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Posts posted by Kremmet

  1. Interesting to see they ruled that Predatory Fighter doesn't work for supporting attacks. OFCC said they did, if I'm not mistaken? Curious to see how this will go if Lizards get an official FAQ.

    Lizards are very unlikely to get an FAQ and even then Predatory Fighters would need an erratum to work in ranks. The RAW is very clear for this rule it's just that most players find it a bad rule and play it a different way.


    Yes an opponent could take your Master's FAQ and say "that's cute," but I'd probably ask them to reconsider. There are plenty of rulings in there that I don't agree with, but they are rather consistent and produce a much tighter ruleset than WHFB will likely have in the foreseeable future. If an opponent wanted to argue with me about the incredibly ambiguous rules in Fantasy I'd ask that they do so after the game and just use the Master's ruling until then. Or dice off, but that seems like an arbitrary distinction.

    • Like 1
  2. From Archibald_TK:


    In the next WD:

    - New box akin to the Mortarchs, allowing to create 3 special Nurgle characters mounted what appear to happen when you cross a giant ape and a very aggressive worm, rules included in the WD.


    That's the only release for that week...


    if you liked the Blight Kings, then you'll find the new ones awesome. If I remember correctly they're called something like Maggot Lords (I'm not even sure, see how efficient my memory is?)


    Also I don't play WFB so I have no idea what I'm reading when it comes to rules. I just remember one of them can spit and it works like a catapult, 24" S3(4) ignore armors. They're lords and their prices all tend to float around the 400pts mark.

    EDIT- Oh and also like the Mortarchs it's a unique profile for them and their mount.

    • Like 1
  3. Because GW did not stay consistent in their use of the rule.  If they wanted Spirit Leech to be modified, which it is fully, they should not have said it uses unmodified leadership or at least changed the rule to reflect that thought.  They didn't.  Instead, they created contradictory FAQs where one states, as you quoted:



    Q. When taking a Leadership test, sometimes you have to take it on your unmodified Leadership.  What is your unmodified Leadership? (p.10)

    A. Your unmodified Leadership is the highest Leadership characteristic in the unit.  So the Leadership from any characters in the unit itself (but not from outside the unit, from Inspiring Presence for example) with a higher Leadership can be used unless specifically stated otherwise

    and the other:


    Q: Do units benefit from their General’s Inspiring Presence for the

    purposes of spells that use Leadership, such as Spirit Leech or
    Okkam’s Mindrazor? (p107)
    A: Yes.


    The two statements contradict each other due to the second not following the limitations on the first ( ie not being a specific statement as it uses two example spells that have very different wording).  The Master's document chose to overturn the GW ruling as it was inconsistent and instead go with unmodified meaning just that:  without modifier.

    • Like 1
  4. Do you mean back in the day like 6th and 7th ed because I routinely ran lists with no mages (or very few) back then and consistently placed well in competitive no-comp events against a wide variety of armies.


    My proposed dwarf list comps at an 18, but that's without SoM which is something Swedish doesn't take into consideration. Even assuming I didn't bring my SoM monster I still would've been over a 15 which seems...off.

  5.  But once you trick them out aren't they on par point wise with a Mangler?..which would be a better choice right?


     I suppose the Wagon has more control but wont it just die soon after being stuck in?


      Ive been really wanting to do a scratch build on one but don't really see a spot for one  yet...


    Pump wagons aren't really the same thing as manglers nor are the two mutually exclusive.  Wagons produce combat res and aren't nearly as unpredictable as the manglers can be while manglers are generally harder to lock down and do not allow catapulting for enemy units.  


    Point is they're similar units, but do not necessarily fill the same niche.


    As for the topic at hand snotlings are decent redirectors and can wreak havoc on small units that like to get into your back line.  Wolf Riders are in general the more economic choice and fulfill a much more penetrating version of redirection, but if you're looking for back line war machine protectors snotlings could produce some mileage especially considering how hard it is to get LoS on them.

  6. As long as you can legally field them, go for it. They really do start to have depreciating returns and I wouldn't be worried about being "too effective" as they're not much better than Dark Riders and definitely nowhere near as abusive given how slow the rest of the army is.


    As far as what is actually helpful, I wouldn't go above three. More than that and you're trading power for chaff and quite a bit of the game is built for chaff deletion these days.

  7. I do prefer your interpretation, but I'm still not sure it's rock solid.  Deathblow makes no reference to initiative order at all and in fact specifically exists outside the normal sequencing of attacks.   While I agree that immediately is a reference to the time in which the attack takes place, the timing has nothing to do with the normal sequencing spelled out on pg. 50 and in fact talks about how everything is resolved like a normal close combat attack except for timing.  As written, the time that you take each Deathblow is immediately upon being reduced to 0 wounds.  You do not use an initiative step as the dwarf specifically interrupts normal sequencing to make the Deathblow in the first place.


    Again I personally do my deathblows at the end of each combat step (ie initiative step), but I see no specific language leading me to believe this is actually correct. 

  8. There is a small, but rather dedicated group of Malifaux players at GnG in Redmond although carrying the product is a no due to how Wyrd treats their releases.  Basically everything is listed as a "limited release" regardless of whether it's a base box or no as Wyrd doesn't consistently do runs of models.

  9. Yes, Nater has the bombing run idea right.


    The SaS thing with the Steam Gun is interesting to be sure, but is more of a RAI thing if you're arguing against it.  The real kicker, in my opinion, is how Deathblow is rolled.  Since it's resolved model by model and states you must do it immediately it makes it so you cannot batch roll versus Slayers in RAW.  You have to tell the dwarf the target of every one of your attacks and roll them all individually with interruptions happening each time a slayer dies (who then makes his attack(s) against any model in BtB with him) before removing a model from the back.  Horrifically convoluted rule that is easily solved by treating "immediately" to mean simultaneous strikes, but it definitely isn't clear cut by the RAW.

    • Like 1
  10. Here are some pictures after working on the balloon proper today.  Still not 100% there on as it needs a bit more highlighting on the banding, the rope isn't painted, and of course none of the freehand work has been started.  Still pretty happy with it especially with no airbrush to help out (painting cardboard is a b!tch with just a brush).





  11. Dude. Bro. That looks awesome. Let's see it painted!


    Painting has already started!  The more eagle eyed among you may have noticed that the pilot and his trusty bellows are already pretty close to done (I'm doing all the weathering at the same time), but I've now begun painting the craft itself.  The balloon will receive an airbrushing to get started and I've decided to just hand paint the howdah.  Still blocking in colors to figure things out as I know what the balloon's hue will be (a green from P3 called Traitorous Green) and want the rest to compliment without overpowering the lower chroma balloon.  Most of the boat will be a highlighted black-to-blue as no self respecting dwarf is going to have a wooden blimp.





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