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Everything posted by happycamper

  1. Well I'm actually in sandy Or so I commute everywhere to play lol. I normally play at WoW, GG and Red Castle i can't speak for chris
  2. Well it's technically not finished but it's a lot so I think I deserve some slack...
  3. 2 weeks. Hope that makes you alittle less of a sad ?
  4. Now that is a lot of boyz
  5. Chris and I will at GG playing some Shadow Wars on Friday around 5 (when bar opens ?) anyone else is free to come join us, either 3 or 4 person match, or just swap out on 1v1
  6. Some pics of it in use last night at WoW. Not done but liking how it's coming along for sure!
  7. Sweet thanks man! This is exactly what I had in mind. A crane like pictured above loading onto a tram like this
  8. I will be there relatively early (4:00ish) if someone can open up. If not I can wait ?
  9. It's one of my favorite models ? Otherwise like everything else it's pretty sweet
  10. Prefect, I can see the pieces better! That's the base from the skull crane and those hooks are the servo hauler (2 sets I think) just need to figure out the rest thanks sir
  11. The photo is of a display at warhammer fest. That crane is the sector Mechanicus set, the end appears converted from something. I want to do this for the terrain set I'm building. Anyone help me out wher those pieces are from or just general idea on how to achieve the same effect?
  12. Well 5 bucks more than one of thesector mechanicus set
  13. https://www.lasercraftworkshop.com/products/Tank_Lift_Cargo_Crane-107-17.html thought this was pretty sweet looking
  14. Where has the damn Death Company Chaplin gone!!??
  15. Wait , why don't I see a Death Company Chaplin???
  16. Zomg, blood angel stuff!!!! Dude, priest can raise the dead now lol
  17. Don't have before pics but I'm sure you can imagine the gray... finished these early May, well the Baal one was redone in May lol (black and highlights added)
  18. The shipping was what was expensive. The price difference wasn't big at all on acrylic
  19. Another piece bites the dust
  20. So separate but you can pose the arms and stuff?
  21. As in fluff wise or demo game?
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