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Posts posted by Terell

  1. A lot of people still really love Dark Sun. It's an iconic setting, and while it's a bit niche given the restrictions it imposes upon the campaign it still very much stands the test of time.


    While I do agree that the old setting had a certain timeless charm to it, it was also very stale and very generic. It's just Tolkien + historical earth. It lacked individuality. There was nothing about it to really hook you and draw you in, unless you were somehow motivated already.


    Quite honestly, I say good riddance to the old setting. It will remain perfectly preserved for those who want it, frozen in the same state it's been stuck in for 20 years. And now there's this great new world that people can explore. I don't really see how it's in any way "trendy" or will become quickly outdated. It shares some aspects of M:TG and other worlds that have been around nearly as long as the WHFB Old World has been. 



    edit: NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT 9TH EDITION. That's been confirmed by basically every credible (and incredible) rumour monger on the scene. This is Age of Sigmar, which is a completely separate system. Rumour is that there will be a 9th edition to follow, which will be mass battle and much more in line with what we have now.


    Personally I never was particularly motivated by the fluff. If the story changes but I can continue to play with my little toy soldiers then fine. Having a game system for mass battle that felt relatively balanced and had fantasy elements is pretty important to me. If the rumor about an additional system that supports mass battle is true why pull the army books and rules for the current mass army game? Why not just sell this as a separate system, along the lines of Lord of the Rings etc? This "feels" much more like a changing of the guard than an addition to the existing. If I am right I am praying this game scales. I just started a second army recently :(. 

    • Like 1
  2. The Swedish comp rules  state the following for Ogres. 



    3rd* non-Hunter Character -2
    4th* non-Hunter Character -4
    Each non-Hunter Character after the 4th* -6
    *Each lord choice after the 2nd counts as 2 characters 


    My interpretation of this is, if you are running multiple characters in a Gutstar, any past the 2nd will cost additional minuses. I would like to run 5 characters in my list but only 3 will be in the Gutstar. Does that mean I take the additional -4 and -6 even if those characters are not in the Gutstar unit?




  3. I have a few extra Ogre items I am looking to trade for high elf stuff.

    4 assembled Mournfang
    4 lead belchers 3 primed 1 assembled only
    1 painted but unbased stonehorn

    HE army book
    core of any kind
    Bolt thrower
    Anything else you might have

  4. Enough for a 35 point army


    • Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff

    • Spriggan

    • Demolisher

    • War Dog

    • Widowmakers

    • Winter Guard Infantry & Rocketeers

    • Winter Guard Officer & Standard

    • Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

    • Lady Aiyana & Master Holt


    Rule book

  5. I purchased the Khador Army in the box and have decided its not for me. I am selling it, all the templates, tokens and the Khador army book. The army is new, not assembled and mostly unopened. Asking $100.00 but willing to negotiate. I am also willing to do a trade for WHF stuff or 40K Khorne Stuff.



  6. Sold!




    I am selling the following, as a whole arm only, for $250.00. The link above shows a small sample of the entire army. I am not a skilled painter but the few things that are painted are serviceable. I don’t want to ship it so the sale is local to the Portland, Vancouver area only. Act now and I will throw in a High Elf Army Book!

    1 Wood Elf Army book

    Spellweaver (painted)

    Orion (painted) (no dogs)

    Glade Lord on Dragon (mostly painted)

    30 Dryads (10 primed)

    20 Eternal Guard (assembled)

    30 Glade Guard (6 painted the reset assembled and some primed)

    8 Glade Riders (assembled)

    2 Eagles (primed)

    5 Sisters of the Thorn (painted)

    10 Wild Riders (5 Assembled and partially painted, 5 in bits)

    1 Treeman (painted)

    20 Wildwood Rangers (assembled)

    • Like 1
  7. Traded away.


    I have gotten lazy in my old age and have grown tired of assembling and painting more than one army. So I am interested in trading away my starter second army. I have the following models + $350 in cash to trade for an assembled and reasonably painted army (2k-2400 points). Do you have a second or third army you never play? Send me a PM and lets see if we can make a deal. I am interested in High Elves, Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Dwarves, Ogres & Vampire Counts. 


    1 Lizardmen Army Book

    1 Skink priest (assembled)

    1 Bastiladon (assembled)

    35 Saurus Warriors (assembled)

    20 Temple Guard (assembled/ half primed) 

    10 Skinks (NOS)

    8 Cold One Riders (NOS)

    • Like 1
  8. SOLD!


    1 7th Ed Codex

    1 Finecast Draigo with helmet head (assembled and silver base coat started)

    5 Paladins (assembled)

    5 Man Purgation Squad (assembled)

    5 Man Purifier Squad (assembled)

    1 Rhino (assembled)

    1 Dread Knight (assembled)


    The whole lot is $100.00. I am not interested in piecing it out.


    • Like 1
  9. I am interested in trading for a Slann. I would be willing to trade the following.



    1) High Elf Army Book

    2) $40.00 Guardian Games Gift Card (it has my name on it but I can just purchase what you want)

    3) Wood Elf Stuff: 

    a) Metal unpainted painted Way Watchers 

    b) Glade Guard

    c) 4 Sisters of the Thorn

    e) Unit of Wildwood Rangers

    f) Dryads




    • Like 1
  10. I have an assembled and primed Durthu and Treeman Ancient for sale or trade. Durthu's in perfect condition. I haven't attached his face for ease of painting. The Ancient has a couple broken branches on his staff. I want to sell them as a set and will let the pair go for $70.00. I am also open to WE and Lizardmen trades. I'd love to get my hands on a Slann and some Temple Guard.




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