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OFCC Update

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So we're about five months out from OFCC at this point.  I wanted to give a quick update about a few things:


1. The rules pack was modified on 4/10/14 to reflect some comp of the recently released army books.  Dwarves, Dark Elves and Lizardmen players should be sure and check it out.


2. If you are the captain of a team, or want to be considered for permission to captain a team, now is the time to say so.  Please send me a PM.  In about 2-3 months I'd like to schedule a Skype, or Google Hangout with the captains and the list committee members to go over the comp, rules, etc.  So people should be settling into their captain seat and starting to think about teams now.


2. If you have a burning desire for suffering and want to be on the list ratings committee, now is the time to speak up.  Please know this is a serious commitment.  Every single member of the committee must rate each and every list, without consultation to other members of the committee.  So you're talking going over 100-120 lists.  It's a major time commitment.  But we need people willing to do it.  Let me know.



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