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DMB Brawl 2016


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Hello all!  DMB is hosting another Brawl this year and I'd like to post a quick invite to anyone interested in coming!  


The DMB Brawl is returning for its fifth year!  We have taken feedback from the past few years and hope to bring you the best tournament we can this year!


·         New Venue!

·         New Date!


Brawl 2016 will be held the weekend of October 1-2, 2016 in Moscow, ID at the Schierman’s Clubhouse & Event Center.


Planning for Brawl will be finalized no later than September 1, 2016 to ensure that all participants know what to expect and there will be no last minute changes.


Brawl 2016 will not be an ITC event.


Brawl’s goal is to provide a relaxed and enjoyable tournament environment for folks to enjoy gaming on a larger stage.  We hope to have competition for the coveted Brew Master award and see old and new friends while playing a game we all enjoy.  





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  • 4 months later...

Okay guys.


I haven't seen many posts here and the DMB Brawl is fast approaching.


I would like to remind everyone exactly how much fun this event is.


Evidence: http://www.ordofanat...-2015/?hl=brawl


These guys "get it". They know what they are doing, they know how to have a good time, they know what the spirit of the game is!


We always have multiple teams from DMB travel to Portland for OFCC and most of the recent years, they walk away with The Bucket.


Rest assured, there is no doubt in my mind this is going to be a great event.


Buy your tickets now! Give them 5 great games and show them that you "get it", too!

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