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The Warhamsters Gather - 2/28


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2 hours ago, intrizic said:

weather in north county is NOT the same as the weather in Bellingham this year guys.  Last snow storm we had 25 ft drifts, no exaggeration.  Part of living in a place that has winters is having the wisdom to stay home.

It's funny how quickly it changes once you're on the the other side of Britton Rd! 


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Yeah, sorry Jim, can't make it.  The real issue for me is that I live way up in the mountains, where the roads have tons of wicked curves, and I don't feel safe driving late at night, when I'm tired and the slush has had time to freeze into ice.  You'd think it'd be no problem with my Jeep, but the reality is that Jeep's are very light, and 4 wheel drive doesn't mean poop when all four wheels are on a sheet of ice.  I don't like those conditions when there's light and I'm alert, when it's dark and I'm coming down off a gaming buzz, it's just a recipe for driving into a ditch.  Or off a cliff.  Into a river.  A freezing cold river.

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