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Stormcast questions

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I wouldn't mind making a Stormcast force, but have some questions from players with more experience with them.  I'd really like to emphasize the winged theme, and include a Prime, Prosecutors, and a Venator.  I'm wondering how viable these units are, and what I would need to round them out.  Obviously, I'll need some battle line for matched play, and I think some judicators for some more ranged attacks.  But like I said, I'd like to hear from others.

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Still my favorite Battalion for SCE is the Harbinger Chamber.


Its 1-Lords of the Storm which if you want to a winged force,could choose to use up to 5 Venetor`s or Knight-Azyros.You would need to take at least one Lord Celestant but could put him on a Stardrake,points permitting of course.Then finally you need 1 Relictor,no winged option for him though.


Then on to the meat of the Chamber and that is 3 Vanguard wings.Those are min 3 units of Prosecutors and 1 unit of Liberators each.That makes for a minimum of 27 Prosecutor models and 15 Liberator models.


The Abilities are -Lightning strike,the standard SCE deep strike ability.

-Celestial Nimbus all models from the Chamber get +1 to hit...so in melee the Prosecutors are 2+ to hit rerolling ones...yeah.


Further the Liberators get a bonus from the Vanguard wing for being within 8" of any of the prosecutors..hits of 6 do 2 wounds instead of one.The other ability is Stormstreak,instead of moving in the movement phase they can basically teleport to within 5" of a unit of Prosecutors.


Lords of the storm have some abilities like +1 bravery to to all SCE units within 6" of any of the heros.The other has a chance to do mortal wounds if 3 heroes are within 3" of each other and within 3" of any enemy unit in thier hero phase.


I think this would easily fit into 2k.However if you wanted to include a Celestant on Stardrake it would probably need to be at the 2500 pt range.


Finally,,I have always like Prosecutors,I like to run a unit of 5 as that gets a good amount of ranged attacks,but bear in mind that due to the larger base,getting more than 3 into melee is a bit tough to do at times.When they make it into CC,having the 3+ to hit w/reroll on 1s is nice to have,,would be nice to have some rend though.Running them in the Chamber formation above would be quite nasty I think with the high volume of hits they would land..once again though lack of rend could really hurt in some cases.

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What's the battalion that's 2 units of prosecutors and 1 unit of retributors? Let's you teleport the retributors near the prosecutors or something

I think you are referring to the Hammerstrike Force, and its 1 unit of Prosecutors and 2 units of Retributors.  The Retributors start off-table and can deep strike within 6" of the Prosecutors and get a to wound bonus when they do.  It's very good and pretty cheap.



As for the winged army theme.  I think it is a really good idea.  Creating the Harbinger Chamber by itself costs 1640 points so fitting in the 5 venators plus other heroes that Threejacks mentioned will definitely require a 2.5k point list, Stardrake probably more.  Would definitely be a fun army to play!  Although I definitely agree that close combat with Prosecutors is a challenge.  There wings are a pretty big burden both preventing them from getting a lot of models in combat, but also creating a lot of surface area for enemy models to pile in on.  


I personally have not used a Knight-Venator or Azyros, but I can say that they can both be good. The Azyros is bound to be more consistent since his ability dishes out guaranteed mortal wounds AND he will give an added bonus for all of your Prosecutors ranged attacks (if they don't have paired celestial hammers already).  Having 5 of those guys on the front line could annihilate enemy units before close combat even starts.  The Venator has crazy good range which makes for a good standard ranged attack, but his Star-fated arrow is only a 56% chance of landing before the enemies save roll.  He doesn't give any perks to allies either.

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Thanks for these thoughts guys.  This is very helpful.  There is also a formation called the Hallowed Hunt, which is a Prime, a Venator, and 2 Prosecutor units.  The get a couple abilities: (1) either before, or after, shooting a unit from the formation can roll a dice a move that many inches, (2) the formation can reroll hits against Nurgle, and (3) the formation can reroll charge distance.

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The more I look at the harbinger chamber, the more I like it. So glad you suggested it! If I were to put the Lord Celestant on foot, and include just the minimum two heroes, maybe a Azyros and a Venator, I think I'd have enough to fit in a Prime at 2k.

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Harbinger Chamber + Celestant on foot + Azyros + Venator + Prime = 2320, so you could add another Venator for 2420 or two more Azyros for 2520 and fit it into a 2.5k.


Remember when calculating you have to pay for each Vanguard Wing and the Harbinger Chamber battalions, 440 pts for those 4 battalions.

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Also, I use a Google doc calculator and it states the requirements at the different pt levels as these:


1000 Points: L: 1-4 BL: 2+ A:0-2 B: 0-2, 2500 Points: L: 1-6 BL: 3+ A:0-4 B: 0-4, 4000 Points: L: 1-8 BL: 4+ A:0-5 B: 0-5


l've seen a lot of different point levels, but this is what I've been going on since this tool has had a lot of community input.  If this is true then you wouldn't need a 4th battleline at 2.5k.  I'd definitely confirm with an actual book though.




You'll need to save a copy for yourself to use it, but its very helpful.

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Harbinger Chamber + Celestant on foot + Azyros + Venator + Prime = 2320, so you could add another Venator for 2420 or two more Azyros for 2520 and fit it into a



Remember when calculating you have to pay for each Vanguard Wing and the Harbinger Chamber battalions, 440 pts for those 4 battalions.

Ahh yeah,didn't think of the extra point cost there,thnx for the heads up:)

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