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Everything posted by orkdork

  1. Coppie also seems a great dopple mimic option. Lilitu, coppie, dopple, AND candy leaves very little space for stitched, madness or sorrows. And then you still have the Weaver, Teddy and Kade. One knock against voices Pandora seems like it could be "why not Lilith instead?". Though if I am facing a super open board, I would expect voices Pandora to rule supreme.
  2. Ah! That makes so much more sense! Incite is wp vs wp.... sweetness. I tried her with aether connection and box opens, but Nathan brought counterspell aura and the dampening ability on sonnia, so all was lost (no SS prevention). That crows trigger on her attacks (voices) does seem outstanding! What pieces do you take with her? Insidious madness seem to me to be a great pairing, moreso than the sorrows. Lilitu also seems an awesome match (though Lilitu + doppleganger strikes me as almost an auto-include for Neverborn).
  3. Edited because I was wrong and don't want to confuse anyone :)
  4. Looking at Pandora, I see a master that wants to be right in the middle of everything, but I don't see how she gets there. I also don't see what keeps her alive beyond terrifying 13 and aether connection, but that seems an easy one to figure out :)
  5. Yeah, Colette prompting Cassandra to understudy-prompt Colette to prompt Cassandra gets you 3 3" pushes and you still get the action, but you have to keep flipping 6s, so I have done it once so far, as I can't risk it, usually.
  6. Yes :) Prompt chains between Cassandra and Colette are a prime example.
  7. Maybe break the "tie" by ordering? So joss is acting, thus his ability is resolved first.... which doesn't make it any simpler :) Does resolving joss's ability mean that the de will drop an extra scrap marker when dropping markers? Or does it mean it drops a scrap marker at the time of resolution of the ability? I would assume resolving the de's ability would mean that any markers to be dropped will not be dropped. I would guess that joss's ability resolving means that you drop an extra marker when it comes time to drop markers, and then since the de's ability resolves second, it cancels out joss's, but it isn't really clear. Is there a specific step-by -step for this kind of resolution other than the general timing section of the rule book?
  8. Doh! Pretty bad misread :) thanks for catching that, bro! Much better.
  9. RAW, I think this is wrong. When both models are on vantage points, then vantage point rules are ignored. But that's clunky as crap. If I put a ht 2 tower up on a ht 2 hill (happens a lot on the Vassal maps), then technically, a dude on the tower does NOT use the vantage point rules when drawing LOS to a dude down below on the hill!
  10. Us bros are particularly interested in lining up how things are played with you. You know us: we like it when all of the clubs around the OFCC play it all the same way :)
  11. Cheating to lose is all I have found :(
  12. orkdork

    Looking for a game.

    I haven't even looked at those cards. Frankly, there is so much in the 'standard' game that we haven't even considered story encounters or campaigns yet! I'm sure they'd be super fun though. I think a campaign at some point would be a blast!
  13. orkdork

    Looking for a game.

    For efficacy, Leveticus will never be an issue. So don't sweat the upgrades, I would say :)
  14. How about barbaros? His kit seems a great fit.
  15. What do you typically take with Pandora? I thought her rules looked very cool, but her crew box models weren't a draw for me.
  16. I am most excited about the dreamer, and would have already jumped on him except that stitched together and insidious madness are not out in plastic :(
  17. She was going to be my next master until I tried Colette.
  18. I should clarify that while I love hounds, I don't think they are tier 1 op madness or something. It is more like that they are great pieces that enable interesting, aesthetically pleasing crews.
  19. I do think Johan is the right model for his 7 ss in this list, but I'd say Dopple, Graves, Nekima and the two Lilith upgrades are the real heart and soul of the list. I'm not recommending you play it though :P I found it so much better than every other config that it made the crew stale. Its saving grace is that it's a super-flexible list, so it's definitely fun to play. However, I don't think it is fun to play against. Of the masters we've been playing, Lilith seems heads and shoulders the best. The only reason she doesn't completely dominate our games is that the only tier 1 non-masters in Neverborn are Doppleganger and primordial magic (IMO). Walds, Silurid, Juju, etc... are awesome, but they're not Acolyte, Cassandra, Austringer, Rotten Belle tier (again, IMO). For references, our current master pool is: Nicodem Molly Seamus Lilith Zoraida Sonnia Perdita Lady Justice Colette and soon, Rasputina Personally, I think Molly, Sonnia and Colette are all awesome. But none of them does as much in a game as Lilith, in my experience. And of those four, I think Sonnia is the most situational.
  20. I have been playing around with this "Net list" crew that the current top UK player claims he uses in 80%+ of his games, and it really seems to be the best overall crew I have seen. Lilith, beckon, wings Primordial magic Nekima Graves Doppelganger Johan 2 tater tots (flex) Full cache The crew is very flexible and leverages tangled shadows very well. Hard to kill means you can yank dudes back to safety. Doppelganger has show you the door and rebel yell to copy. 2&3" reach plays very well with swapping to own dudes. And all that min 3+ damage rocks when you have a control hand of all 10+ cards. Finally, with red joker in 1/5 hands and cheating initiative, the alpha strike from nekima can easily drop masters. Anyone else tried/faced this list?
  21. My next game turned to a tie because with my last ap on Colette, I could summon a dove that could position itself to where a distracted gamin could magnetism out of engage range and clear the distract :p Colette didn't have Los or range for the prompt (she spent her first two ap finishing protect territory and cursed object with other wild shenanigans involving trapdoors, disappearing act and her (0) interact).
  22. orkdork

    Looking for a game.

    Are you planning on a turn 1 scrap marker to start the spider multiplication? Having Joss smash a cheap construct for 2 scrap on turn 1 just seems too awesome to pass up. I <3 the ice golem model, and I'll be running him with Raspy as long as I can get away with it, but I don't see his value here (or even with Raspy). He must be tossing raptors, right? Does that enable some crazy Myranda tricks?
  23. It's all situational, but yeah, a 6" push can definitely be worth 2 wd on the dove. It lets my rider stay safe on turn 2 while still getting that summoned gamin where it needs to be. I would expect a turn 2 gamin will use that magnetism on the dove trick for most turf war and squatter's rights games. On turns 3+, it'd be a common trick for reconnoiter (turn 2 reconnoiter could also happen, but the rider usually will still be hanging somewhere safe, making it easy to just run to the correct quarter for the summon). As far as I can tell, the primary job for a dove is to hang around and burn activations until eventually sacrificing itself to give +Dmg flips to an acolyte or Cass prior to the prompt-frenzy. A +Dmg flip on 5 attacks with a 4 on moderate damage is pretty darn awesome. In that case, it doesn't need wounds much.
  24. Sonnia makes Michael Vick look like Mother Theresa!
  25. My expectation is that I will summon metal gamin most often. Hard to kill means that being on 2 wd isn't so bad, and magnetism lets them jump to doves. The rider already gets her schemes down through her attack, presumably. I am sure a mannequin summon will happen occasionally, especially if I want to disappearing act somewhere away from enemies and I am out of doves.
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