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Robot Hands

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Everything posted by Robot Hands

  1. oh no. i am here and now see this. that is too bad. i thought about canceling myself to just stay home and paint. unfortunate that i made the drive but that is ok i will go home and work on getting my army to three color minimum. maybe see you next week.
  2. Cool, and thanks @ninefinger. Pointing anyone who is interested in some 40k to my my post would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi all, I am looking for someone to meet me at Ordo at 5pm Tuesday the 8th of February to play Warhammer 40k. I would prefer to play a competitive game, as I am planning on attending a 40k tournament at the end of February. I am training up on rules, tactics, speed, and hopefully some hard hitting opponents. I am trying to work the kinks out of a 2000 point Iron Hands list. Any and all list maybe suitable to play against, but please remember I am trying to train for a tournament, so please have that mind set. Alternatively, if you are someone who does not want to play competitively, but would like to get a game in, please feel free to hit me up. In the event that no one wishes to play competitively, I would still like to practice, and I can bring a much more causal list. Please note Iron hands are still fairly strong even on bad days, but that said, I really want to avoid folks getting the feel-badzies. I would like to plan on gaming at Ordo on Tuesdays, and Thursdays for the month of February (I will be out of town on Thursday the 3rd of February), so if you see this post and could play on Tuesdays 8th, 15th, 22nd, or Thursdays 10th, 17th, 24th please enquirer about the date, I would love to get dates sorted in advance if possible. I intend to attend the Pecking order Tournament which is held in Olimpia Washington on February 26th-27th https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/eventlanding/dr5e8hga?embed=false If anyone else is interested please let me know, perhaps we can car pool, or at least have solidarity while in attendance. Hope to meet you for a game of 40K!
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