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About Alexi

  • Birthday 02/21/1977

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. What about 5 scouts with a Land speeder storm? 100 points and the storm can help with the preventing assualt by beating the unit to the punch.
  2. I will toss my 2 cents in. I personally have just begun playing with allies. Mainly for the fluff for my Marines. I just cant justify 2 chapter masters from the same detatchment. So I take a small "ally" detatchment of a different chapter, generally using Ultramarine rules, where my main is Imp. Fists. Now, I could do my list pretty much without allies, so to me personally, what ever rules an event I was going to attend decided to lay down, fine. As long as I know far enough in advance, and it was enforced equally across the board. As for other supplements and such...again, what ever rules the event decided as long as I knew far enough in advance. Does that mean I would possibly get my face pummled? Probably. Am I ok with that? Yeah, as long as the guy doing the pounding wasnt bieng a douche about it, its a game. I am here to have fun. Trying to send a 1850 point small Marine unit army against a few Baneblades or the like would only cause me to think WAY outside the box as far as tactics go.
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