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help with a list thats a little more competitive

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  Trying to build a list for black templars.


   I am looking for a smash mouth hq. I know the biker cm with a hammer shield eternal and art armour with a second hq in 2 up armour all dropped in a command squad on bikes is the big thing. This allows bike squads to score and run around with relentless grav guns...... ouch but its not my style. Looking to be competitive but still play to my fluff ideas.


  Im thinking a high marshal with a hammer and shield eternal with a honour guard in a land raider. I know the Storm Raven is probably more effective but... Also thinking of a second hq maybe a forge master or a emperors champ, could also run a chaplain in the mix. This list is a lot of points riding on 1 unit so I dont know how well it will work.



List looks like this more or less


HQ Chap master

honour guard (in land raider



3 crusader squads 1/2 are the squires

maby a 5 man scout squad sit the home objective


haven't found any fast attacks I like thinking a squad of bikes with lances to be a modern cavalry Jousting anyone?

2 dreds thinking Iron clad with heavy flamers

add in a few rhinos and i should be about 1850


Is this list ok in the local meta? And would it work ok.

I dont want allies yet and holding off on flyers. Any thoughts let me know.




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it can be difficult to marry fluff and competitive, not impossible, but difficult.


Speaking from experience: DO NOT transport anything of value in a flyer unless you're playing necrons


I think the idea of your face eater squad in a LR is solid, still effective in today's meta.  You'll have to play it careful against some lists.

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Personally I think two land raiders are the way to go. I wouldn't run the hq with the honor guard they don't need the help. Take a maxed crusader squad in land raider crusader add the chapter master and point them at an objective, they will be able to clear it and own it. This way if they get dismounted it isn't as bad, a vehicle based assault squad is only going to be able to dependabley make it to one place on the battle field. The honor guard can be your suicide delay, or heroic sacrifice type squad doing damage to enemy units that would otherwise crush your units, they may even survive this duty but as non scoring and tough they would excel at this. Then use your other choices to supplement with specific goals. I see this list as lacking flyer defense and tank busting so add that via any choice.


Stalkers are great for some anti flyer and I think of them very similarly to dreads.

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   Yes this list is not complete its just an idea.

I don't like flyers.As  transports the storm raven can grav shoot its troops, but Intrizic is right, I wont be running a expensive unit if I got one. As for flyer defence Im not sold on the stalker 1 weapon and armour 11 its a little bit on the questionable side for me. The storm talon looks like a solid Anti Air transport busting answer that  I'm lacking. The dreads can crush transports but thats not a reliable answer. Vindicator maybe or a heavy weapons squad in a drop pod for real tanks.

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It is armour 12/12/10 and can be hidden on the table, I hate reserves so your mileage may vary. I always had more problems with flying monstrous creatures so being able to cause grounding checks was more important. I've found actual flyers to be easy to out maneuver, hell drake excepted.


The storm talon only has two hull points which worries me personally. Just my two cents.

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Storm ravens have good armour busting firepower along with power of the machine spirit but you pay a healthy amount of points for them... Anti flyer is just tricky all the way around, part of the reason I give it 75 points and call it a day with the stalker. I've always been tempted by the Talon tho.

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I would say just ignore fliers. The storm raven and helldrake will give you the most problems but nothing too devastating if you position right. That baleflamer should only be able to kill 7 or 8 marines a turn on a good day. A tac squad only needs one left to take an objective. If you are facing more than one helldrake...well that would be a rough game and I think your only answer would be to have a couple stormravens yourself. Either way your still going to lose a handful of marines. That only map that you are safe from the helldrake the turn it enters is hammer and anvil. Even then I think the safety zone is 18". 

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I respectfully disagree with you on the helldrake.  From personal experience: for a space marine player ( or a grey knight player) the helldrake can be absolutely devastating.  The helldrake is one of the few reasons it's nice to have Tau in your meta.  Helldrakes were the reason I stopped playing Grey Knights.

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Storm Ravens are Money.  

They are really difficult to take out with interceptor, and are much more forgiving that other flier (AV 12 all around and no double pen on melta).  AND, they can hit like a ton of bricks, target different units in the same turn, and shoot a gun at Full BS when sunned/jinking.

The Fast TL Multi melta is boss, and the SM missiles are money vs Mosterous Creatures (Cause to drop to I 1).  Then PoMS the TLAS at something else.  SO GOOD.

There has been like one game where it has not done anything for me.

HEll, throw a 5 man squad in and deep strike out the back.  

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next question on list building. I just realised bikes are relentless so salvo works for them when there moving.

would a biker squad 2 grave guns, put out the shots to work as anti tank?

Trying to make a solid black templars list. My 2 land raider list is a lot of points in 2 tanks. That loses troop movement if the raiders get popped.

Thinking 2 biker squads, calvary for templars (so much fluff), honour squad in a land raider and some crusader squads are a foundation. Maybe th/ss terms to deep strike and a drop pod for a dred to speed bump the other guys army. Im lacking flyers anti flyer and questionable on anti tank.

Any pointers please let me know.


Idea is to run the crusader squads up in rhnos tell the boxes get popped. Drop the dred mid table as a denial unit and rush the bikes and the raider. lots of targets for people to decide where to shoot.

Any thought, My lists are not at all competitive and need a boost.

thank you Timothy

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