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Posts posted by Swan-of-War

  1. Got some basecoats down.  Not sure what to do with the wheels - paint them all steel or add some gold to balance them out?  Or keep the spokes wooden and the rims steel?


    Also, how about the skeleton-monk's robes?  Brown is okay, but what about red?  I'm not the best at painting red but I think it would break it up a bit.  The rest of my army is blue / white.




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  2. Sherbert - this is just part of my larger army.  I'm running Warriors of Chaos but with an Empire twist.  Just because I love Empire's style but didn't feel like painting the same old state troops and knights again.  Plus,  it opens up new models to me (G-I-A-N-T! and Ogres!) and forces me to be better in the movement phase and rely less on artillery.  Save for this bad boy, of course.


    Start121 - found it at Hobby Town.  Wild West Creations Cart.  Couldn't find them online though, cost $14.00 for the kit.

  3. Cobbled together this Hell Cannon alternative for my Empire-using-Warriors-of-Chaos army. still work-in-process.  The top cannon battery isn't glued on so I can paint the inside easier.  Still rough and parts are a little crooked, but close enough for government work.


    Sorry for the bad cellphone pics and lighting








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  4. The OFCC, as I understand it, is your chance to shine using a moderate to mediocre list.  Challenge yourself.  Toss aside those net lists and 'Ard Boyz attitudes and start fielding all those cool units you always wished you could but the interwebz told you suck.  Bring that all-Free Company list, those Ungor Tomb-Raiders or your Reptiles-and-Samurai horde.  Lighten up, drink a beer and gawk at all the amazing creativity there is here in the Pacific Northwest. 


    OFCC is the Benny Hinn of Warhammer.  Throw down those crutches and walk again my people!

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  5. Unfortunately there's not too many places left to play in Seattle Yarb. Bunker closed down and G&G moved miniature games to Tuesday (and it's crowded). Card Kingdom has a regular group. Otherwise we play at someone's house.

  6. How's your conversion skills? I always wanted to do imperial gnoblars with a steam punk twist, kinda like Labyrinth that Devo suggested. Tried converting a handgunner with puff-and-slash and empire rifle. The rifle was too big but you could do with a dwarf thunderer one.


    Centerpiece is a giant Steam Squig. Cannons have seats attached to the side with a gunner sitting in them (would need big wheels). Knights are riding penny-farthings. Armorcast makes cool steam mushroom-forges and observatories to use as unit fillers or flavor scenery. Shields shaped as iron mushroom caps?

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