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Everything posted by SpaceWok

  1. I'd be interested in playing some 40k. I could do anywhere from 1k to 2k points, but I'd prefer to stay on the lower side as I'm still fresh to the game, learning, and I'd rather not put you to sleep as I bumble my way around : )
  2. Great! I might be able to push it to 1k, I'll see about building the list. What time will you be there?
  3. That would be great! I'll plan on seeing you there whatever the case
  4. I just finished painting up about 800 points or so of Death Guard and I'm looking to play my first 9th edition game. I played a decent amount way back in 6th ed, so I'd definitely need someone who is willing to put up with a noob and show me the ropes. Please let me know if you're interested in a quick game 🙃
  5. Hi there! I just finished painting up about 800 points or so of Death Guard and I'm looking to play my first 9th edition game. I played a decent amount way back in 6th ed, so I'd definitely need someone who is willing to put up with a noob and show me the ropes. Please let me know if you're interested!
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