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Posts posted by Kremmet

  1. A bit of an update on what I've spent the lion's share of my hobby time recently (well, except for commission work I suppose).  Here is the SS Warp Dragon:




    As most dwarf players were, I was very disappointed that they received no big kit with the new book.  Taking things into my own hands I decided to make a blimp to use in tournaments allowing Storm of Magic.  Right now he's a Warpfire Dragon, but there are other possibilities.

  2. Just because it isn't meant to be a tank doesn't mean it shouldn't be a troop type monster. It is great for what it does in that army (at least the solar engine) and fits the theme of lizards. Besides, they already have 3 good combat monsters anyway.


    One, it is meant to be a tank.  Two, he meant in context of comp score and not in general that it shouldn't be considered a monster.

    • Like 1
  3. Did a bit more work tonight on the Longbeards.  After about an hour spent updating the paint a bit, I decided to call it quits as the changes will likely end up subtle and lugubrious.  Maybe things will be better once I get a better feel for how the final update will look.


    I've also begun futzing around with my Warpfire Dragon (a counts-as model more befitting of a dwarf), but nothing is really clicking so far.  Hopefully it's just the malaise from a 4th I only remember parts of and not that my idea outstrips my abilities.

  4. Hmmmm...... Hope players that grumbled remember this is a fun event and leave their d£€# list at home. In fact I hope the WAAC players just stay home.

    (Chances are the ones who complained the most will try to bring filth to a fun event. :sad:)

    Speaking as a new OFCC player who is not part one of the "main" metas (Portland and Bellingham respectively), I can say that the old comp system was unnecessarily complicated. It wanted me to build a "3" and yet gave basically no guidelines to do so. Of course comp is always going to be subjective and having a panel of judges definitely helps even things out, but I don't personally know any of those people nor am I in an area where a bunch of people go to OFCC each year making it basically impossible to guess at a "3" list (although my team has been rather helpful in my list construction in pointing out what I should and should not take).


    On top of this the pass/fail system still keeps everything intact with the exception of the rather strange battle points division system. If we're playing "just to have fun" as you protest then that system is entirely unnecessary as the battle points themselves are unnecessary. The only reason to argue otherwise would be to try to push some subjective agenda about what a "real" list looks like which would be a strange thing to go on a crusade for at this event given the pass/fail list comp system.


    Lastly, and in my opinion most importantly, on the topic of the previous list guidelines, the idea of making a "themed list" without including any fluff names seems counter intuitive to me. If the idea is to limit power choices as previous posts indicate, then talking about theme is the wrong place to do it. Similarly if you think theme is only determined by picking units with similar sounding unit entries (eg only Night Goblins and no regular goblins) then you're either possessed of little imagination or putting too much onus on the list limiters that make themes fun. Stating that themes need to be evident in just the unit entries taken and army name limits so much of what you can do (and puts a very strong bias towards armies people have seen the models for) that I find it interesting to say the least that it was included as one of the very few list building guidelines.


    So, no, the idea of someone bringing a "WAAC" list to this event seems absurd and the idea that these changes to the comp increase the chances of them even more so.

  5. PART TWO:










    All of these machines are done with the exception of a few crew and some fancy basing. The images don't show it well, but there is a lot of color variation in the metals to break up the monotone of the model. The Organ Gun and (not pictured) Grudge Thrower are old paint jobs so they're a little rougher in the metal application compared to the cannon and the newer Organ Gun, but they're not so bad that I feel the need to dip them.






    As much as I love the current gyro models, $35 a pop is a little much for how little time they spend alive on the field. I might give them a bit more painting love, but the main goal will be to update their bases to, well, be not piles of poop.






    While you can't make out the hair highlights very well, you can see the work let to be done on the skin. The shading is a little light (and highlighting too nonexistent), but I'll fix that up soon enough and then go through for the smaller details like eyes.

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  6. Here are a few simple phone pictures just to make sure I have some before images. The only things not getting changed at all are the three characters while the rest still have a fair amount of work to be done.






    Nothing too complex here. The lighting and general awful resolution of my camera aside, I'm happy with the lord as he stands.


    Engineer and BSB:




    These guys are pretty much the same as the lord. I'd like to give them a bit fancier of basing, but otherwise I'm happy enough with how they turned out.






    The Longbeards will likely see the most work done. Most of the unit was done up about eight years ago at this point and I need to better differentiate them from standard warriors. Once I find them, I'll likely add those tiny masks to them to just help accomplish my goal (and cover up those terrible paint jobs).






    Besides a quick paint update, these guys mostly need their actual crossbows to be finished. I'll probably just cut apart some Dark Elf crossbows I have laying around and mix them with dwarf bits, but we'll see. The key is that they need to be removable so the unit can be run as Quarrelers or simple Warriors.

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  7. For OFCC this year I really wanted to finish up and paint my demons, but due to a neck and arm injury I just haven't had it in me for any burst or long-haul painting. Originally I was disheartened and wondered whether I'd have to drop out, but I've decided to instead try my hand at something I've never been great at: just a few hours of painting each day. To this end I'm sprucing up my dwarf army.


    My current dwarf army was painted for a Seattle tournament, SPDM2, I think around six months ago. Originally I planned to run my demons there as well, but the project had really just begun and I didn't want to rush it. At that time I planned to just run my Dark Elves like I had at the first SPDM, but then one of my friends mailed me his old dwarf army to mess around with pretty much out of the blue. Considering how small dwarfs are and how easily they paint up I threw caution to the wind and speed painted the army. In ten days I built (almost) all the models, made custom bases, built a display board, and painted (almost) the whole thing. The only parts I didn't do right there were the twenty one-armed warriors, Organ Gun, and Grudge Thrower I had painted for my buddy some eight years ago. I was rather proud of the effort, but more in terms of how well it went given the time frame and I knew the army would need some love in the future.


    This brings us to current day where I'm again planning to pilot dwarfs in an event, but this time I won't be satisfied with a half-assed finished product. Sure they might not be the best examples of painting acumen, but these dwarfs will no longer languish in their speed painted state. No, we will pick out all the details, clean up all the hurried airbrush overspray, and even throw in some new models just to make things interesting. To this end I'm hoping to keep this painting log up to help document some of the progress (especially considering very few locals are interested in looking at WHFB models).


    The list:


    Blossombeard Dandyface (Lord): Rune of Might; Rune of Iron; Rune of Fortitude; 3 Runes of Warding; shield; Shieldbearers


    Copperbrow Dandyface (Runesmith): Rune of Spellbreaking; Fiery Ring of Thori; Rune of Stone; shield

    Dandyfriend Thorlakson (Runesmith): Rune of Spellbreaking; Rune of the Furnace; shield

    Honeybristle Dandyface (Thane): shield; battle standard (Master Rune of Grungni)

    Stubblepetal Dandyface (Master Engineer): great weapon


    26 Longbeards: musician; standard bearer (Rune of Stoicism)

    29 Quarrellers: great weapons; Veteran; musician; standard bearer


    23 Slayers: standard bearer



    Cannon: Rune of Forging

    Grudge Thrower: Rune of Forging

    10 Miners: Prospector (steam drill); standard bearer


    Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy


    Truthsayer: Level 3 Wizard; Lore of Breasts


    2,797 points


    Out of this list, the only things without a lick of paint on them are the miners, one of the Runesmiths, and the Truthsayer. The Runesmith and miners I have built (just the old BfSP set with a converted champion), but the Truthsayer I haven't quite landed on a plan yet. I'm tempted to make some sort of feral dwarf because screw humans being the only Truthsayers. I remember my Albion (sort of) and I can't think of anything more anachronistic than an old dwarfen wizard.


    As for the updated paint jobs, they're unnecessary for the BSB and the lord as they were done decently enough while the currently-painted Runesmith would need a dip to fix. The engineer is a recently finished model (that I totally painted without knowing how the new book changed him which forced a quick swap from an Irondrake unit to the Organ Gun currently present) along with the cannon and Organ Gun.


    I've spent a fair amount of time fixing up the Slayers so far as they were likely the unit that needed the most work, but I can't find any of my oil paints I need to finish the job. The oils are necessary because I need to do an oil wash to shade down the airbrushed skin I did the first time around. The skin currently looks fine, but definitely needs a greater gradient and increased tonal contrast to make the clothing and flesh pull apart. I'll likely head down to my local art store and pick up some van dyke brown this weekend to finish them up.


    This leaves us (mostly) with the warriors. Ranks upon ranks upon ranks of warriors. As I did a rather poor job of differentiating between warrior and Longbeard last time around, I'm thinking I'll paint up some of those little masks the 6th ed plastics came with along with maybe throwing a bit more flourish into their scheme. I'm honestly dreading this the most as bringing these guys up will just be a Godd*mn time vampire that I know I will get too involved in. The Grudge Thrower is another one of those super old paint jobs that I'll likely just paint over considering how easily that can be done. With that my check list is over and I've now received that special feeling of accomplishment that can only be achieved by talking about work you're going to do (or, you know, actually doing the work). I'll probably have some crappy phone pictures up this weekend and hopefully some non-phone pictures sometime next week. Time to get crackin'!

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  8. Second list seems like a blast to play against.  I wish I owned the Slayers to spam them like that.  The only thing I'd worry about is that the 5 Rangers aren't going to do much without any buddies backing them up.  I'd almost say drop em for sabertusks and just make up some slayer hunting hounds to make it match the theme as you'll get better redirecting out of them (plus the idea of slayers having a few hounds about to flush out beasties seems rather fluffy to me along with being a neat modeling opportunity).

  9. Interesting assessment considering this was already "solved" by GW when the old book was in use (ie adding the Engineer indeed gave another crew, but the machine still died at three wounds). Still it would be weird if Malaki took one wound and them died as well, but I guess a similar fate happens with elven bolt throwers.

  10. That's not actually what the rule says.  Murderous Prowess states, "models with this special rule (but not their mounts) re-roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 when making close combat attacks."  This specifies that mounts do get the rule, but cannot benefit from it directly.  The only thing that Strength of Khaine requires is that the model has Murderous Prowess which the Cauldron, Bloodshrine, Cold One Chariot, and Scourgerunner all do.

  11. It's a 110 pts goblin chariot. If you're looking for something to tie people up, just invest in a Soul Grinder or use your nurgly bits to slow people down (beasts and furies are the most obvious). The chariot just isn't worth it unless you really like the model concept.



    Edit:  I was thinking just the Seeker and not the Exalted, but that thing is extra not worth it.  You gain two attacks, lose an impact hit, and are forced to run both your chariots as one easily destroyed target as opposed to the two Seekers you'd get for the cost.  Same problems as the Seeker, but exacerbated given it's large size and loss of maneuverability.

  12. Generally I agree about the K'daai and I've played demons since Mortals in 6th so unreasonable (and reasonable) hatred towards them is not news to me. Really I was just confused about what in my army in particular made the K'daai better than anywhere else. I feel we've reached the conclusion that you have a certain prebuilt notion of demons and the K'daai just did nothing to soften the blow which I get.


    That said, I don't particularly think destroyers are the OP given these point levels and access to Arcanum monsters. Still incredibly powerful, but nowhere near where they are in smaller point army-book-locked games.

  13. But that still doesn't really pertain to how the list combos with the K'daai specifically considering any unit+the K'daai could take on a horde in a few turns of combat because the K'daai itself can do that.  I'm also not sure what you mean by my LD "spam" considering I only have one Slaanesh caster, didn't bring Tzeentch chariots/Nurgle casters to screw with Ld, and again the K'daai influences this in no ways.  Maybe you're trying to say that Slaanesh LD spells are somehow OP, but that isn't really my experience nor is it anything but an aside to the question of what in my list specifically makes the K'daai more powerful.


    I get that the K'daai is likely considered too powerful, but saying that it pairs up with demons better than really any other army is just misrepresenting things.  The only true synergy he has is that I'm running a lot of Warp Flame and he has flaming attacks.

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