rune of Slowness


    26 Warriors Full Command

    Great Weapons


    26 Hammerers Full command

    Master Rune of Groth one Eye


    2 Gyrocopters


    1 Cannon

    Rune of Forging

    Rune of Burning


    1 Organ gun

    Rune of Penetrating

  12. I have single character models on tall bases, and gyrocopters.  It lost me a game once because my opponent argued that he could see the whole thing and therefore was not at a minus to hit it, I could not make an sound argument against it, so he did, and killed it, and I lost because of it.   But even with that, I won't change the way I base anything.  

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