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von hammer

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Everything posted by von hammer

  1. Wow! I saw one big one changing but not both big ones. Check them out, https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/03/30/itc-2015-season-policy-guideline-poll-results/ Now, we will see how each tourney plays them or if they change the format for themselves. Check them out, would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
  2. Thanks Fluger!!! I am going to have fun. If I win a game, that's a bonus ;)
  3. Just finished basing the last fenrisian wolves, dread, and Arjac (for the highlander event Sunday). Everything is packed up and ready to go. Can't wait!!! We have the Bellagio's buffet, wax museum, Ferris wheel thing with bar, pub crawl, cirque de solile Ka, and whatever else the Mrs. wants to do. I will mention STK though cuz that sounds good! Thanks to everyone who helped me on this journey and I will not forget the hours spent putting this together!
  4. Received the first shipment of jesters... Can't wait for all the other stuff I ordered!!
  5. One of my 4 came in. No winner.
  6. Same here. I am always a Space Marine player so this is totally new to me. Can't wait to see these! Anyone hear more rumors on the transport?
  7. @captainA I can get a game in this Sunday or next Saturday. Let me know what your open for.
  8. I hear ya on that. I'll try them both against Captain A here soon.
  9. The centstar is a great example for the large blast, normally 5 or 6 larger models and an increase in probability taking it out compared to the smaller blast to take it out.
  10. Hmmm... the assassin. That's an interesting thought....
  11. The fire arc is a huge advantage. Though at LVO, TSHFT, and anything else ITC you see more FW with AV 13 and above or more multi wound people. This is what I've experienced so far.
  12. It's like 10 points more but it gives me the bigger pie plate option and Lance which can be needed. Only thing I'm losing is twin linked since I'm not using the transport side of things.
  13. So Ive been building a few new things since TSHFT and have changed a couple things and I really like the changes. I have added a Sicaran tank, an Acheron Knight, and the Blizzard-Dread in a FW drop pod. It's pretty beastly and after TSHFT I felt like I needed some bigger additions. I have kept 9 TWC and changed the Stormwolfs to just a Stormfang. Took out any troop choice to make points for the FW stuff but it has been for the best. Now to get into Guardian for more practice since the league won't allow FW ;)
  14. I haven't but it's ran by the same people that hosted TSHFT so I'm excited!
  15. Looking to see if anyone is interested in going up to Canada for the Wet Coast GT July 4th weekend? Maybe split the room cost? Carpool? Just putting the feelers out early before I completely foot the bill. ;)
  16. @Pretre: The cunning of the Wolf rule for SW allows 1 reserve to come in automatically turn every turn AFTER turn 1.
  17. Just leave Best Painted to the vote of the people like TSHFT did. If you don't think a commissioned army should win, don't vote for it. Keep it simple.
  18. That was quick. Thanks for the help ;)
  19. As the subject line states, I'm in need of the Apoc Templates. Looking for the Hellstorm and Mega Blast marker. I have cash and SM for trade ;) please let me know. Thanks.
  20. Looking for the one that has the terrain tiles on it not the one with holes all over it. I have cash and 40k for trade. PM me if you have one and are interested in selling/trading.
  21. Iron Hands sold. All DA still available.
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