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von hammer

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Everything posted by von hammer

  1. Got my Pack 720 today! Man this thing is cool!! Definitely recommend this thing to anyone that's looking for a new bag!! Vegas here we come!!!
  2. Thanks Pretre. I will get on that so I can add a link for photos. Edit: found an app that will lower resolution.
  3. *PRICE DROP*!!! I am looking at unloading my Deathwing/Dark Angels army so I can pursue another hobby that my nephew got me interested in. I wish I could post photos but my phone won't dumb down the resolution enough to post them. I can send them via txt or email if you PM me. I have: 2 5 man Deathwing Knights (1 fully painted, 1 basecoated) 3 DV sergeants 1 DV Assault cannon 1 plasma cannon termie 1 Apothecary termie 1 LC termie 1 TH/SS termie 1 HF termie 3 CF termies 7 SB/PF termies 4 vets with JP 4 vets 10 man DV Tactical Squad 1 DV librarian (partial paint) 1 Belial 1 LR Crusader I'm looking for $300 for the lot or can break up. If the item says otherwise, the item should be tabletop ready. Please pm me if your interested. Thanks for looking.
  4. Totally agree!!!! I have TSHFT next weekend but let me know what days work for you and maybe we can get something going!
  5. Let me know time and place! And I am taking pics and vids. We will have to try STK!!! Thanks for the info!!
  6. Flight booked today!!! New bag has been shipped out! Boom!! Almost 100% ready!!
  7. Welp, I have almost everything done for this list to hit the tables. Fenrisian Wolves are painted and just need based, Canis just showed up at the house, and Harold should be done drying;) Such an aggressive presence on the board when you look at all the models. Really loving this armys feel. Thanks again for all the input!
  8. I hear ya on that. The annihilation tourney at the end sounds interesting. I don't own 1 of most things in the SW codex. My list is pretty thunderdome so it wouldn't work :(
  9. Eh, don't feel bad. I only got 40k stuff cuz I needed things (new bag for LVO that could go on the plane). My brother got me a land speeder storm though... not sure what I'm gonna do with it but oh well.. and Will Farrell is hilarious!!!
  10. Merry Christmas to all! I hope your special gift showed up this morning and that the holiday season has brought you all a great time. May your dice rolls be true in the coming new year and whatever you try to pie plate doesn't scatter too far ;)
  11. Thanks Pretre! You have been a big help :)
  12. Just trying to think of tactics...
  13. Can the wolf banner work from in a transport?
  14. Chainsword... I'll put CCW from now on ;)
  15. Could do: Harold 2 WL: PF/SS, RA, TWM 1 WL: WC/SS, RA, TWM IP: TWM IP: TWM 5-man BC: Stormwolf w/TLMM 5-man BC: Stormwolf w/Skyhammer TWC: 6 CS/BP 1850
  16. I did ponder that. He would be pretty good and would allow for a few extra points.
  17. Evil Bryan has taken the BA that I offered him. Thanks for asking to everyone who did ;)
  18. I guess they can walk on turn 1 but that means I don't have anything on the table turn 1 but a 5 man BC squad. But your right WR, they don't have to start on the board.
  19. Pg. 91 in SW Codex: "Before deployment, roll a d6 for each unit in this formation, adding +2 to the result if the units Battlefield Role is Troops and it has been joined by an independent character. On a 6+ the unit has the outflank special rule. In addition, one reserve auto passes it's roll on the second turn." After having a buddy reread it he says I just get the rule for that unit. But since my wolves have to start on the table he is unsure if it goes towards deployment. Maybe I have been playing it wrong but it's made since to the people I've played :/
  20. I can get you a direct quote in a bit.
  21. And the point to the Thunderwolves is to be as close as I can for my turn 1
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