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Posts posted by white_devil

  1. I am looking for a painter willing to trade their skills for product. I just don't have the time to paint like I used to.


    The figures to be painted are: 50ish lasgun guardsmen, 6 artillery pieces, and 18 heavy weapons.


    I'm not looking for anything fancy. A basic table-top quality will do. I would want them painted as Blood Pact in the following scheme: im_bloodpact01.jpg


    I already have 40 infantry done as the picture above, and can send along a figure to match.



    I have the following to trade:



    Warboss/Nob on converted jetbike x2

    35 or so warbikers, 15 pro painted.


    Retro grots/gretchin

    20 pro painted grots

    Converted Battlewagon/Gunwagon

    30ish Deffkoptas

    Tons of bits (several beloved PKs)



    Pro Painted Daemonettes

    Old School Blood Letter Command NIB



    11 Bikes and bits

    Csm Terminator weapons

    Hellstorm flamer bits

    4 incinerators

    8 stormbolter arms

    Landraider (was gonna convert to a battlewagon)

    Pro painted obliterators

    Pro painted havocs

    6 Rapier Laser Destroyers (puppetswar alternate models)





    Lemun Russ NoS

    A few special weapon infantry


    Sentinal NoS

    • Like 1
  2. I am looking for a painter willing to trade their skills for product.


    ***Established professional painters will be given priority***


    The figures to be painted are: 50ish lasgun renegade guardsmen.


    I'm not looking for anything fancy. A basic table-top quality will do. I would want them painted as Blood Pact in the following scheme: im_bloodpact01.jpg


    I already have 40 infantry done as the picture above, and can send along a figure to match.



    I have the following to trade:



    Retro grots/gretchin

    Converted Battlewagon/Gunwagon

    6 Deffkoptas

    Tons of bits (several beloved PKs, shootas, etc)

    Limited Edition Commissar Warboss

    8 or so unassembled tank busta conversions

    2-3 metal meganobz




    Old School Blood Letter Command NIB

    Pro Painted Bloodcrushers/Herald of Khorne



    Csm Terminator weapons

    Hellstorm flamer bits

    4 incinerators

    8 stormbolter arms

    Pro painted obliterators

    Pro painted havocs

    Brother Captain Tycho





    Reaver Jetbikes



    Van Saar Necromunda Gang.

    Wood Eld Dryads


    $$$ (Looking primarily for trade but I can suppliment with cash).

    • Like 2
  3. Expanding my Chaos Renegades army. Need more basic dudes.


    Priority Order of Wants:


    -Decently converted Renegade/Chaos Guard

    -Steel Legion or 3rd party gas mask dudes

    -Mantic Zombie Marines


    -Chaos Cultists

    -Chaos Marauders


    This list is not all inclusive. I'm open to other usable dudes also.


    I also need Lasguns. Lots of Lasguns to arm/convert guys.


    $$$ = Always Welcome!


    I Have:




    50 or so warbikers, 20ish pro painted.


    Retro grots/gretchin

    20 pro painted grots

    Converted Battlewagon/Gunwagon

    30ish Deffkoptas

    Tons of bits (several beloved PKs)




    6 Metal Flamers (some missing arms)


    Dark Eldar:

    Warriors and Wyches



    Bikes and bits

    Csm Terminator weapons

    Hellstorm flamer bits

    4 incinerators

    8 stormbolter arms

    Landraider (was gonna convert to a battlewagon)

    Pro painted obliterators

    Pro painted havocs

    • Like 1

    2. We are already sold out and a wait list is being kept.  If you missed out and are local or willing to chance it, there's always a good chance people will drop.  Our drop rate is not that high though (nothing like an LVO or BAO) but they do come up.

    Called and got on the wait list. Thought I still had time but apparently not!


    Any chances of you guys adding even 10 more spots? I'll play outside I don't care haha.

  5. New job. Schedule has opened up in a big way.


    I don't have Facebook, so I can't tell if there is a sign up date or you just show up and pay. I should be able to make that though.


    Also, looks like you're committed this week, but I have been wanting to try out the ITC missions as well if you can game in the next few weeks.


    • Like 1
  6. I will play if you will forgive the fact my stompa is just getting started. Its a mr potatohead conversion. Jim has a Eldar list that may hold up better to your army than mine but if he don't want a shot i will take it. 

    big boss Urty toof and his mek Oily Bob will waaagh!



    I don't mind at all. I think Jim is occupied with non 40k matters anyway. What time can you play? I'm off all day.

  7. My understanding is that they run 2 tournaments a year, the harvester and storm of silence. The harvester has wacky missions and is more of a fluffy narrative event.


    Storm of Silence is ITC scored. And run more like an actual tournament. Not crazy competitive or anything but a tournament with ITC standards.

    • Like 1
  8. Looking to get a carpool/roomshare together. I've already spoken to some of you whom have expressed interest in going.


    Corey and I talked about going but he is committed elsewhere unfortunately.


    Some of our fellow Warhamsters have previously attended this event and liked it a lot.


    Don't worry, this isn't the LVO. It won't be that competitive. Just come out and get 5 games in at a structured environment. In the mean time I'm happy to play people in the ITC missions so people can get used to them: https://www.frontlinegaming.org/community/frontline-gamings-independent-tournament-circuit/itc-2015-season-40k-tournament-format/

  9. Copied from the tournament section:




    Exarch/Bob Kelley and I have set the date for the latest event in our series -- Storm of Silence 4 will be April 23-24. This will be the 9th GT style event Bob and I have hosted at the Gamer's Haven and we continue to improve every time.


    If you are into ITC or just GT styles events, we have consistently had 45-50+ attendees -- so if you want those points or a chance to play new people this is the event for you.


    The Storm is our 'modern style' GT event focused more on win loss and ITC stylings -- with our own spin of course.


    A quick summary is below. More details to follow as we have them


    1850 Points

    ITC army list guidlines (look for the 2016 updates after LVO)

    5 rounds (3 games day 1, 2 games day 2)

    Results submitted to ITC

    ITC FAQ and Errata will be used (look for ITC voting to occur after LVO)

    Missions TBD (awaiting the ITC 2016 format before deciding, but will likely continue to use our own mission format).



    Overall/Renessaince Man - Equal weight Gameplay/Appearance

    Best General - Best record, with battle points as tie breaker

    Best Sportsmanship - Favorite Opponent Votes - Best General Ranking as tie breaker

    Best Appearance - Highest Appearance Score - Favorite Army Votes as tie breaker

    Favorite Army - Player voted - Appearance as tie breaker

    Best in Faction - Per Overall/Rennesaince Man


    Event page:



    Hope to see you there!

    • Like 1
  10. Hey I'll be around for some 40k probably. I have a final that gets done about 5:30 maybe earlier and I would love nothing more than to let loose with some 40k action. I've never done ITC missions before so if you could clue me in that'd be great. I'll probably be to DT around 6-6:30, just depends on when I get home and shove food in my face. I'll bring my Wolves since I don't have a good 1850 Daemons list.


    Thanks for responding to my post. 6-6:30 is fine. ITC missions are available here:




    They are fun and balanced. Mix of primary and maelstrom.


    See you there.



    Re-assigned at work, so can't make it.


    Initial planning stages of the renegade 40k army have begun, though!


    Stay safe,



    Let me know if you need any help. Played my Renegades at LVO this year and did fairly well. They are quite the fun army!
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