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Posts posted by DustGod

  1. No more infinity for me 

    I'm confused with the meta... I've been told: "bring 4 Mutts and you'll never get a game with the person again... bring too much to TO and I'll never play you again"

    then I went and played Nate and got crushed because I brought a handicapped  and didn't use Hassassin   the way they're actually supposed to be used....

     at that point I realized it's just too much in the meta there's too much in what each individual group of infinity players in Portland prefer... The idea that I got to handicap myself to get repeat games with people... I'm  cool that's why I don't have a thing at Ordo that's why I didn't "Buy in" to Ordo...

    At that point I kind of thought so basically handicapped myself for everybody else's benefit I don't think so.... 

    See you guys around... and I heard I was "really intense" which means I intimidate the people... that's fun...

    so a few good reasons why I'm not coming around and playing with anybody I'm intimidating and apparently I have to bring an army that  I can get my ass handed to me consistently doesn't make sense lost another Infinity player congratulations


  2. 12 hours ago, dataentity said:

    the dodge for Patsy is also at -6

    I'm confused...Why? 

    In reference to a Smoke dodge type thing? 

    I'm only thinking of it in a Tactical Sense set up Nimbus Zone 

    If your trying to move past something nasty set it up.

    In the reactive turn any chance to toss it... make hitting or shoot through that area a Pain in the Dice...

    Set up the Cutter and drop one at his feet.... 

    But I'm not seeing it as "Omg Nimbus+!" It's situational for sure... but adds to PanO already dominating shooting game... 

    Can I use a Tik as Cutter? 🤔

    I want to build an Orc Pain Train Now.... ugh.... Focus...


  3. Too bad the Cutter and Squalo kinda suck...

    Cutter has Tiny ittybitty getaway sticks... 

    Squalo could be cool with a weapon fix and Action pose... 

    You can make some Crazy link in Varuna... Nimbus Plus in any link👍

    Squalo with Clippers that's a Create-a-Seraphim unit... while I lob Grenades you watch my back 🤗

    you can almost throw down a Command token and POW! it's a fireteam 

    Pretty cool... 

    The idea of Stealth Orcs.... 

  4. My Regular link just got a Feuerbach... Very Cool... 


    logo_102.png Ouch orden_regular.png10

    logo_7.pngTIKBALANG HMG, Heavy Flamethrower, Antipersonnel Mines / AP CCW. (2 | 85) sep.gif

    logo_7.pngCRABBOT Flash Pulse / Knife.

    logo_26.pngSCYLLA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device UPGRADE: Maestro) Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser + 2 Devabots Charybdis / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0.5 | 34) sep.gif

    logo_26.pngDEVABOT CHARYBDIS Heavy Flamethrower / Electric Pulse. (7)

    logo_23.pngORC Feuerbach/Pistol, Knife. (2 | 42)

    logo_3.pngBAGH-MARI (Number 2) Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 19)

    logo_3.pngBAGH-MARI Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR Hacker (Hacking Device, FastPanda) Combi Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 23)

    logo_8.pngNAGA Combi Rifle, Monofilament Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30)

    logo_18.pngMACHINIST (SAA) (CH: Mimetism, Multiterrain) Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)

    logo_15.pngPALBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)

    logo_15.pngPALBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)

    logo_16.pngMULEBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)

    5.5 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    • Like 2
  5. Can you guys give me a couple of examples of infinity narrative campaigns... links?

    I know Paradiso but is there any other ones that I just don't know about because I'm new to that aspect of the game... 

    I'm really really interested in sitting down and writing out a narrative campaign at aome point and I'd like to get some good examples of it...

    Adding to this... Has anyone at Ordo or in this area ever Ran/Finished Campaign Paradiso?

    • Like 1
  6. From experience w/ Necromunda Mordheim and Warhammer 40K and I have a lot of experience with different campaigns over the years and all three of these games..

    You need at least 3 people

    The setting... this is really important if you're playing say in one area this city or this planet or does this thing take place on multiple fronts? Is this a full scale War? is this a incursion between small groups that are growing as you play?

    A Basic (or better) narrative..

    Features you're going to want to add features to the campaign that's what makes it better than playing a pickup game dig what I'm saying?

    Modify something like the spec-ops chart they can be applied to T.A.G.s and "You" or your faction hero... 

    The Ability to win mission X and get 2 Panoplies Rolls... these weapons can be given that any member of your Force permanently... 

    Increase the number of deployables in model can get by winning this match... 

    But once you're out of deployables or any kind of weapons that have limited ammo... that's it until you find a match where you can refill your army supplies... 

    Because Infinity is based on an RPG Skirmish system deep campaigns should be a Snap... HVTS and Civvies in the streets... "Look out lady!"

    Submondo vs. Special Anti-Crime Task force would be awesome (Ghost in the shell anyone) 

    Artifacts (hohum) 

    Pirates, Privateers and Shipping lanes ( crazy open ended) 

    If you ever want to start a Google doc or a post here or both and try to create a campaign I'm definitely down.

    Not that I could play the campaign consistently because of my work load..

    but I could definitely develop a campaign you guys could play..  I've done it before. 

    I did make this game once upon a time... 

    Old Work

    Could easily apply those skills to modifying this for a campaign

  7. This Too @Raindog looks way easy... mixed (if possible) with salt method could be really sweet looking... 

    I'm hobby diving for ideas until I figure out what to do with this SAA and I keep coming across stuff that fits with your with your rust idea

    I actually might end up doing swamp bases with water effects and everything even though nobody has that kind of table



  8. @Natetehaggresar great game!

    I learn a few new things that are kinda major and walked away with a much better grasp of the game. 

    10-0... killed to the man as well, While still giving me a fair game

    I'm Impressed and looking forward to my next lesson... 

    As  walk away thoughts from the match...I'm converting my Hassassin to Druze... I think I play them much better than I play my Hassassin. 

    I need to quit being bloodthirsty in the game and focus more on objectives or better I need to quit trying to prove the point of killing a particular model that's difficult and instead refocus my efforts on actually winning the game... 

    Thanks Nate 


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