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The Green Tide,Viable?


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  Just downloaded the Ghazzy supplement and as I suspected most all of the formations are rather lame however the Green Tide does interest me as it seems pretty much along the lines of the Apoc one though without the fearless part.


  Now ive never played full on horde Orks to the extent of having 120-150 boyz on the table but im tempted to beef up my boyz count another 20 or so in order to run this formation as it seems rather nasty....possibly annoying to play and play against though as it seems you could have a huge unit with some models having eavy armor and some not..


 Cost wise it comes in at around 850 points with a Nob in each group and adding Big shootas to the shoota squads.This is with a WB that has the PK /BP and I threw in the Lucky stixx..not sure if that's needed though..and eavy on him.I would also think that a Painboy is an auto take along with possibly a Wierdboy for the psycic defence..thinking it WILL be the target of every kind of debuff that your opponent will throw.


 It also specifies that no transports on either the boyz or the Warboss so a Trukk rush tide is a no go.


 Another interesting rule about it states that hits from the Mob rule table are allowcated by the player controlling the tide NOT ramdom ...so I could put one unit of Ard boys in there and have them tank those when they come up,,4+ then 5+ fnp would really minimize the effect I would think.


   As for supporting it im thinking some a CAD with maybe grots or even Deaf Dreads in the Troop slots..Bug Gunz Lobbas for sure each with a ammo runt for the Orky Wyvern thing then maybe a Morkanaut for some ranged Anti Tank.



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Moving a single unit like that wouldn't actually be too hard- I've run five-Tervigon lists and come in under time pretty easily. However, the fact that you can only hold one objective and (generally) only assault one target are going to be huge limiting factors, and certain types of units will just scythe through you pretty horrifically. Casualties get pulled from the front, so with enough killing power they can essentially just avoid ever letting you swing at them- even when you're locked in combat, that 3" + 3" set of pile-in moves may not be enough.

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Actually charging multiple units bordering on an entire enemy army would not be difficult with 100-300 orks.


With a unit that huge it would be easy to fully charge the primary then have plenty of bodies that can't support the main charge and start chaining to the next target.


That formation gets 10 boyz squads and doesn't state their exact size. Most thinkminimum size but you could easily crank up the size. Then take a CAD with painboy (maybe Grotsnik) and lots of objective secured grots to mix in and slip through gaps in the orks...

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Actually charging multiple units bordering on an entire enemy army would not be difficult with 100-300 orks.


With a unit that huge it would be easy to fully charge the primary then have plenty of bodies that can't support the main charge and start chaining to the next target.


That formation gets 10 boyz squads and doesn't state their exact size. Most thinkminimum size but you could easily crank up the size. Then take a CAD with painboy (maybe Grotsnik) and lots of objective secured grots to mix in and slip through gaps in the orks...

  For Objective grabbing I would probably use Deffcoptas...just leave a hole in the mass if they are around an objective you need then fly up and over,drop down in and cap..shouldn't have to worry about objective secure enemys as they would have likely already died to the Green wall o death :laugh:



 Also I think that Grotsnik out of the CAD would probably be a must take instead of the Painboy as he will make them fearless and give the FNP..plus comes with another Klaw....eliminate mob rule casualties worrys.OR one could take the Big Boss pole for 20pts on the WB and get fearless then add in a Painboy instead of Grotsnik ,,save some points but then wouldn't have the Lucky stixx for any clutch save rerolls....

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Actually charging multiple units bordering on an entire enemy army would not be difficult with 100-300 orks.


Sort of. You're still going to be limited in frontage that the models occupy- it doesn't matter that you have 150 guys behind that front line when it comes to actually reaching an enemy unit. Just as importantly, you'll have to weather the combined overwatch and melee attacks of those units in order to actually do anything to them. Charging vehicles at that point would be pretty futile (since they're only S3 then due to a Disordered Charge), so I can see the whole thing running into some serious problems. God forbid the enemy has a Wraithknight on the field- he can lock the whole unit up indefinitely, and if he's smart he can make it so those Klaws never get within 3" of him (remember you pile in at Initiative, and doing so is not optional, so all the Boyz will clump up around him first, often preventing the Klaw from getting in range.)


The real problem, though, is that you're sinking 800+ pts into a really awkward deathstar unit.

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