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Armorcast question


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Another 40k guy and were talking about his warhound. He says it's made of wood, so I ask if it's scratchbuilt. He says it's an old 1985 version and those were wood. Never heard this before and can't seem to verify it online.


Did armorcast make wooden models ever?


Also, his warhound has a tail...

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When Mike Biasi started out (as Mike Biasi Studios) the pieces were sculpted in very traditional sculpting techniques; sculpted in clay, then a plaster mold made to cast a resin master that was then cleaned up and final detailed. To make the final molds, mold rubber was painted on the master and then backed with a plaster mold holder. Again, very traditional sculpting techniques. 
When Armorcast took over things changed a bit. Mike was still the sculptor, but he got a lathe and many parts were turned/machined. Master models were built more of sheet plastic, resin and modeling putty resulting in cleaner models for the newer pieces. Clay was eliminated from the process. Many of the models were basically resculpted, although some of the older models really needed to be redone (Eldar Tempest and Knight) but GW not renewing the license put the kibosh on that. Moldmaking and casting also changed mostly due to my 20 years of experience in making custom lost wax cast jewelry (my profession until we started Armorcast in 1995). 


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When Mike Biasi started out (as Mike Biasi Studios) the pieces were sculpted in very traditional sculpting techniques; sculpted in clay, then a plaster mold made to cast a resin master that was then cleaned up and final detailed. To make the final molds, mold rubber was painted on the master and then backed with a plaster mold holder. Again, very traditional sculpting techniques. 
When Armorcast took over things changed a bit. Mike was still the sculptor, but he got a lathe and many parts were turned/machined. Master models were built more of sheet plastic, resin and modeling putty resulting in cleaner models for the newer pieces. Clay was eliminated from the process. Many of the models were basically resculpted, although some of the older models really needed to be redone (Eldar Tempest and Knight) but GW not renewing the license put the kibosh on that. Moldmaking and casting also changed mostly due to my 20 years of experience in making custom lost wax cast jewelry (my profession until we started Armorcast in 1995). 



Yeah, clay then resin, but I can't seem to find anything regarding wood.

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Well, as far as after Tim's involvement, Mike never used wood in production.  Prior, it doesn't seem wood was used, either.  However, you can find wood ones on E-bay.  Keep in mind it is easy enough to use CAM to make one of those old ones outta wood.

That's kinda what I'm thinking. That, or the guy is just mistaken about what it's made of.

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