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Port-a-rack question (DA+GK)

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I may have already asked this question. Got this dirt cheap upgrade for the DA characters called the Port-a-rack. Wording broad, hence the question. Grants additional abilities for both the character and army wide should the character beat another character in a challenge. On ability, in particular, is use of the "enemies" teleport homers. It does not specify DA only, as many abilities in the DA codex do. It also does not specify if the enemy TP homers for it's ability must be the same enemy that was defeated in the challenge.


So, DA+GK vs orks, in example. At some point, My DA character with the port-a-rack assaults an ork player, locks a nob in a challenge, and kills it. Now, can my GK use my DA's teleport homers? The GK and DA are specifically part of the same army and are treated as enemies due to the allies of convenience. The DA codex is full of synergy like this, so this may actually be intentional, rather than an oversight. To my knowledge, this is not in the FAQ.


I very much admit, fluff wise, this makes no sense, but I'm asking from a rules standpoint.


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