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H: Lizardmen. W: Cash, Warmachine, Infinity PanI


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I have a full Lizardmen army that is painted to table top quality:


30 Saurus w hand weapon and shield

27 Saurus w spear

2 Stegadons (old metal)

30+ Skinks (probably more like 50)

7 Cold One Riders

3 Terradons

1 Salamander

3 Kroxigor



It is a mix of new and (very) old. Pics just to give you an idea of what they look like. Tons of bits included.


Cash offers preferable but I am also interested in trading for:


Warmachine (any factio) minis and books (current only)

Infinity PanO minis and any current rule books.


Will ship, deal locally, or transact at OFCC.




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I have a Circle Oroboros force and tokens, but unfortunately I do not have the new MK3 cards or rule books available. Its in mostly good condition some tlc is needed and most of the lot is unpainted. Is this something that would be interested in?

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