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Everything posted by offroadfury

  1. Ah bummer, looks like I’ll have to look elsewhere for some orc line breakers
  2. Have any of you guys seen the miniatures for the Song of Ice and Fire game? How is their scale? The price and level of detail look too good to be true!
  3. Shoes you have tightened! nipples you have taped! ere the gun fires! jooooooggggggg!
  4. Rohan on square bases!?! army coming together now that I got all my bases in the mail!
  5. Nice! Got in mind what figures your gonna use?
  6. Your dwarven treasure will be very useful for funding my armies, and your people willing subjects after a show of force!
  7. I finally got my kingdom built out. Ive been listening a lot to The Fall of Rome and love the Byzantine medieval aesthetic. I think that using the base models from the LotR starter set will be perfect to build around and already have ideas for filling out the rest of the army Kingdom Name- Nicomedia Current Ruler- Duke Frederick Alonzo de Constance-Lumishie Born of a union between the two great families from powerful southern kingdoms, Frederick strove to make a name for himself in the twisted and convoluted politics of the decedent south. Despite the powerful and ancient noble blood in his veins, he was not in line for succession and the mixed families of his house meant he was kept out of certain religious and political posts that could help him gain the influence needed to get him on the coveted throne. Realizing how troublesome he would become, the current emperor and senate sent him north to establish a territories and subjugate the kingdoms long outside their reach. He graciously accepted his new role, and knew that fastest way to sitting on the throne was with a loyal army at his back. Establishing a city named after the first Emperor, he conquered and allied with willing orc tribes to build kingdom that'll be his place of power before returning home and taking the throne he knows is his. Kingdom Design Human Capital Plains, Smithies Orc City, Dark Hills, Smithies Dungeons, Ancient Ruins, Barrens, Rough Hills My goal is to build a fast, hard hitting army of human knights and orc linebreakers. Light cav and wolves for getting to the back line and flank charges. I love the idea of orcs as more noble tribesmen, like Gauls. Also I love Cataphracts, so being able to combine the two makes me the happiest wargamer ever!
  8. Dope dude! Those will work great. I’ve never been to the club, is there space for it to be set up in a more peminate fashion?
  9. I’m new to it as well, I’d be fine with either, new or updated.
  10. I’m sure we can manage, plus it’s just rules for what units, so as long as we stick to that fixing the tiles around should be easy
  11. That’ll be cool to represent to land, really make the world come alive. But I can have my kingdom made before the start right?
  12. Quick question about kingdom building; if we’re gonna be building a map as a campaign, do we create our kingdoms independently? Or do we work together to build a unique map with the tiles you purchased @Ish? I’m working on a Numenor/Roman Provence style kingdom of orca and humans. More evil and expansionist and to take advantage of the Lord of Rings models
  13. Yep, and I’ve already been scouring eBay for warriors as well. Also Fire Forge games makes some amazing looking heavy cav and infantry that fit the aesthetic with Rohan.
  14. I should have pretty close to that with the box set, a couple weeks of painting and by July we should be all set to go! I’ll keep an eye on the game nights and post when I got an army complete
  15. July is a good enough time to put together a group for a campaign.
  16. @Ish Cheers man! Thanks! I just ordered some bases and can put my guys together soon. What’s everyone’s timetable for playing?
  17. How well do the lord of the rings minis fit in the scale of other models for this game? I got the battle of Pelenor or fields box set and was think I can easily rebase the minis. also just for clarification infantry on 25x25 cavalry on 25x50. right?
  18. If it’s at the club house then that’s be a great place to get it started. an escalation league would be perfect for everyone! I’m down for sure
  19. You guys thinking about running an escalation Oathmark league? I have the first rule book and Really want to play
  20. Any interest from the forum for Warmaster? there has been an explosion in wonderful minis for the ruleset, both STL files for printing and regular models for purchase. I would love to start an escalation league or some type of campaign and would happily take the lead roll in organizing it. I live down in McMinnville so looking to play in Salem or Portland. let me know if any of you would be interested!
  21. Hey team, my name is Alex and I live down in McMinnville. I grew up collecting Warhammer fantasy down in Corvallis area but found pretty much everyone else played 40k. As I moved around for work and school I slowly got rid of my collection much to my current regret. I am now putting together a High Elf force with a color scheme based off the HE army book from the 4th edition as that was the first Warhammer book I ever got. That book is still with me today and really cemented my love for the hobby. I really want to play 6th edition games, I havent played a ton and was looking for a group that would be interested in starting with those rules. Hopefully looking to get an active group going down in the Salem area and to play at the game store thats down town. Glad I found this group! -Offroadfury
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