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Firestorm, we've been doing Battle Log destroyed points wrong


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I still would like to try the optional Victory Points rule, but we have been doing destroyed slightly wrong.  It doesn't swing as much as I thought when losing a tier 2.


Losing a tier 1 or 2 squad gains the killer 1/2 the HP (rounded down) of the single highest HP model in the squad (in the case of mixed cruiser squads) not 1/2 of the HP of the entire squad.

Thus let's say you have a tier 2 cruiser squad (5 HP per ship) and one of them is upgraded to heavy cruiser (6 HP).  Kill it and and that's half of 6 HP, or 3 BP.  Your opponent gets -2.

It's a BIT less of a swing at tier 2.  Pretty much unchanged at tier 1 (except for battlecruiser pairs)

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