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Everything posted by Flatlander

  1. how do people feel about creating a Facebook group for local players(if there isn't one already)? I've joined groups in the past for other games and it always made finding an opponent pretty easy.
  2. Great! ill definetly stop by then. At the very least being able to watch a few games will be helpful if you guys don't mind me hanging around. ill bring my minis if anyone has time for a low level game afterwards. My name's David.
  3. Would anyone be up for a game tonight? I'm planning on heading over to Red Castle after work to see if they have anything going on tonight.
  4. ISS models arrived in the mail yesterday. I have to admit I was surprised by the complexity of the metal models immediately after opening the box but everything fit together so well and the models are extremely well cast. Although I'm going to have to go buy a few more smaller brushes to be able to paint the fine details. Didn't really realize how chunky and flat Space marine armor is in comparison.
  5. Name: David Forces Owned: Yu Jing Available: depends on the week, somewhat flexible Location: Tualatin, OR Game Location: any Portland location, willing to travel. Preferred Contact Method: PM
  6. Yu Jing Secret Service it is. The plan is to learn the game with just the starter box for the next few months but I wanted to build a 300pt list to sort of build towards and it'll give me a bunch of stuff to paint in the meantime. I've been doing a lot of reading the last few days and this is my first attempt at 300pts. any thoughts? Imperial Service ────────────────────────────────────────────────── Group 1 10 0 3 CELESTIAL GUARD Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (13) CELESTIAL GUARD (Kuang Shi Control Device) Combi Rifle + Light Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 13) CELESTIAL GUARD (Kuang Shi Control Device) Combi Rifle + Light Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 13) CELESTIAL GUARD MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 21) CELESTIAL GUARD Spitfire / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 19) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (5) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (5) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (5) HSIEN Lieutenant MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW. (+1 | 57) WÚ MÍNG (Forward Observer) Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (31) Group 2 3 0 0 SÙ-JIÀN Spitfire, Light Flamethrower, Panzerfaust / Pistol, CCW. (2 | 55) IMPERIAL AGENT Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (0.5 | 34) HÙSÒNG Yaókòng HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 25) 7 SWC (+1) | 296 Points Open with Army 5
  7. really? any info on when those might show up? I'm really liking the Zuyong model.
  8. Thanks guys, you've all been helpful. I'm really liking what I'm hearing about balance in the game. I think the hard part will be actually deciding on a force to play, they all seem really interesting. Leaning towards a Yu Jing Imperial Secret Service right now. I didn't see it linked in the stickied posts but I thought id share this link I stumbled on last night. the guy has some really great sections on how to build lists from the starter boxes for each faction. Its been really helpful in explaining why you should take certain things and what they can do. http://www.data-sphere.net
  9. I'll probably check out red castle this thursday night then. Thanks for taking the time to answer me.
  10. sorry if this gets long... With the death of Warhammer fantasy and my long time Thousand Sons 40k army being down in the dumps codex wise I've felt like I need to branch out in my games. I've tried out a few other game systems like bolt action, firestorm armada and x-wing and while they all have things I like about them they have all fallen a bit short in one way or another. Bolt Action is a really fun game and even though I love the setting its too limiting for pick up games, Wehrmacht vs Japan or any other weird match up really ruins it for me and its hard to find players. Firestorm Armada is fun but just takes waaaay too long to play a game and x-wing while having a tight ruleset I really don't like the CCG meta shift every time a new wave comes out and its missing the very important hobby aspect of creating my own unique army. So that leads me to Infinity. I've downloaded the rules and so far like what I'm seeing and it seems like the barrier to entry is pretty low but I have a few questions before I commit to anything. How long does a typical game take? between work and family its a real struggle to find time to game and taking half a day for a single game means I don't get to play very often. Is there a tournament scene in portland and how cut throat is it? are the factions well balanced? I like tournaments and attended Rogue Traders for years but I'm a pretty relaxed gamer and tend not to math hammer my lists to death and the cut throat attitude of warmahordes tournaments and general gameplay turned me off. Can I expect to play in a tournament and have a decent chance of winning games if I play my list well? or is it determined by who brings the best list from the most powerful faction? I don't care that much about winning but I also don't want to pick a faction and then find out I chose the weakest one in the game and stand no chance of a competitive tournament game (I'm looking at you Thousand Sons). If I buy in where do I even start? There are so many units and sublists that it's a little daunting. Is the ice storm box generally considered a good place to start? or does everyone already play PanO and Nomads? both factions seem interesting but Im really drawn to Yu Jing or possibly Combined Army, would it be better to just buy one of the faction starter boxes? or should I look into picking up separate models? its hard to judge if the starter forces are a good deal and if ill use most of the models in bigger games. list building in general is still a mystery to me at this point, I have no idea what I should be taking or why. TL;DR help! I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm about to spend a lot of money.
  11. Title says it. I've got a game this weekend and I want to use the Illuminor. can't find one in stock anywhere and refuse to buy fine cast sight unseen from a web order. if any one has either one or both that are in good condition and would like to get rid of them ill take them off your hands.
  12. This might be a long shot but I thought I would try this first but I'm looking to trade for a Wii u console and maybe some games to play with my kid and I have several fantasy armies that I never play with anymore. Empire Army $300 OBO or trade about 2500pts -almost all out of production plastic and metal models (old infantry, metal great swords, etc. -all painted Lizardmen $350 OBO or trade (SOLD) -2500pts+ I believe -all painted
  13. I've been working a lot lately on getting my germans painted, and thought I would head on over to guardian games or dice age and try to find a game on Saturday would anyone be interested?
  14. Price drop bump. The whole lot for $500 or make me an offer for parts of it.
  15. Time to clean out some old armies. I've got a Chaos Marine Iron Warriors army that needs to find a new home. I currently do not have pictures of the havocs or sorcerer but of course I would be willing to let you look at everything before committing. It is all is painted and based to a very high standard and the army has a lot of conversions and use of forge world bits to create a pretty unique looking army. Id love to sell it as a whole for a discount but would be willing to part it out if need be. New Retail its about $960 for the models or equivalent but Id be willing to sell it all for $700 or best offer. PM me with any questions. Photo Gallery: http://s164.photobucket.com/user/DavHod42/library/40k%20pictures/Iron%20Warriors HQ: -Terminator Chaos Lord -Sorcerer (plastic conversion) -Warpsmith Elites: -10 Chaos Terminators -2x Chaos Dreads with different weapon options Troops: -2x 10 man squads of chaos marines with various weapons and upgrades (plasmas, flamers, meltas) -18 cultists/guardsmen -8 Berzerkers w/ champion Heavy: -3 metal obliterators -5 man havoc team with autocannons -5 man havoc team with missile launchers -5 man havoc with 2 lascannons -2x forgefiends (one complete scratch build/conversion, one from the official kit) -2x basilisks -sentinel walker transports: -3x rhinos
  16. yeah im in Portland, Ive only got the starter box so far so ill only be able to manage a very small game right now but id love to meet up sometime. ill send you an IM and we can set something up.
  17. Is there a Bolt Action facebook page or somewhere that local players can schedule games? im new to the game and trying to find some opponents.
  18. spagunk I suspect there will be some people buying the two player box and looking for an opponent. (me)
  19. I think its 10mm. yeah im debating on whether I buy the starter or wait for Terran and Dindenzi stuff. I like the Directorate but don't really have any desire to play Aquans
  20. just need to clean house and sell off some of my less used armies. lots o little rats. lots of conversions and some unit fillers and everything is painted based and magnetized to the trays. I dont have everything photographed above but its all painted to the same standard and of course I wouldn't mind letting you take a look at all the models if you want just let me know when and where. if you ever play at the GW store the whole army was in the display case several months ago. id really like to sell it all together rather than piecemeal if i can. everything priced out new from GW is about $600 id be willing to part with it for $400 OBO. warlord with warlitter deathmaster sknitch ikit claw grey seer on foot grey seer on bell plague priest 2 enginseers 1 BSB chieftain 40 slaves 60 + clanrats with command +variety of weapon teams 20 stormvermin with command 35 plague monks with command doomwheel warplightning cannon plagueclaw catapult abomination 6 rat ogres with handlers 6 gutter runners plus everything is magnetized to the movement trays. ill even throw in the army book for free if you want it since skaven might be up for a new book sometime soonish.
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