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Everything posted by Android

  1. Cool. 2k on Tues shortly after 6 work for you?
  2. Anyone up for a game of 40k? Would like to try a list with a Stompa in it. Also available this Sat Aug 16th.
  3. Up to 8 if I decide to run the bully boy formation. At least a couple though.
  4. I seem to remember someone saying they had some of these older meganob models kicking around that they were interested in selling. Yes? No?
  5. I'm interested. I will be out of town the first two weeks of October though.
  6. Could go for some 40k or fantasy. Preferably 40k so I can try out the new codex.
  7. 2k works. I'm off work at 6 so I'll be there shortly after.
  8. I could go for a game of 40k with the new ork book.
  9. Pretty excited. Also I totally use squig catapults for my lob as.
  10. Believe objectives are placed before sides are chosen. Possibly before you determine deployment type.
  11. I also have quarriors + quartifacts if you want to play with an expansion.
  12. If you would rather roll with orks you could borrow some of mine for the weekend.
  13. Full charge move but still I1. "Warriors who charge through difficult terrain are subject to deadly salvoes of close range fire and must advance more cautiously. To represent this, if at least one model in the charging unit moved through difficult terrain as part of its charge move, all of the unit’s models must attack at Initiative step 1, regardless of other Initiative modifiers, even if the charging unit is not slowed by difficult terrain. Remember that charging models must engage as many enemies in the target unit as possible"
  14. Sure, no problem. Anyone else down for some fantasy action or maybe 7ed 40k?
  15. Anyone want a game of fantasy? Board game of some sort sounds good as well.
  16. Need a game of something. 40k or fantasy probably.
  17. I'm down for some 40k or fantasy.
  18. I'll probably be swinging by after I get off work around 530
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