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Don't Panic

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Everything posted by Don't Panic

  1. the 'why' part shouldnt be discussed here guys. ive heard both sides and its really not that dramatic and seemed to be handled pretty professionally as both parties respect each other a lot as friends, along with being former colleagues. please be respectful to Joel and if you want to gossip do it in a PM...... leave this thread to talking about drinking beer and infinity
  2. Yeeea Joel was my favorite as well... But he might participate in the league haha
  3. So I got hired by GG to be part time bartender and will be serving drinks to you guys on Monday now haha. Don't worry though as I made it a clause that I'm still helping you guys out with questions and such along with watching over and setting up terrain. Good times!
  4. they just got a new store i believe as well! there's a decent group of folks ive heard playing infinity/guildball/wmh there. definitely check it out i think ive seen a few guildball people playing monday nights at GG while im hosting infinity game nights... its a really cool looking game and models look really nice too
  5. ha i was thinking of starting with alchemists!
  6. so far i have 5 people that have sent me info and i have written down. although im pretty sure some people *cough* rudra *cough* are participating, i do need the info to put you on the list! i hypothesize we will have ~10 people which is AMAZING! once again, please get me that info asap as i need it by a week from next monday! so far: Mike Zocchi corigidor Kevin Jaimes QK adam bienvenue onyx force nathaniel hart morats nate roberts steel phalanx(yup im a dick)
  7. there is one bye allowed within the rules! so yes you would be fine then. reason i made it longer was because it is going into summer and scheduling is hard cause we are adults and have lives or something! so as long as you dont take a full month vacation you should be fine to play!
  8. correct. i have it written down currently as biweekly but will be changing that once league begins i think. im probably game for one monday though. my game quantities have slipped in the past 2 months :(
  9. i hate my phone.... but i finished priming the TDT stuff!
  10. adam, new guy who moved from cali recently and is a stand up awesome guy, just started this group. ive been apart of the sherwood one for a little time now and it essentially works like a chat group about games/hobby. so its more 'fast paced' than a forum. also lets you schedule games on it i think with calendar stuff? idk im just getting use to it myself haha but it is a fun function! https://web.groupme.com/join_group/21473496/reMvZr
  11. http://topdownterrain.com/collections/hobby-accessories/products/line-of-sight-painting-templates pretty new nifty stuff! i will be using these and for 5 bucks this saves all the squalms people have about the 'accuracy' of the 180 and also time as well!
  12. This will be the last day before the start of the escalation league so its a good idea to get me info/payment for the league at this date! i will also be going by W.O.W. on the sunday before to chat about the league as well! Come on down to Guardian Games from 7pm-close and throw down your beer and d20s!
  13. hey D, yes im quite lenient on when/where you play as long as you both can make it. i do think a thing to keep in mind is that most people will have very strict availability so when i make pairings i would like also to know your available days and im hoping you can make it to either one of those nights just for the sake of people's schedules. for example, i know raindog works mondays so he cannot attend beerfinity so if you have the opposite issue i wouldnt pair you with each other... we also will be playing at guardian at 7pm on mondays for beerfinity which when league starts im making every week a possibility too! so right now eric/I will be coordinating a bit for sundays/mondays when players come to those game nights. but yea thats why im making it more flexible with 2 weeks rather than 1 cause life and stuff. as for tuesdays, i do think that is a day where most people that are playing infinity right now unfortunately dont have availability :( at least i know i dont and 2-3 others do not as well... but would love to have you on board brotha as your beautiful models need some game time!
  14. id go with corgidoor as well. has a lot of tools you can use and is quite user friendly when learning. plus duo geckos. even if its not he most powerful combo in the game the hilarious awesome sauce of a TAG-team is so much fun that i think you should try it when we get to higher points...
  15. 2016 PDX Human Sphere N3 ITS Escalation League! Greetings everyone! With the excitement of Human Sphere N3 approaching I have decided to establish a super slowwwww grow ITS escalation league! This is a great time for new players to jump in and start getting comfortable with the game and also for veterans to learn the new rules together. Paint a new faction/sectional or play one you already own that really intrigues you with new rules and you want to learn how to utilize them! There will be a kit involved and it will be a standard tournament fee of 10$ with every penny going to prize support! You will have to use the same faction/sectional the entire way through and it is an 8 round event starting at 120 points and ending with the last few weeks at 300 points! When I say super low, I do mean super slow as I will be making each round 2 weeks long to give everyone a chance to get his or her games in. It is VERY necessary to be able to get your game in as I will not be able to do the next round without completion of all games! I will be starting the league Tuesday May 3rd and will be announcing each pairings on biweekly Tuesdays. After I announce your pairings, you can generate a total of 2 lists. Both must be with you WHEN you go to your game. You cannot just make up a list after you see what your opponent has brought(not cool bro!)…. That's about my only stipulation there. Have either me at Guardian for beerfinity or Eric Weber at Western Oregon Wargamers(Ordo Sunday Game nights) check to make sure your lists are legal. If neither of you can make that work and are going somewhere else just email me the lists you want to use at nrobber87@gmail.com and I will check with your opponent afterwards if they recall most of the things in the list. If you CANNOT find a date to work for you do not fret! I can manage that quickly just make sure to email/contact me ASAP and I will make a switch for either of you or give both of you a BYE week if worst case scenario. In order to join this awesome adventure I will need a few things: · Your name, faction/sectional and ITS Pin · 10$ · Contact info for you and your opponent to get together with(phone/email) I would like to reiterate the main purpose of this league is to have fun and learn about the game. Sure everyone’s objective is to win and that’s great and should be goal of your game but make sure you come into the game with the mindset to learn and have fun as well! There will be prizes based on participation amounts. I will probably do one for sportsmanship votes and best painted miniature during the league growth along with overall winner of the league! Contact me by May 2nd in order to join and may the dice be with you! Oh and please check out pg 53-57 of the ITS guide http://download.infinitythegame.com/itsrules/2016/en/v1.0/itsrules.pdf
  16. whew! after the doors this was surprisingly a breeze! also i put the ladder on the wrong side because im a moron but whatever haha. good thing there's extra ladders in the pack O:)
  17. SOME MORE GOODIES ARRIVED TODAY... from Topdownterrain. thanks nakedpanda! now for assembly...
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