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Everything posted by happycamper

  1. I've been trying but every damn photo is too big (file size) lol
  2. Is this true? If so that sucks, might hold off on starter set then. I know Death Guard are
  3. Any tips of how to magnetize tanks and such? (Preds, land raiders, rhinos, etc) they don't have a base. Drill into track maybe?? where do you play mostly?
  4. Thanks sir! Order one ? Btw do you come to WoW much haven't see you there (I'm new this month) but I see you on here every day lol
  5. Thanks, no biggie just wasn't sure on rule
  6. Just wondering who's all going on Tuesday and when the first person with keys ? Last time got there too early
  7. I'll sell or trade my Death Guard stuff. Unpainted blood angel stuff, the Prim Marines from the new box, or straight up cash let me know
  8. What's rules for beer ? at WoW?
  9. So with a vangaurd and spearhead detachment, I can continue with my Lost Brotherhood army build of all death company and tanks!
  10. Just thoughts on them, expensive but is it worth the price (quality wise)? say I drop the case, how would it fare? also do rule books fit in that drawer?
  11. http://www.tablewar.com/display-tower-full-size-case-mark-iii/ anyone have experience with these?
  12. I order some, it will take awhile to get to me but I'll update with a review once I get them
  13. Those are all nice too. But I like that I can get it in acrylic rather than MDF, that's a big boost in my opinion
  14. Holy [big bad swear word], 30 Boyz teleporting anywhere?
  15. Thanks man! I'll update when I have more done.
  16. Terrain project I'm working on, excited to get to use this with the league ??
  17. Pshh anit nobody got time for that!
  18. Unfortunately I would be making it tonight, busy all week basically
  19. Core rules will be free. Doesn't mean there won't be a nice book
  20. Cause 45 pages is enough...
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