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Pyre Warden

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Posts posted by Pyre Warden

  1. Hey everyone, 


    So the league starts this sunday. 


    Hopefully you


    Skirmish league from the new rules. 
    Each warband starts off with 30 points. 

    entry into the league is $15 a month that goes towards prize support. Being in the league gets you a 25% discount on GW models purchased through the store.


    Sundays at 12pm

    Make up games are available if the situation requires it. 


    11017 NE Burton Rd, Vancouver, WA 98682


    For the glory of Age of Sigmar


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  2. Quote


    Hey all, Since the new start collecting boxes and the generals handbook came out I thought I'd do a favour for all those who didn't get a copy today and compile the points for each box (in case you were planning on starting out.) I tried to include battalion points as well (although some aren't listed or included which is worthy of a whole other post) and tried to only i

    Mods if this isn't allowed let me know and ill delete it but I didn't see anything forbidding it in the sidebar. Thanks!

    Chaos Grand Alliance

    Slaves to darkness: Warriors - 180 Chariot - 80 Knights - 200 Sorcerer lord - 140 Total : 600

    Skaven: Plague monks - 140 Claw - 180 Furnace - 220 Total - 540

    Khorne BloodBound: Slaughter priest - 100 10 blood warriors - 200 3 blood crushers - 160 Total - 460

    Khorne demons: Herald blood throne - 120 (throne) + 80 (herald) 3 blood crushers - 160 10 blood letters - 100 Total - 460

    Nurgle demons: Herald - 100 3 nurglings - 80 3 drones - 220 10 plague bearers - 100 Total - 500

    Death Grand Alliance

    Malignants: 5 hex wraith - 160 Morris engine - 180 3 spirit hosts - 120 Total - 460

    Flesh Eaters: Terrorgheist - 320 10 ghouls - 100 3 crypt horrors - 140 Total - 560 Flesh eater court Battalion - 120

    Skeleton horde: 5 black Knights - 120 10 skeletons - 80 Arkhan - 340 Total - 540 Legion of death battalion - 60

    Order Grand Alliance

    Sylvaneth: Branchwych - 100 Tree lord - 300 16 dryads - 120 / 10 Total - 520

    Stormcast: Lord celestant - 100 5 liberators - 100 2 retributors - 220/5 3 prosecutors - 200/5 Total - 620? (Not sure if prosecutors and retributors are the same kit or not, would make way more sense if so)

    Seraphon: Old blood on carnosaur - 320 12 warriors - 10/100 8 Knights - 5/120 Total - 540

    Destruction Grand Alliance

    Greenskins: Boss with banner - 140 Boss on boar - 140 Chariot - 80 5 boar boyz - 100 10 boyz - 100 Total - 560

    Ironjawz: War chanter - 80 3 gore gruntas - 180 10 ard boyz - 180 Total - 440

    Hope that helps! If no ones done it I'll go through and do the value saved off each box too.


    Found this on Reddit

    • Like 1
  3. From what i understand summoning models is based on you setting aside x amount of points from your list.


    So for example if we are playing 2000 points 

    You start the game with a list totaling 1600 of the 2000 points. Leaving you with 400 points to summon. This way you don't exceed points and outnumber your foe with summoning spam. But it also gives you tactical flexibility so summon what you need. 




  4. Decided recently i wanted to give AoS a try since the end of end times a while back. Picked my army based on a paint scheme i've been dying to try since i saw the models when i first started. 

    I present my sylvaneth cherry blossom army. Right now i have the models i need for GW's skirmish campaign painted. I still have 26 dryads, 2 hunters, and 2 tree lords to build and paint.

    I really love how easy the game is and the only gripe i have is the flat to wound rolls of certain weapons. 




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  5. That's something i wondered too, for now i've just been reporting them in my fluff thread but not everyone is going to or wants to do that. So how do we keep track of wins and losses and other things? 

    2 hours ago, zcaust83 said:

    going to play my first game tomorrow @wow. do I report here? or is there an actual league thread?


    • Like 1
  6. Painting update 2: 

    Base armor color done, doesn't look right in the photos but it's more accurate in person. Just have highlights on the armor left for most of the squad and then the skin as well. Looks like i forgot their toes so i'll have to blue those up too. Just started on the two new drones as well. Which also need highlights. 



    • Like 2
  7. Cool, updated the list, decided on a new recruit cadet so i could squeeze in enough points for a makerlight and carbine on him. 


    Never mind, two drones instead. They increase my weapon range which is super helpful. Plus did the math wrong and had to go back and make sure the list is good. 

  8. Thanks for the love and Sounds good, I just got the rulebook today and had to be baby sat through my first match because i haven't played anything like this since mordheim. 


    Rule questions

    1)If i buy a new dude can i also buy him new equipment to walk in with?

    2)If i have a guy injured or not coming in for a match can i swap his equipment to someone else, as long as they are actually able to use it?

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