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Everything posted by Teturact

  1. I think they generally work pretty well. There are some things that can be done to play around with it like changing the agent fees base rate, the years rate, have a delay on years adding cost, eliminate the years experience rate and change it to an experience level (ie veteran, rising star and so on) rate. It is frustrating to have to dump half of your team for rookies but I think it keeps it interesting and possible for new teams to compete.
  2. we will be holding our playoffs Saturday the 29th at sessionable starting at noon. the playoffs have bonus chaos and every team will get a free GIANT for their playoff run Our losers bracket tourney will be held Sunday the 30th starting at 11 am and all 8 teams that didn't make the playoffs have been sent to the dungeon they just have to score to escape. Sessionable is a great beer bar come by grab a beer and watch some blood bowl
  3. we SHOULD get together I'll drop in on the first and say hi even if everyone shows up. Also I'll be teaching someone bb next tuesday evening 12/28 and helping someone else with some painting/ modeling stuff at Sessionable if you want to drop in for a beer and a chat.
  4. It's mostly new players a couple of my buddies are veterans of when we had a league in early 2000s and I dragged a bunch of bar friends into it. we've only been together since like april and I wasn't really looking to branch out yet. we are near the end of our second season doing some end of season tournaments (playoffs and a losers bracket)
  5. Yep but I'm moving tword allowing all the fumbbl secret league teams. We may try a hybrid BB/dungeon bowl league next season
  6. Yep currently I'm running a pub league out of sessionable on division
  7. Just found out about you guys today I have two sets of dungeonbowl and would be very interested in playing if it's possible to add more participants
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