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Uncreator Gauntlet (CM relic)


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Can I use this Gauntlet to have my opponent's vehicle regain HP? As written, I think the answer is yes, but I'm double checking. As I read it, I have to roll to hit the opponent's vehicle, and don't have to if I target a friendly one, but I can otherwise choose to damage or regain against either.


As for why I would want to have my opponent regain HP, it's a simple matter of VP. ITC has ruled that every 3 HP dealt cause 1 VP for my side and that healing HP increases the potential VP of the target (making those stompa repair lists iffy).


So if my very AT-able admech can heal up to d6 HP on the enemy super heavy at his initiative step, I should be able lower it back down at the same or lower initiative step. The advantage is a bonus 1-2 VP for destroying a super heavy.


A very strange thing in fluff, but a very tournament-like thing to do.

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I don't see any reason why you couldn't, and similarly you could make your own vehicle lose HP if you wanted to.

Does the SW HQ walker character still become an objective when killed?

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The only real downer I see to this weapon is that the IC needs to be locked in combat in order to heal friendly vehicles, as far as I can tell. I'd need to be in base contact with a friendly vehicle, while the assault rules force me to move closer to enemy models as possible. Seems like a logistical issue if I want to heal friendly vehicles.

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Actually, the Uncreator Gauntlet's repair function (and other similar repair abilities, like Techmarines) are largely unusable by strict RAW, as ICs are not allowed to move within 2" of Units that they can't Join :P

As I read it, they can move within 2" provided they are joined to one of those units and this is declared at the end of the movement phase.

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