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Deathcap Junction - The Syndicate in Triplicate: a backstory


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Near the Delta-Chi-73 Drainage, in the region of the underhive known as Deathcap Junction, a small shrine, The Scrivener’s Repose sits in near obscurity.   A nearby lift connects into one of the adminstratum sectors of the hive proper. People come and go, many with the sickly palor common to those who work long shifts indoors, monitoring cogitatiors, securing records, and filling out the myriad of tracking forms required to ensure a proper function in the busy hive.  


Illumination from inside the chapel shines though the plasglas windows, in a multicolored arrangement, giving passersby an eerie violet, blue and green cast, each in turn.  Unbeknownst to the local enforcers, a family that calls themselves The Syndicate in Triplicate uses the Scrivener’s Repose for their center of operations. The Syndicate in Triplicate does little in the way of ‘illegal’ operations, seeming to find the necessary authorizations for all kinds of otherwise nefarious actions.  Local gang actions always seem to be able to find warrants of execution, signed and stamped by one or another of the many authorities, when they are carried out by the syndicate’s muscle bound thugs. Shipments of rarely seek goods come and go in the area, but always with the appropriate paperwork, if they were to ever be searched.  The industrial mining tools, toted by the gang’s heavies, have transportation documents and aren’t due back at the job sites until, would you believe it, tomorrow.


Their Leader, known affectionately as the Godspeaker, presides over services and slaughter alike, but his administratum contacts make sure that none of the syndicate’s actions ever end up on the radar of the local enforcers.  The ‘donations’ to the local precinct and ability to send armed support to the raids made by the underfunded Enforcers couldn’t possibly be the thing that keeps them on the right side of the law.  


As the rumors of cannibals, guild wars, and industrial accidents continue to swirl around Deathcap Junction, the members of The Syndicate in Triplicate stand ready, with paperwork in all three of their hands.   An offer from the Godspeaker is typically one that you can’t refuse. If the weight of paperwork doesn’t prove that you’ve accepted and the weight of his religious arguments doesn’t sway you, there is still the weighty gaze from the Godspeaker’s eyes that forces agreement from those that would oppose him.  


Pay no attention to that nosebleed.  The agreement was surely made of your own free will.




Narrative Missions


The Godspeaker and his thugs have plans within plans, and will stop at nothing to achieve them.  They can always doctor the paperwork afterwards and make sure they were on the right side of the law.  While opposing cultists and gangers that would break the peace at every turn, they still have a mission of their own to achieve.  


Possibilities - Law abiding, Order aligned, and obviously Xenos for their minor  influence.

  • Save the Hive

    • Infiltrate or supplant the local enforcers and other officials.  

  • ‘Scape the Hive

    • Transporting a holy relic out of the area.  Definitely not a pure strain genestealer in a stasis pod.  It’s a holy relic. It says so on all three of these forms.

  • Slay the Hive

    • Demolish the nearby foundations of the local uphive Imperial Shrine.  Doing away with the priest and his congregation would allow for the Godspeaker to get that official promotion he’s been after.

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