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Posts posted by Kremmet

  1. Really, what in particular? Besides the cannon, I have a bunch of Str 3 Slaaneshi bimbos, a 110 pts goblin chariot, a small unit of flies, two chaff units that cannot flee, and an Unstable DP with no access to reliable items. I'm just not seeing what the worry is beyond the K'daai.

  2. OK, so the list is now:


    Daemon Prince: Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Slaanesh; Daemon of Slaanesh; Greater Gift; Lesser Gift; Chaos armour; Daemonic flight. 525

    Herald of Slaanesh: Lesser Locus of Grace; Lichebone Pennant; Battle Standard. 135
    Exalted Flamer 90
    Exalted Flamer 90

    39 Daemonettes of Slaanesh: Alluress; musician; standard bearer; Banner of Swiftness. 474
    15 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer. 215
    10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer. 150

    1 Beast of Nurgle 60
    1 Beast of Nurgle 60
    3 Flamers of Tzeentch 120
    3 Flamers of Tzeentch 120
    Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh 110

    Soul Grinder of Slaanesh 250
    3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: standard bearer; 175

    Incarnate Elemental of Fire 275


    The K'daai would be pretty fitting given the theme, but I understand the argument against him (although I don't personally find him any worse than a Carmine Dragon).  This list keeps the model I have as a Soul Grinder, loses the cannon for extra comp, and includes an Incarnate for my "for funsies" monster.

  3. Yeah, I have a fire theme going on and needed something that matched my model. Anyone know the base size on the unleashed fire elemental?


    @Drak: I meant more that it is much harder. I can remove so few things in demons nor are wings or a lvl four really that relevant as they would be for armies like vamps.

  4. So here's the list I've got going on for OFCC. I understand that it's going to be seen as a little hard, but demons just aren't that giving when it comes to "softening things up" given how random they are. I also have a problem as I only have so many units and this army is a very labor-intensive hobby project that I've been working on for awhile. Anyway, here we go:


    Daemon Prince: Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Slaanesh; Daemon of Slaanesh; Greater Gift; Lesser Gift; Chaos armour; Daemonic flight. 525


    Herald of Slaanesh: Lesser Locus of Grace; Lichebone Pennant; Battle Standard. 135

    Exalted Flamer 90

    Exalted Flamer 90


    39 Daemonettes of Slaanesh: Alluress; musician; standard bearer; Banner of Swiftness. 474

    15 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer. 215

    10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer. 150


    1 Beast of Nurgle 60

    1 Beast of Nurgle 60

    3 Flamers of Tzeentch 120

    3 Flamers of Tzeentch 120

    Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh 110


    Skullcannon of Khorne 135

    3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: musician; standard bearer; Gleaming Pennant. 190


    K'daai Destroyer 325


    2,799 points

  5. Heavens is amazing, and definitely my go-to, when running the "gunline" style ogres.  Bubble Harmonic Convergence is a game breaker with 2-3 units of Leadbelchers and especially ruins the cav+chaff list the East Coast is so confident in.  If you're running a more combat oriented list without max characters, like yours, Maw is pretty solid

  6. I don't know why you can't send me PM's, but my email is my forum name @gmail.com.  Feel free to email me there for anything.


    On the modeling front, I have pieces of all three of those armies painted and ready so it'll depend on what y'all think is a "nicer" list.  I'm leaning pretty heavily towards demons if only to provide impetus to finish the army.  I've had em since before the Storm of Chaos release for demons so it's probably about time....

  7. I don't like the dual treekin units as I'd prefer to have dual hawks over trees, but I think that's a difference in intent than anything else. I really like the dancers and am curious as to see whether one five man unit is useful for much more than a mage bunker as they are a little too easy to remove for my tastes. Overall, I think most competent WE lists will look like this as a first-try sort of thing (especially since the combo I wanted to try, HoDA Waystalker, is illegal for Ward reasons).


    I'd also suggest trying out the Shadowdancer build with Eternal Guard as it could make for a game breaker to hold someone up for a turn with the 3++ dance, counter charge with Wild Riders, and then turn on the no-ranks-jig and just delete expensive blocks. Plus, they're natural scroll caddies with their 25 pts of magic items and ludicrous lvl 2 costs (and rather interesting in their use of Smoke and Mirrors to get their dances to combats where they're needed).

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  8. Well, all your Core starts off the board, your characters have garbage armor saves, and your "combat" units cannot realistically take on anybody. No, I do not think that will be "the" build as its damage output is rather low, doesn't deal with shooting all that well, and has no combat punch worth a damn to take down deathstars.


    Something closer to a mixed list would be much stronger working in a Spellweaver, some Riders of Kurnous (skipping them is a travesty), and some Waywatchers to actually deal with armor. As it stands, any DE/HE/Ogre/Vamp army worth its salt will tear that apart.

  9. UKQgKzu.png


    As the title says, I have a Space Puppies army that's pretty much just gathering dust.  Most of it is painted pretty well in a pre-heresy scheme/13th Company scheme, but I just don't have time for multiple armies for a game I hardly play.  Every single model in the force is converted in some way whether that's just kitbashing, extensive putty work, or both.  Really, it was a labor of love.  As you can see in the pictures below there are a few models that are only half done as I never did get around to finishing them, but I can definitely provide you with both the list of paints I used and how to produce the results I got as I tend to keep detailed records for army painting.  Hell, if you really like it I can even finish the few remaining models for a very modest fee, but that's getting a little ahead of ourselves.  


    Below are the complete pictures and I'm looking for a straight cash trade of $400 for the whole lot shipped.  I'd also be willing to drive it down to meet in person from anywhere between Lacey and Bellingham, WA if that's more convenient.  I'm not willing to split the lot up, but I am open to haggling/minor trades to even things out although I am mainly looking for cash and not additional ish to let collect dust.  Still, I'm open to talks so feel free to shoot me an offer.


    Complete List of Models:




    1xConverted Wolf Priest/Njal  (painted)


    -Terminator Armor


    1xWolf Priest (base unfinished)

    -Power Armor


    Logan Grimnar (bare metal, not pictured)

    -2xFenrisian Wolves (painted, bases unfinished)




    5xWolf Guard (painted, bases unfinished)

    -3xCombi-melta+Power Fist, 1xTerminator w/ Cyclone Missile Launcher, 1x Mark of the Wulfen


    5xWolf Scouts (painted, bases unfinished)

    -1xMeltagun, 1xMark of the Wulfen


    1xWolf Scout (unfinished)




    23xGrey Hunters (painted, bases unfinished)

    -3xWolf Standard, 3xMark of the Wulfen, 3xMeltagun


    7xGrey Hunters (unfinished)


    -1xWolf Standard, 1xFlamer


    2xRhinos (painted)


    Fast Attack:


    1xLand Speeder (painted, base unfinished)

    -Detachable Multi-melta and Heavy Flamer 


    5xBikers (painted, bases unfinished)

    -1xDual Wolf Claws, 1xPower Fist, 1xMeltagun, 1xAttack Bike with Multi-metla 


    Heavy Support:


    6xLong Fangs (painted, bases unfinished)

    -5xMissile Launchers


    6xLong Fangs (painted, bases unfinished)

    -5xMissile Launchers


    Rough Price from GW:  $600.  I'll of course throw in all the sprues I can still find for customization along with the current book and a squad of Assault Marines that need stripping/painting over to match the scheme free of charge.


    A link to the gallery is below.  Thanks for the look!



  10. I don't know about Treekin. If dryads stay the same cost, I think I'd rather the 4 dryads with the extra wound and attacks over the extra pip of toughness.


    Yeah, they can be boosted by Beasts but there are other lores that could fill holes in the army instead of situationally complimenting them. We'll see. Perhaps they got the S nerf so they're looked at as more defensive and Stag riders are S5, T4 to be the hitting part of the options.

    The problem with this logic is that Dryads don't produce more attacks in the smaller frontages Treekin work in. In 2x2 or 3x2 blocks, Treekin are going to out-damage the dryads and the additional wound doesn't really make up for the defensive losses (4+ armor, T5, and unstompable). Take dryads if you're looking for Core combat, but don't confuse them for being better Treekin.

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