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Posts posted by dataentity

  1. I'm so very very tempted to be making my way to the club to play but, man, I'm being cautious with the current... health issues going around. It's hard. Especially living with people who are more at risk as well as having a fairly high risk occupation, I don't feel right taking the risk spreading things or contracting something.

    • Like 5
  2. @MexicanNinja

    1) If you like the Nomads aesthetic, you can certainly still buy them. You are free to proxy things as much as you'd like so you can get your feet wet just calling your Nomad models Yu Jing or PanOceania, etc. so you can learn the rules. The fundamentals rules don't change from army to army. One thing that's super nice about Infinity is that proxy-ing is officially supported in the rules and you really can't model for advantage.

    2) There's an official army builder. A webapp as well as mobile app for Android and Apple. The phone apps, when everything first launched last week, were a little less buggy but they all work. Just as a 'warning' they'll likely start you in metric (because Spanish company) for movement and distances, there's an option to switch it over to inches.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Aawww, they got rid of the S5 on the Blue Wolf. That's unfortunate but makes the most sense.

    The two medium infantry characters are probably too expensive. The all-arounders they make that try to do everything almost always end up overcosted. Jing Qo might end up okay because she duos with the Shaolin monk which brings the price per order down to 22 points. Suddenly not too bad.

    For Mehmut, having the high CC + Monofilament is probably what brings his cost on the higher end. He might be worth it but it's tough when Tian Gou are wildcard and can bring a jammer to a link.

    • Like 1
  4. At a certain @Raindog 's request, I'm giving my initial thoughts on White Banner. Disclaimer: I don't really know Yu Jing and my evaluations will be colored by playing lots of Tohaa, Spiral, and Shas. So feel free to yell at me as to how I'm wrong. 🙂

    • LI:
      • Zhanshi - Standard line infantry. Core. Everyone knows them.
        • Mech-Engineer - Standard Engineer. Why do they not have a name in Chinese like the...
        • Zhanshi Yisheng - Standard Doctor.
      • Tian-Gou - Elite LI. Pricey, but comes with tricks.
        • 1st section - Linkable wild card, up to 1. Special weapons. Big take away here is official, non-spec-ops rules linkable Jammer. You also won't see it coming due to Holoprojector 1. Good for protecting close range things from your lieutenant / link.
        • 2st Section - Holoprojector 2 but not linkable. Gain madtraps. Deployment zone guards. Also 😆 '2st'
      • Warcors - Warcors are warcors
    • MI:
      • Hundun - Feels like an awkward spot due to lack of hidden deployment that it should get in N4. The HRL + X visor is probably the winner here given price, which will certainly be a lot scarier once it does have hidden deployment.
      • Adil Mehmut - 1.5 wound pseudo HI Wildcard character. No shock immunity is sad. Specialist Op or CoC, with sensor in a link is good. Combo of Monofilament CCW and then an electric pulse is interesting. He's kind of a bit of everything but you're paying for it.
      • Jing Qo - Another 1.5 wound pseudo HI character with Frenzy. Can duo with a shaolin. Another close-mid range specialist that is kind of an all arounder like Adil Mehmut. Climbing plus is nice and being able to link the monk is really nice to bring the cost per order down.
      • Lei Gong - No changes as far as I can see from what you can get in vanilla and Invincibles. Solid alpha-strike albedo piece or can be a specialist with CoC. 
      • Tiger Soldiers - Mimetism, BS13, AD is nice. Why would you ever bring the lieutenant version?
      • Ye Mao - Yu Jing wanted their own copy of the Rhodoks but with an extra something on top. MI with super-jump, MSV-1, mimetism across the board. Built-in Haris but no core. Should be interesting, but it is kind of pricey because you're putting that MSV onto everyone.
    • HI:
      • Qing Gao - Fatality L1 HMG HI character. Can be Lieutenant L2. Wildcard without being called wildcard. Nothing super fancy but does his job as a HI beatstick.
      • Daofei - Camo infiltrating HI for murdering people. Do you need to say more?
      • Jujak - 6-2 HI with lots and lots of fire that can join the Shang Ji fireteam. Could certainly be hard to dig out of the midfield once he's hunkered down.
      • Shang Ji - Standard HI with extra light flamethrowers. Core, Haris, Duo, Wildcard with a couple of profiles with tactical awareness. Very similar to a Mobile Brigada.
    • TAG:
      • Blue Wolf - Sweet Jesus I need this TAG in my life. S5 TAG with Full Auto L1, AP Spitfire, Heavy Flamethrower, and Glue cannon. You can't even lock it up in close combat because it's CC23. Again, S5. I need it. I can't think of a profile I've more wanted to try.
      • Guija - Your baseline TAG. Special in that it isn't special compared to literally every other TAG.
    • REMs:
      • Yaofang Long Ya - The only remote worth talking about because everything else is extremely familiar Yu Jing. Camo, Forward Deploying remote with mines, double panzerfaust, and SMG or Heavy Shotgun. Seems really good for protecting your deployment zone and mid-field. Even if it's only BS11, no one REALLY wants to face two panzerfaust shots. The most obvious camo marker in the world though but I don't think that matters.
    • SK:
      • Guilang - Take a standard camo infiltrator and add MSV 1 and WIP 14. Solid.
      • Kunai Solutions Mercenary Ninja - Uh... basically a ninja but only long range profiles and no specialist? Gives up Infiltration for Climbing Plus but otherwise still BS11, TO, and good close combat (22 instead of 23 that the regular ninja has). It kind of feels bad that they have the merc ninja and not the actual ninja.
    • WB:
      • Liang Kai - Reminds me of Musashi in that he's a close combat monster that has to walk across the board. But, he actually has the tools to get there with mimetism, super jump, assault, forward deployment and linkability. Counts as a Shaolin so can be linked with Jing Qo. He might not link with smoke, but he's in a faction / sectorial with super cheap smoke.
      • Shaolin Monks - Your super cheap, irregular, extreme impetuous close combat guys with smoke. Too lazy to check but I think they're the cheapest smoke? Classically combos with the Rui Shi
    • Thanks 1
  5. So Infinity is broken up in Portland. There is Infinity on Thursdays at Glimpses and, for Ordo, games on Sunday. There's a few other places but I don't personally know their times very well.

    Unless you're into fluff, like collecting them, or maybe if you learn better by having the physical book you can read them, you don't need to buy them. Rules are available 100% free online on their wiki. http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Main_Page
    Materials wise, if you got Wildfire it should have all the templates you need. Only other thing you'll need is a tape measure which, if you've played 40k, I'm pretty sure you have.

    Otherwise, expectations, just know that Infinity is a complicated game. It will take time to learn. The very basics should be simple (turn structure, face-to-face mechanics) but as long as you are willing to stick to it then you'll do just fine.

    Oh, and one thing since you're coming from 40k. The mentality for Infinity list building is very different. There generally isn't a 'Meta' list. You can't spam the one unit that is flavor of the month and expect to win a game of Infinity. There is a relatively popular saying in the Infinity community in that "It's not your list, it's you." The game and units are all very well balanced, so it's all about getting that experience under you belt and learning what your play style is. There is no magic bullet for suddenly winning. It's also why you don't really see net lists like you do for 40k.

    • Like 3
  6. Hey, since no one posted anything and I was told to pick a mission last week anyway.

    I was thinking Acquisition, 300 points, 12 point spec ops.

    Anyone have any other ideas? Or just go do your own thing. Up to you folks.

    • Like 1
  7. It's a super hero landing with Red Hood. It would have worked fine with one gun so that the free hand can actually be on the ground. But instead it's two stick arms.

    And yes, they said some profiles are being squatted. The most likely are the ones that have been discontinued. Acon and Merovingia are, fluff wise, been stated as rebuilding. Tohaa were started as being 'endangered' in the video. The non-Spiral Tohaa are the most likely to be squatted out. They didn't sell well / generally imp unpopular. But, we'll see.

    • Like 1
  8. Mobile Brigadas are one of those units where, you are probably slightly overpaying for the stats that you get on top of the stats they get aren't put into places where they'll see much use. For example, that PH 14 is great, but you're probably paying a premium to get that high of a PH which, realistically, you probably aren't using too too often. Thus, your points are being spent somewhat inefficiently. In Corregidor they get better because you can stick them into a link, especially cheap links with Alguacils.

    Krizas are one of the best heavy infantry in the game. But, yes, they can be challenging to fit in at 200 points. Not to say you can't. You can certainly make good lists, but you aren't taking all the bells and whistles you might want.

    At standard 300 point games, it depends entirely on which heavy pieces you talk about. Some killer pieces are happy to go run off by themselves or close to it. Intruders, for example, can operate fairly independently and are terrifying. Of course, if you can spare the support, a jaguar with them or nearby is amazing. A Kriza, on the other hand, has to be wary of hackers and will actually be more vulnerable on the reactive in comparison to the Intruder because of the lack of a camouflage state and the added vulnerabilities of being heavy infantry. You'll want to include things like killer hackers to ward off or remove hackers who want to stop your Kriza indirectly. In comparison, that Taskmaster with Red Fury can be more independent because he brings a lot of protections for themself.

    Yes, technically you will want Engineers, Doctors, etc. To be honest, I find myself rarely taking those kind of 'healing' units because of how many orders you might be spending to heal your pieces back up. That said, when your important piece is REALLY expensive like a TAG, then I try to fit in an engineer. For example, when I bring a Szalamandra, I am also going to include a Clockmaker.

    I believe that those are the only boxes, not sure. Remember that the Tinbots aren't, in game terms, models. You can't shoot them or anything like that. You can just use a marker for them.

  9. The new bases definitely makes line of fire easier. I'm probably still going to use resin bases because I like the extra detail without having to go overboard on greenstuff or flocking. Just means I need to get off my lazy butt and actually paint on the line of fire marks.

    • Like 1
  10. Mary Problems is amazing. She's a little on the expensive side but, in exchange, is one of the best offensive hackers in the game. She also has a tool box kit. While BS 11 isn't great, she can fight in a pinch due to the ODD. Climbing plus is also very effective.

    Yes, the Bandits (and any hacker coming out of camo) get the 'surprise shot' bonus.

  11. Okay, so technically the mine is still there for you to minesweep. Remember, everything resolves at the end of the order. So the minesweep and the mine going off all happen simultaneously so if a mine is going off, it's going to go off and you can't stop that explosion.

    As for doctors and paramedics. It's just one of those things that you have to judge. Infinity is a resource management game. Your most valuable resource is orders. You can doctor people back up but then you're spending orders to do so. Is it worth spending, 2 orders to get a person back up? 3? 4? To use a medikit is rough because of the -3 PH roll that you can't reroll. For most troops, that's a 7 or less so you will be failing more often than not which means the unit goes straight to dead. Doctoring is a straight WIP roll and, if they have a cube (most units do unless you're in Ariadna), you can use a command token to reroll. Much better odds.

    But, yes. You have to consider what you are gaining out of getting them back up. Is it your big stompy model like a Kriza Boracs? Getting a Kriza up is generally more worth it than, say, getting an Alguacil back up. But, as you said, if you get that Alguacil up, and you reform your link to a 5-person link that could be worth it. Maybe you're about to be in retreat if you don't revive the person, even if it's a 10 point model, then maybe you do want to try. You just have to see if the order expenditure is worth it. Every order you're spending on getting someone up is generally an order you're not 1) Advancing the objective and 2) Stopping your opponent from doing the objective.

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  12. To be honest, I think the Lunokhod is a reactive piece. It's hard to get across the board to use the shotgun. It protects your deployment zone and can quickly move to cover holes as they show up. Remember with mines you can always dodge. Lunokhods (and REMs in general) don't dodge well, but it's an extra chance. Also, I  believe the Koalas can trigger mines. The other thing with mines is that you can aways throw expendable things at them to make way for a more valuable model. Throw a Jaguar at a mine. He'll have a decent chance at surviving the mine by dodging but, even if he fails, it's not a big loss when he dies. As you said, it's the team player move.

    Yes, you can Discover + Shoot or Discover + Minesweeper. However, you have to do it out of the trigger area of the mine because the mine will pop before it's yours.

    There really isn't a strictly correct option. It's always play style, list, situation dependent. Like having a Jaguar dodge the mine can be good, but if you're having to spend 5 orders to do that,  it might not be worth it. Or if it was, say, a Mobile Brigada instead of a Lunokhod, well, you might just be better off tanking or dodging with the Mobile Brigada since they will have 2 wounds anyway. I will say, just like Sgt. Rock, I've never taken the time to do Minesweeper. Not to say it's bad, but I can't really say how 'good' it is.

  13. Puppetactica are very VERY good. They are cheap, fast wounds that are good at pushing buttons and surprisingly good at firefights. The way they work is the puppet master is placed somewhere. So long as there are active puppets on the field, the puppet master can only idle. Even if a guy is walking up to the puppet master to shoot him, the puppet master can only idle. The reason the hacker profile exists is because you must have a hacker (or TAG) to bring remotes, which includes the puppet bots. I suppose you can also use him as an actual hacker, but that's not really his strength.

    Smart Missile Launchers are half a trap. While in theory they can be very deadly, it is also very order intensive. One way to think about it is this: you have to make 1 roll to target someone, then another roll to actually do the guided fire. During this time, that first roll could have been actually shooting said target with a gun instead of targetting and they could already be dead after 1 order. Guided fire has its place, but you always have to consider that it's relatively order inefficient.

    ITS missions in general don't tend to care what type of specialist it is; Forward observer, paramedic, engineer, etc. Though there are exceptions. Then, if there are classifieds, then it does care. They don't care specifically what type of hacker typically except that some of the FO or Hacker ones require spotlight, which killer hackers don't have.

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  14. Crazy Koalas are very good deterrents from anything. Anything is going to worry about taking a damage 15 hit. The issue you had tonight was in positioning. Your Moran was positioned in a place where the units that were going to run into the Koalas were 1) Expendable as in the opponent wouldn't really care if they die and 2) good against Koalas. Morlocs dodge Koalas fairly easily.

    As for the Bandits, it's entirely up to you. I like the KHD because while it can kill things, it's also a infiltrating specialist and has more tricks that it wants to use than the forward observer.They start closer to the objectives. It saves orders to just be there next to the objective. They're also safer being in a camouflage marker state instead of just being able to be shot at. For 'normal' games, camouflage infiltrating specialists will be among the best things you can bring for completing said objectives and Corregidor doesn't really have another option.

    • Thanks 1
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